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  • #128071


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    • #411532

      When a baby is born in this world – does it come with its GE to the AHP of the family? Or the other way around? Does the baby actually have an AHP?

      • #411570

        We have a copy of these features, copied onto an animal. That is all. Only if one has a Point in the Heart, he has a PIECE of GE, but you can’t have GE by itself or AHP by itself. Only by connecting to a group he can have the real GE, and AHP. Alone one is nothing, not taken into consideration by the Creator.

        • #411987
          Varda kahalany

          Dear Giovani, I do not understand what you mean by saying ‘Alone one is nothing, not taken into consideration by the Creator.’.   Lots of good people in the world are alone, not everyone is aware of KABBALAH and also there are people who are connected to spirituality and have total faith in the creator , but have nothing to do with Kabbalah. People are different through the world, they may  have different perceptions and are at different stages in their spiritual development, some are walking this path alone.

          How does this sentence to relate to all this ?

    • #409918

      Do I have to feel my friends as all my internal desires and also I have to feel them as close to me? What does closeness mean? I just feel like all my friends are within me. And not something external.

    • #408302

      What are some of the side effects of being in a 10 for a long time? Ie. what changes can I expect in my personal perspective and the collective perspective of our 10? For context I’ve only been in a 10 for a  a year and half and just excitedly curious about the 10’s impact on a person or persons over time?🦀 it would be a fun promo commercial to make a health ‘warning’ for the positive impacts of a 10.

      • #408381

        The words you could say to explain that wouldn’t remind people of any sensations they’re used to nor seem beneficial. We don’t know that it would benefit us, like we don’t think a sixth finger would be beneficial. And yet it’s the most beneficial thing in the world, and the main point of reality.

    • #408227


      Why is  “Maasar” mandatory but the rest of the physical mitzvots are considered “religious” and not mandatory? Even though maasar is a spiritual and physical act Just like kosher, teffilin ect. Why is it singled out?

      • #408258

        All those customs that were created by people who were in the spiritual world are some kind of material copy of actions in the Upper World, but maaser is the one that directly relates to what stands between the person and the Upper World: the Masach [screen]. Prior to the formation of the Masach, one has to slice off this 10% relating to Malchut, and only then can one even begin the spiritual work. Money, the value of which is decided solely by people’s desire, and with which one can buy what one desires, and the loss of which and acquisition of which alters one’s whole mood and state… it’s the thing that is practically a proxy for desire. That’s why it’s so sensitive an issue, because one is made of nothing but desire, and so specifically by it there’s a correction, whereas with all kinds of other corporeal actions, one could remain indifferent. For this reason, and additional reasons, Kabbalists always collected maaser from students practically on day one. Here, students have a choice in the matter, even though the Upper Laws haven’t changed.

        • #408320

          That makes sense now, its hard to give up what we love so much, (money) where as teffilin tzit tzits is not a strong desire as money. On the surface it would seem the other mitzvots do not give you livelihood, (some may argue otherwise) but thats Best answer yet.  Thank you sir!

    • #408026

      Hi, I just wanted to place a really big thank you for that wonderful KabU in action workshop we have just had. I dońt know where else to place this , so I just put it hear, itś overwhelming to feel that connection. 😊😊😊😊❤️❣️

    • #408011

      I have got a question about forming the right intention in our daily life. There were suggestions in some sessions to become aware of one´s intention, to turn it outwardly, towards the friends, but also to become aware of the creator  in the corporeal world, to acknowledge him there (i.e. everything comes from above) and turn to him as some inner work. What is the right approach to form this intention to do that in corporeal life, in order to allow it but at the same time not let everyone run over you?

      • #408059

        In regular life it’s not realistic yet. First, try to be in “There is none else besides Him.” What you’ll need to include in that, and constantly needing to renew it, will take all of your efforts. If you can hold onto that, we’ll talk further.

        • #408158

          Thanks so much, yes, thatś pretty much where I am trying to be :-), and I can start to feel „there is no one else besides him“  has got such a big impact on everything…when I focus on it. It clearly changes my perception of things, and especially towards peoples`struggles. Basically, it changes my perception of almost everything, if I bring myself to stay at this place.  However, I usually cannot keep up this perception for more than minutes. Which is why I am wondering how to work with this perception during the day? How much should one try to be at this inner place and re-direct back to it while dealing with this corporeal work? Or is it just something to start and close the day with? Is there a risk of „overdosing“ this?

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