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    • #430483
      Katrina Leeks

      I completed the 4 preliminary courses, but I missed the zoom meeting offered in the 4th class. Now I don’t know where I fit in. Will attending the zoom meeting for course 4 get me on the right track? I don’t want to intrude on anyone’s group.

      • #430485

        Don’t worry, Katrina! You haven’t missed anything logistical. You’ll still be invited to the next round of Young Group when it starts.

    • #430429

      Adding to this: “in me” includes whatever happens in the work in the ten, whatever is tangible in the YG… it is rather “between” the friends… but so far my perception only allows for me to feel this still in resonence  “in me”  (I don´thrive for staying there)

    • #430428

      Hi Gianni, what is the importance of studying the details of the mechanics of the spiritual worlds as compared to the importance of learning through experience in the ten? I feel my energy directs towards connection, towards “experience”, and currently it is really  a felt wisdom rather than one   approach scientifically, but I am wondering if this is just a phase, if it should be different… I am starting to feel neglicent about learning all the details… but then I feel, I woudl only be able to understand the descriptions through my mind. I don´t have words to describe what I feel, anyways, but what I feel is what makes the difference in me and how I perceive these things, how I perceive connection and unity … How is it wise to grow from there? From the heart to the mind? Both at the same time?  Or the other way round?

      • #430470

        Yeah some students are more inclined to the structure of the worlds than others. It’s a different language to discuss the same thing: connection. (This may tell you something about how much we understand Rabash, too). There is value is simply “putting it in your box” learning. Later, one can work with it. But generally, while studying the worlds, we want to try to feel it, as Baal HaSulam says in item 155 of The Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot.

    • #430332
      Magsy Kapoor

      Hey, Gianni, let me know if I got this right: while Tzimtzum Alef is not to receive unless it is in order to bestow, Tzimtzum Bet is the Creature realizing that there are desires that can’t be flipped in order to bestow so it restricts them further, not using them at all. So it’s not an ubiquitous restriction like the first one, it’s a precise and specific one made only on particular desires which slip through the net of the Tzimtzum Alef?

      Thanks ❤️

      • #430334

        The desires below the Tabur, it turns out, could even use bestowal for reception. So, even bestowal is somewhat restricted, and we have to rise to Equivalence with those kelim that only bestow in order to bestow. This is what’s necessitated by Tzimzum Bet.

        • #430378
          Magsy Kapoor

          We discussed the second restriction today in out ten meeting, relating it to the article from the morning lesson (Rabash Article 44 “What Is the Reason for which Israel Were Rewarded with Inheritance of the Land, in the Work?”) and questions came up, so I am going to ask you to clarify them if you would.

          1. Is the Parsa the firmament (רָקִיעַ) described in Genesis 1:6-8? And are the waters below and the waters above, respectively bestowal for the sake of reception and bestowal for the sake of bestowal? If not, then what could they be?

          2. It feels as if the Parsa itself is the second restriction. It’s like a tap that is blocked, because the lower ones don’t have a need for whatever it is that Bina has to give, which need would justify Bina’s bestowal and open up the tap. So in order to get the water running, there has to be a raising of the water below (MAN). But there also has to be something going on, some sort of action in the Parsa itself, because if the waters can’t mix, then how would the goal of getting the light all the way to the Sium be achieved? So what is the action happening there? Is it just the evaluation of whether the bestowal is in order to bestow like a membrane with selective permeability? And if it’s functioning is one-directional like osmosis, then how does the lower one get influenced to correct its desire?

          3. Is it Israel (us) who is working the tap, trying to get it going, or is this not even people yet?

          4. How does what exists below and above the Parsa relate to the worlds of Kedusha and of the Sitra Achra? Is the space below it the domain of the Sitra Achra?

          Thank you again Gianni!

        • #430401

          One firmament is called Parsa. Another is Peh of Arich Anpin of Atzilut; another, Chazeh of Arich Anpin.

          The waters are divided into below and above the firmament. In Katnut, Parsa separates; in Gadlut, reunites them.

          The Parsa is a special system, a sophisticated membrane, which blocks the Light, according to precise rules. In Gadlut, the Light of AB SAG illuminates and cancels the Parsa, restoring the conditions of the First Restriction.

          There are many more actions around this, some of which Kabbalists describe.

