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    • #369719

      Please check my understanding of Klipa:
      “Klipa are the desires which cannot be corrected. They originate from the sorting of the shattered desires and are the ones that are “impure”, i.e. cannot be used for bestowal. If a person cannot be driven from the path, then instead Klipa and Chariots are sent in order to obstruct the person. I feel Klipa as pains and suffering, and can be likened to an illness in one part of the body which effects all the other healthy parts of the body. Like an illness, it must be identified in order to “cure” it. What i mean by “to cure” here is to ascertain whether a desire is “for myself alone” or “aiming toward being closer to the creator”. ”

      In addition, here are some questions i wrote after this summary exercise. Can you please help me to answer these?
      When it is not obvious, how do i know whether a desire is a Klipot or not?
      When i do know, will the desire become quiet/ diminish i.e. i can move past it?
      How is a klipot different from a chariot?
      When in a situation where there is a klipot, how does this relate to or effect the intention?

      • #369720

        Hi Ricki,

        We’re not really in Klipot (shells) yet because a true Klipa is only against holiness, bestowal. And it’s that I want to now use the Creator; I want to use His quality in order to receive. We’re quite a few degrees before that. First I need to invest in the Kli (vessel) that spiritual Light can be revealed in, the friends in the ten. Whatever isn’t in this direction and isn’t otherwise necessary does not bring me closer to spirituality. While it’s not a Klipa per se, whatever doesn’t bring me closer to spirituality is the worst thing that can be, on our level.

        • #369821

          Thanks Gianni for your reply. I felt frustrated with this answer and wrote a paragraph that helped me understand just a tiny bit more where i am relative to the friends and the path in general.  I wish i could share these thoughts with someone but only if it is not at their expense. The problem is that I need guidance but who to turn to and how much to disclose is unclear. The paragraph I wrote basically amalgamated to the questions “What comes next? How do i know where i really am?”.
          Thank you again for all that you do.

        • #369874

          Turns out when I write to you students, you’re all asking the same question. We’re in a common state. You can check where you are by what you want each moment, which previously was unconscious. Making it conscious what I want and aim at is already a correction. Then you check that against the spiritual goal.

    • #369324

      Hi Gianni,

      The  below are excerpts from Dr. Laitman’s Blog ” Let’s go with the Light, Jan 2, 2011″

      Therefore, we have two paths to the goal: pain or pleasure, “Beito” (in its time) or “Achishena” (ahead of time). But this doesn’t mean that we can walk the path of “Beito” and some day, at the right time, we’ll achieve the goal. No, it won’t work since to walk the path of “Beito” means that each moment brings me tremendous suffering so I may learn from it. Frankly, until now, that is exactly how we have been developing.

      Of course, it isn’t an easy path. Nevertheless, when we acquire an anti-egoistic screen, and with its help can control our nature, the path becomes easy, pleasant, and short.”



      1- How do i develop the anti egoisic screen

      2- How do i move from the path of “Beito” to the path of “Ahishena”?


      Thank you

      • #369712

        1) That’s the whole wisdom. Because the Upper Light is in complete rest, we’re in it, but can’t feel it because we have no resistor. We’re open to reception, and thus cannot receive. We need to develop this resistor called the Screen.

        2) Only through the friends can one accelerate their path.

    • #369080

      With the retreat coming up soon, is there a way to get the guitar chords, the music for the songs? I heard Seth sing one of his latest songs today and it was wonderful. I’m out of practice but I would love to try and learn a song or two. And maybe play along here at home virtually during the retreat, (not to call any attention to myself please, just to see if I can do it). Music has been such a healing calming force in my life. Thank you.

    • #368949

      In the last grad class, Mike mentioned the term a “Revealed Kabbalist”.  I looked through the Library and found no mention of this term.  From what he said, it sounded like there have been a few “revealed Kabbalist” but they are rare.  Do you know if we have any sources that discuss more about that terminology?

      • #369137

        Awesome. Thank you! Looking forward to the songs for the coming retreat too.

      • #369085

        It’s not really written about because concealed Kabbalist is practically the default. A Kabbalist feels inclined to conceal himself and only reveals himself as a Kabbalist if he needs to according to some need within the system we’re in.

    • #368766

      Since we live a shattered perception of existence and everything including the tiniest particle is a fallacy, according to the laws of physics and the laws of the Creator, outside the group, am I allowed to do anything at all as long as it does not affect my ten, the world Kli or go against the “laws” (the laws Clearly established and proved by our Sages) of our Creator?

      • #368836

        What we’re in is a system of iron laws. It seems that “the shop is open and the shopkeeper is away” but in fact, every move is being recorded. So there’s a big question about how it’s possible not to breach those conditions you mention, such as affecting the ten and the Creator’s laws.

    • #368406

      From the Creator and Israel went into exile:

      “This means that if a person sins while being in the land, meaning if he receives some illumination from above and uses it for his own benefit, meaning says, “Now that I have some flavor in Torah and Mitzvot [commandments], I don’t need faith above reason.” This is called a “sin” because he has blemished the faith above reason.”

      How does this relate to the given that it is better to see the merits of the friends within reason if possible, instead of above reason?

      • #368411

        That’s something else. This passage is about attaining some level and then starting to enjoy it, within reason; accepting my state as coming from me, so I no longer need the Upper Force.

        The second reference is to a state where instead of needing to rise above the bad I see in my friends, I now see them as truly corrected, I love them, and so on.

        • #368480

          Thank you!

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