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    • #420305

      Hi, there is another question that I am not getting out of my mind. The way I understand it, our emotions, and even thoughts are kind of „operated“, by our desires, from above… and the freedom we have is how, during experiencing all we do,  we direct our intention. Is that correct? And then… with all the pain that people inflict upon themselves or others, I understand itś basically the same, is that correct? Now, what is the  point of „freedom“ , the momentum of choice there?

      And how does that apply to all the self-hatred people show?  Take self-harming issues or like people who are treating their bodies in a harmful way or treating themselves with disrespect. I mean, basically thatś happening everywhere. What creates that immense lack of self-love? Why do people hate themselves in terms of spirituality?Thinking of desires,  I understand, why people may hate others…but how does a desire hate itself? . Why would a desire try to destroy the body and mind itś using, or be dysfunctional? An what is the lesson to learn? (I am not talking about psychodynamics, I know it´s complex, but as to the spiritual purpose of it, I feel a bit lost to understand).

      • #420324

        It only seems that way, that people don’t love themselves enough. It’s precisely intense self-love in the moment, but for me, in the desire I am right now, to receive maximally, and not to care for some future state, someone’s predictions about what might be good later or something like that. Now, exactly in this later, is the ego, the Klipa that gives me this sense of time, that I can always do what I need to do, later. It’s program is to ensure I’m eaten by worms before I attain spirituality, one day at a time, one moment at a time, until the dirt piles are thrown on my coffin. For now, I’m fine, busied with this and that. Will tomorrow be different? It’ll be the same, for different reasons.

        • #420336

          Thank you so much, now that makes really sense… of course… itś such a pity, but yes, now I get it. Anyways, the fact that the ego prefers worms to spirituality… is that because the ego is afraid of spirituality, as spirituality might mean death to the ego? Does it go that far?

        • #420337

          It all turns out well for everyone in spirituality. The ego is just doing its job. It’s help against you, so you will have free choice.

    • #420301

      Hi Gianni, I have got a question about what we actually are. The way I understood it, we are all desires, clothing in bodies for a lifetime, over and over again, for us to learn and develop. So, do we consist of just one desire, that we need to develop throughout all corrections, like one branch that needs to find its way back to the root, or is it more like we are a rope that consists of many strings, each string a desire, and we have to correct all the different desires?

      • #420322

        I don’t know how old you are, but if you met yourself 20 years ago, 30 years ago…or when you’re 90 and look back on everything, how much do you think you’ll identify with the girl you were at age 5, 15, 35? I know what you want to ask, but you see that even in the span of this life, many different desires sit in the drivers seat for a time.

    • #420129

      Are there any BB information channels, online communites or 10s that exist outside of the Meta (WhatsApp & Facebook) ecosystem ?

    • #420096

      I am currently reading „disclosing a portion“. Itś so intriguing to get a first insight into the forces behind the names :-))) Anyways, just a small question: Hagar and Ishmael, do they belong to the left line? Thatś how understood it… however, in the book, I find it a bit confusing, so I thought I better ask (I don`t want to get left and right mixed up right at the beginning:-))

      This is one passage: („Abraham has the Klipa (shell/peel) of the right, Hagar and Ishmael, and the Klipa of the left, Isaac and Esau, with whom we attain the middle line, Jacob, at the conclusion of the process of correction“)

      And this is the other passage  („To scrutinize the desire called “Isaac,” we must first remove the desire with which we cannot work and sort it with another female, with Hagar, from whom comes Ishmael, the Klipa (shell/peel) of the right.“)

      • #420103

        Both the Right Line and the Left Line have their own Klipa. So, there’s the Klipa of the Right Line, and the Klipa of the Left Line. There is a corrupt form of each side, and a correct form.

        • #420252

          Hi, thank you, thatś intriguiging, though I am not quite there yet 🙂 Is Hagar and Ishmael relating to klipa in general or do they belong t either left or right side?

        • #420253

          Klipot of the Right

    • #420069

      Hi Gianni, as I keep reading, trying to understand the structures and forces governing us,  I see more and more that it is about feeling all this, rather than grasping it cognitively. And I am getting why working with this actively with others snd for others and together is so important. However, so far all I could find about about the practical work is- teacher, books, group- so the “frame” of the work. But I couldn’t find anything about how to practically DO  the work. Are there any resources on that? Or how is it taught or passed on practically? Or is it more like trial and error for the group to find out?

      • #420075

        There are 7 volumes of Rabash writings, especially the first volume, which tell us everything we have to do. And in the graduate program we simplify this more, and get very specific.

        • #420093

          Hi,I understand that in our practical work we have to learn to scrutinize our desires to see with which we are already able to work, and that those that are „too strong“ we may have to put unto hold and not use (like the pillar of salt), but there are also such that can be or should be expelled. I understand the idea to put things onto halt, and not try and correct a desire that I am too weak to resist (not practically, yet, but just from what I read). But How is it possible to expel a desire? Will it be gone then? I thought, in terms of physics energy cannot leave the system… well, even if it is a big system… So where does the energy of this desire go, when it is expelled? Or is that another form of just waiting, until one is strong enough to deal with it?

        • #420094

          Working with desires, for now, practically means awakening the Point in the Heart, and because it is hard to awaken yourself and easy to awaken yourself by awakening others, we have to awaken ourselves by awakening others. This is the main work with the spiritual group. You thus elevate the importance of the spiritual rather than lowering the other desires. So, they don’t go away but are dwarfed.

        • #420085

          Thank you so much, I am looking very forward to the journey, and happy to read in the Rabash resources :-))))

    • #420015

      Hi Gianni,

      Guide me please; we know that unity as one man with one heart between all people is crucial for survival of the world as we know it. I believe that statement is much more clear to the Kabbalists, than to regular people like me, although I do see its merits only maybe not so pressing or clear as it is to them.

      So, why do we see all kinds of Kabbalistic schools, movements, organizations that haven’t set an example for the rest of the people by uniting as one man with one heart themselves? Why are the Kabbalists still divided?

      Thank you in advance!

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