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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 193 through 198 (of 1,192 total)
  • Author
    • #366260
      mrc s

      Is the right one servant respect the master or the lowly must be helped first?

    • #365816
      mrc s

      If my parents are evil is it my fault? Can I do something about it?

      • #366750

        Hi mrc,

        Certainly it’s not your fault…you didn’t choose them, you didn’t choose to be born, where to be born etc.. What is your goal if you’re asking to do something about it? Are you trying to change your parents? You don’t need to study Kabbalah to know this is not possible.


    • #365749
      mrc s

      In Indonesian we have a word (bagus) which is good without moral quality, keren which is the hard and firm equivalent of handsome

    • #365748
      mrc s

      Am I perfect or far from it as perfect is infinity?

      • #365791

        Hi mrc,

        Perfect would be completely whole with the Creator. We were created exactly opposite to that. Our natural state is imperfect and we gradually work to revealing how imperfect–revealing the corruptions–in order to ask for corrections.


    • #365611

      i watched a video where tony says that without a group trying to achieve the goal is completely moving target.  i still don’t understand why it’s something you can’t achieve alone.  i never really understood it.  isn’t like “giving” such an immensely broad goal that it’s not difficult to miss?

      • #365790

        Hi Michael,

        That’s natural to not understand. It’s the most opposite to what we want to do, and opposite to what our logic will tell us. It’s against our nature–and in that respect you could say that precisely because it’s against our nature points to something that is worth investigating. After all, the wisdom of Kabbalah is a method of correction.


    • #365440

      once you reach the first level of correction do you become immortal?

      • #365789

        Hey Michael,

        Do you mean, the body does not die?

        • #365844

          no i mean like do you perceive something that keeps you alive even though your body dies.

        • #365938

          You don’t connect life to what you feel within existence alongside your body.

Viewing 6 posts - 193 through 198 (of 1,192 total)
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