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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 1,230 total)
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    • #370752
      humehr garivani


      is there any way i get feminine energy for invoking shechinah without marriage

      i road that shechinah will not visible without marriage

      is there any technique or prayer that help me i have shechinah without marriage?

      • #371241

        No. But you also don’t need to focus on which forces. The general Upper Light that corrects the desire corrects exactly whatever needs correction.

      • #370782
        humehr garivani

        something like a prayer, mantra, a chapter of zohar

    • #370554

      So we are nothing but the will to receive, thats our nature, the game changer is, who we receive for?

      • #370619

        Hey, exactly and well also important to ask “why?” and more precisely, “who do I want to cause pleasure by receiving?”

    • #370469
      mrc s

      • This reply was modified 10 months, 4 weeks ago by mrc s.
    • #370456
      mrc s

      What is the difference between humble and humility?

    • #370378
      mrc s

      Is being humble mean thinking that Im ugly, stupid, not happy etc?

      • #370617

        Being humble means not using the ego. Where the ego wants to dominate, where it asks all the questions and demands the answers–we instead want the quality of bestowal to govern us.

    • #370317
      mrc s

      Does reality more pleasurable than the unreal?

      • #370392

        It is known that the purpose of creation is that His desire is to do good to His creations. Accordingly, the created beings should have received the delight and pleasure. Yet, we must understand that the delight and pleasure that the Creator wishes to give to the created beings is not the same delight and pleasure that is appropriate for beasts, but what is appropriate for humans. We must believe what the ARI says, that all the corporeal pleasures extend only from what fell through the breaking of the vessels (that were in the world of Nekudim), when holy sparks fell from there into the Klipot [shells/peels]. But the main pleasures are in Kedusha, and they are called “the holy names.”

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 1,230 total)
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