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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 1,230 total)
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    • #371283
      mrc s

      Do we have innate ideas or blank slate?

      • #371289

        We have what are called Reshimot (records). Currently, my reality is painted by the Reshimo I’m in. It includes all my thoughts, everything I think happened before, etc.

    • #371258
      mrc s

      Is g-d dual, He Above and he below?

      • #371290

        No. The Creator is One. As He is Above, we need to be, so that He fills everything. He already does, but we’re in an illusion that He doesn’t.

    • #371254
      mrc s

      Does G-d suffer when we suffer, if so then Gods happiness is not perfect

      • #371292

        I’d recommend this reading:

      • #371255
        mrc s

        how many percent his happiness and involvement with His creation’s state is it 50/50?

        • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by mrc s.
        • #371293

          We can’t say it like this. He’s 100% involved but in a way we can’t feel it. It’s a miracle how He is so involved without us feeling it.

        • #371257
          mrc s

          Is it His abovewordliness happy 100% and his immanence in creation 100% so like 50/50

    • #371253
      mrc s

      Do our actions have any influence above?

      • #371294

        Our actions lead to us having a correct request or prayer, and that is what the Creator can respond to.

    • #371232
      mrc s

      The creation of the first man is before the breaking of the vessels and the world of abya before the first man?

      • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by mrc s.
      • #371234

        There is the Shattering of the Vessels in the world of Nikudim, then come the Worlds of ABYA, then emerged Adam HaRishon, and then the Shattering of Adam HaRishon.

    • #371231
      mrc s

      Isn’t the world’s 6 not 5 ein sof, adam kadmon, atziluth, beriyah, yetzirah and assiyah?

      • #371235

        We call it the world of Ein Sof but it’s not a world as we study in the worlds of AK and ABYA. We’ll find many more worlds too. But for practical purposes there are 5 worlds.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 1,230 total)
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