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  • #128071


    Ask, connect, inspire.

Viewing 6 posts - 205 through 210 (of 583 total)
  • Author
    • #363143
      Steve Miley

      Any new groups of 10 forming?

      • #363172

        Hi Steve. Tens are formed in the Young Group. You’ll be invited to one when another cycle begins.

    • #363091

      What Does It Mean that Man’s Blessing Is the Blessing of the Sons, in the Work?. 14 (1991)

      Before I do any action, if it’s not a thought but a sensation I must feel to involve Boreh, do I pray for this sensation in the moment before I commit to the action ? 

      Thanks for your guidance as always, Gianni

      • #363186
        Steve Miley

        how do I receive the message, a lot of things get posted in a lot of questions and get asked and I get notified of  a lot of responses to questions, so will I get a personal message somehow or do I have to monitor a chat to see? I just was wondering I didn’t want to miss the opportunity when it comes. Thanks so much.

        • #363206

          Don’t worry. We will email you and reach out if we don’t hear back, to make sure you don’t miss out. This may be several weeks from now.

        • #363207

          Good advice from Mikael below.

      • #363132

        Hi Vince,

        You can ask for anything, and the Creator is waiting for this request. If the request isn’t quite right, you’ll find that you become more sensitive to the fact that you nevertheless get an answer, but in the form of a correction, and then you ask again. Better than aswering you is for you just to go in this way and see for yourself. He is more excited to assist in every detail than we are to ask.

        • #363187
          Mikhail Godes

          Hi Steve.

          Just a hands-0n experience:

          I got an email from Michelle 8 days ago with the subject line:

          Your Young Group is starting on March 10th
          In other words make sure you are in the Graduate Environment and check your Spam folder.



    • #363065

      Are Hebrew and Arabic two sides of the same language?

    • #362703

      In the corporeal world, let’s say that I want to connect two separate or more wires. I can not just sit and speak for the wires to connect. I must act by using my hands to connect the wires.

      In spirituality, what work can I do that will connect the friends? In this case, I can not use my hands to connect them. What mechanism can be used to connect the friends?

      • #362721

        Asking the Creator. You’re right, in this case you don’t have the tools to do it yourself.

        • #363128

          What do you mean by in this case I don’t have the tool? Which case should I be in, to have the tools?

          Thank you

        • #363129

          Well, in the case of wires, you can use your hands (in your imaginary reality) to put the wires together, and then something no one and I mean no one really understands, happens. Some force, which we decided to call electricity, flows through. The fact that we know a few more details of the surface phenomenon doesn’t mean we understand. Now, what happened is there is some law in nature, which we placed these wires in the way of. So, there are other phenomena in nature that we can get in the way of. I need to get in the way of the Upper Light, and it will work – and not imagine that I can do something more sophisticated than that. There is nothing more sophisticated than knowing how to put myself under the operating table of the Upper Light.

    • #362662

      1- What does connection mean? Is it a feeling?

      2- How does this work?

      3- What work can I do to connect with friends? What does connecting with friends mean? It seems as if am connecting them to me. Please, clarify this concept. 

      3a- How can I help the friends to connect?

      4- Am I connecting them?  For example, in my circle, in my ten, do I connect Friend A to B or connect ABCDEFGHI all at once?

      Thank you.

      • #362720

        1. It’s a feeling of the Creator between the friends.

        2. We invite the Upper Light to dwell among us.

        3. Set an example for the friends, of good connection, running toward the goal, helping each one.

        4. Both. But especially the whole ten.

    • #362655

      I’m extremely afraid of entering a descent for an extended period of time. Is constantly asking the Creator throughout the day in my thoughts a good way of getting out of a descent faster ?

      Thanks in advance

      • #362719

        Hi Vince,

        A descent is only what makes you not think about spirituality, the friends, bestowal, etc. To the extent you invest in a ten, you will not be able to enter long descents. It’s all in your hands.

Viewing 6 posts - 205 through 210 (of 583 total)
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