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Viewing 6 posts - 475 through 480 (of 1,229 total)
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    • #333231
      mrc s

      Does people stop talking to G-d and prophecy because of the destruction of the temple, why not built the third temple maybe we can communicate with Him like the Patriarchs and Prophets again.

      • #333291

        Hey mrc,

        “Temple” is the term referred to the Kli, the vessel which reveals the Creator. The construction or ruin of the temple only refers to the inner connection between people who arrange themselves in attitudes of bestowal.



    • #333228

      Can the creator reveal the future (pattern like) to a human. Sometimes, I get this invitation that varies from spreading light to annulling myself. One of the most intense of these instances was 6 months ago. I felt invited of a sort to spread wisdom in the Muslim world and if I don’t, there will be “horrible events” taking place. And I instantly “saw” what those events were.

      I like to think that the creator positions me in such conditions but it’s more of an intention or thought like. That I can tell is foreign to me yet mine at the same time.

      At times, my heart starts beating rapidly and I feel like I am being taken somewhere where I need to annul myself. I even feel the time/logic stops and it scares me.

      6 months ago, I had this experience and I did not want to take part of it. I instantly knew something was going to happen in Israel/Palestine. A very critical point, I felt.

      I hope it’s mental state mixed with delusions or something that has nothing to do with spirituality. But seeing that what I have “seen” took place last week, I feel immense sorrow and depression.

      Should I accept “invitations” in the future and straight up annul myself?  I am not well versed in spirituality. A part of me just wants no part of this. The other is afraid of what’s waiting for me given that I have caused so much suffering.

      • #333290

        Hi Iheb,

        The Creator awakens us all in different and unique ways for each of us. All of us are in different stages of development and need to feel and experience certain things and certain moments in time, and it’s exactly as it should be.

        What’s important is we first acknowledge where these thoughts and desires come from and the reaction should always be towards greater inclusion and annulment in the environment, specifically there. This is the most correct action always. From there you can be sure you are acting in the right direction.

        Best of luck,



    • #333217
      mrc s

      Is the impure forces below the pure or parallel?

    • #333216
      mrc s

      So the impure forces is sustained by the pure/light not vice versa?

      • #333288

        Hey mrc,

        In order to receive is our nature, bestowal is the nature of the upper one. Objectively bestowal is all that exists and the Klipot are all sustained by the upper so corrections can be requested by the lower.



    • #333212
      mrc s

      When do I should use both knowledge and faith and when should I use only faith?thx

      • #333287

        Hey mrc,

        The approach is when you notice you are existing “within reason” you should then realize it’s an opportunity to rise above it.


    • #333211
      mrc s

      I read existing in knowledge alone is under the klipa of the left and faith the klipa on the right, also we must use only faith above reason so which is right?

      • #333286

        Hey mrc,

        It’s more correct to say that both are important. You need reason in order to have what to rise above in faith. This is then called “faith above reason”


Viewing 6 posts - 475 through 480 (of 1,229 total)
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