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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 175 through 180 (of 1,192 total)
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    • #368660

      I read many times Rav say we don’t have a soul, but we have to build it. And i agree, but im wondering, did the Ari ever say that? The baal Hasulam? Or Rabash? If so, i would love the source. Thx.

    • #368518
      mrc s

      Can Lucifer incarnate in a man?

      • #368587

        We all have this “demon” within us and it’s our role to reveal it and ask for correction.

    • #368510
      mrc s

      Is an animal think humans are silly?

    • #368499
      mrc s

      You can redo the past I think, remember the past and change the memory.

    • #368472

      hi, everyone. I am here with serious doubt. I asked on the other forum about Jesus and the devil ,because I know, since I started studying kabbalah, what an environment which is not useful can do. Right here ,right now, right this time, I am surrounded by (E) churches, which believe seriously about Jesus and stuff, they are in bunches, they yell, scream, and sometimes seem that what they are saying is true. What I would like to know is if I keep immersed in such an environment, won’t I get this kind of ideology, behavior and ways and get disturbed ?

      • #368585

        Hey Johan,

        Sounds like you’re coming to the point on your path where you’ll need to determine how you will continue. We never recommend splitting your energy, time, attention and focus. You need to find where your heart is drawn and commit. If not, then in the very near future things will become much more confusing and you’ll always be looking to blend the two paths, find commonalities and essentially create your own wisdom, which of course will bring no benefit.

        Best of luck,


    • #368468

      It’s great to study kabbalah, it’s great to learn all these things. It’s like a new age is coming. an age of life and existence taken to the maximum, where people can sit together ,feel themselves, live in peace and act freely.

      Now that kabbalah is taking over, the time has come for us to focus on human beings. It’s a time when we feel more encouraged to discuss, to open ourselves. What happened in the past must stay in the past. We now are part of a big role where all mankind is asked to take part in a circled system. Time has come for us to say goodbye to that old fashioned way of suffering.

      Let’s continue in our studies praying only for the world to join us in a journey of life that will never end.

      • #368584

        I don’t know about “taking over” but it certainly is spreading! 🙂 We should do our maximum for the world to know.

Viewing 6 posts - 175 through 180 (of 1,192 total)
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