          We’re below this system, trying to activate it. And we can move it like the baby’s cry, without the baby needing to think much, activates everyone above. We’re down below the entire system: we’re neither above nor below the Parsa. We’re below all of that. We’re not even in the Klipot, which stand opposite the worlds of BYA of Kedusha. We’re not in that either, but below it. Whatever you can imagine, it’s higher than us; than us, there is nothing lower, nowhere further to fall; only to rise.

    • #429795

      Hi Gianni, there are places when corporeal matters and spiritual matters intertwine, such as a classes, YG or ten. How to make sure that one is not used as an excuse for the other? Take gender issues. When for example it’s not about complementing but seemingly favoring one gender over the other… it’s easy to excuse such impressions by saying „that is just the ego and you have to go above that“ Still, there may be a corporeal dysbalance and injustice actually happening…and if I would shy away from naming this and from asking a dialogue, only because I am afraid to be called an egoist, I feel it might cause more harm than good. In fact it might even shut my mouth if I come to witness abusive behavior (I didn’t yet, but I feel there is a risk, because we are all humans). What to do then? Take it in, because we shall love the friends even if they hate us?  Or ask and try to clarify? And what if it includes some hierarchy?

      • #429810

        I think there’s a lesson in young group pertaining to men and women, and you can ask questions about that there.

        • #429824

          Yes, I will if it matters for the group. It was just an example. It is more about the question how to make sure that in a spiritual society or group such very strong sentences as „you have to go above this“ or „this is just the ego“ are used correctly. Basically, I can turn everything into either direction- spiritual or corporeal, and using such comments, may be helpful to get to deeper scrutiny or may be misleading if they cover up corporeal intentions. Now, I probably would  bring doubts that keep me from learning to the ten, that is for sure. But what should be our measurement? If we wanted to, we could justify anything with „love your friends, even if they hate you“ ( It didńt happen yet, but it was the weeks`s topic). Is there any measurement  for this part of the work? As said we could justify anything with these sentences, which is why I am trying not to use them too much. Itś like an eletric screwdriver in the hands of a 3-year-old…. I dońt want to accidently poke it into my eyes, and go blinded… So , how to use that wisely? Which measurement do we need to apply for the corporeal part that we always bring in the spiritual work, too?

        • #429854

          But if you start measuring, there’s no hope of success here. Instead, the contents of our gatherings should be only spiritual, as much as possible, and I should justify everything. We don’t understand yet how much the Creator is going to play with our minds and hearts specifically in this regard – so if I allow myself any room to calculate, there will be no end to it. I’ll never know where the line is accurately. What will I measure with? My ego?

          Therefore, the group is an environment like a womb where only what we read in Rabash exists. With what intentions though? I don’t care with what intentions – simply on the surface is enough. That’s a fence for the ego to stay within. This gives space for every friend to only work above reason. It’s a very harsh condition for the ego and the whole Young Group is practically to explain where the fence is and explain why only within it there’s a chance of climbing the ladder to the spiritual world.

        • #429877

          Thank you so much for your patience and explanation. I will try and work with it. What is it that I need to gain to feel this is „safe enough“ to fully allow this work , and to not get scared because of the „human factor“ in it going unmeasured (and therefore seemingly uncontrolled)… faith?

        • #429885

          We can check the environment ONCE. If everything checks out, I’m not allowed to check any more – when I become “smarter”, “wiser” and so on. I check that everyone is here to reach the spiritual goal, and that this is the right method, meaning the one I feel is close to my heart – and that’s it. After that, I have to regard all as spiritual exercises.

    • #429740
      Magsy Kapoor

      Hi Gianni,

      Husband and I came to the conclusion that the ego can justify anything except for the Creator, even murder. And because we were reading “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”, section “Appellations Alien to the Human Spirit”, we wanted to ask, what is the spiritual root of brutal egoistic actions such as murder?

      Thank you ❤️

      • #429757

        As Baal HaSulam writes, something outside the person is unreal. So I can kill an ant, a fly, a cow, why is a person a problem unless there exist laws and punishment. Therefore there are places where they behead dozens in the public square and it’s a great celebration. Whatever is outside me, unless it gives me pleasure is taking up space and may, god forbid, even take pleasure away from me.

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