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    • #382080

      How do we use “Envy, Lust and Honor Bring a Man Out of the World’” in the group of 10 to align the group and myself with The Creators forces directed at us?

      • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Dave.
      • #383417

        Hi AspiringAltruist,

        That’s almost the entire work in the group so I can’t give a complete answer. A short one is that we need to become sensitive to the friends, so that we will learn what will inspire them. It’s an art. At the same time, we should always see them as the greatest of the generation, and envy them like a father envies that his son becomes greater than him while also wishing for this success (as opposed to wishing to lower him). This causes us to lust for the goal in the proper and required way.

    • #381701

      Hi, I’m a little conflicted. I think I heard the Rav say that we should just live our Corporeal life as normal, and not worry about changing anything. Maybe I am misunderstanding what the Rav was saying…

      1) If what I am learning on the path of Kaballah and truly want to work toward spiritual altruism; but my daily life to survive in this world requires reception (because my business needs to turn a profit), I feel very incongruent. How do you separate the two, if that is what we are supposed to do?

      2) If I do the work with the help of the Rav, authentic sources and the friends and are working in the spiritual world, because our world as Tony would put it is the world of results, how does that affect our day to day life if at all?

      • #381706

        Hi Greg,

        You eventually resolve this inner dilemma without compromising your business needs. Baal HaSulam’s teacher was a successful businessman, but no one knew that he was a Kabbalist – and there were many others like that. While a Kabbalist has a biological body, he has to exist under the conditions the Creator made on the level of reality that body inhabits. If around me is a capitalist system, I have to work accordingly – like what’s normal among my contemporaries. And without injecting Kabbalistic principles into it. That is, we’re not bringing spirituality down into this world, but rather elevating to the spiritual world. If we want to correct this world, it’s all in the intention. Later, everyone will see that only that needed to be changed, and all that we did – wars, suffering – was only to avoid changing that. That’s why the wisdom of Kabbalah is all about changing the intention from reception to bestowal.

    • #381638

      What does the Kabbalists describe this game called “The Tug of War” and how can we use it in the ten?
      We have point A and point B and between those points there is a straight line. Each point wants to win by pulling the rope with a force so that point A or point B should cross the line. What does point A, point B, Rope and also, the middle line mean? What does it teaches us?

      Just had a thought about it and decided to ask. Thank you.

      • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Kimadigital7.
      • #381641

        I haven’t heard it described that way, but yes, each is unique and is inclined to pull in his direction. Like political parties, one can’t understand the other, unless Above Reason, and then they meet in the middle line. All turn out to be correct together and wrong alone.

    • #381532

      Question: How do I Overcome Self-Loathing Due to the Recognition of the Evil Inclination?

      I recently attended a workshop where we discussed the concept of “feeling the friends.” One of the excerpts we read, from Baal HaSulam’s “The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose,” delved into the idea of the evil inclination. The article explained that as we develop spiritually, we increasingly loathe our own egoism. The more developed we become, the more we reject our egoism and start to feel sparks of altruism.

      Here is the excerpt:

      “Baal HaSulam, ‘The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose’

      The crass, undeveloped person does not recognize egoism as bad at all. Therefore, he uses it openly, without any shame or restraint, stealing and murdering in broad daylight wherever he can. The somewhat more developed sense some measure of their egoism as bad and are at least ashamed to use it in public, stealing and killing openly. But in secret, they still commit their crimes, but are careful that no one will see them.

      The even more developed sense egoism as so loathsome that they cannot tolerate it in them and reject it completely, as much as they detect of it, until they cannot, and do not want to enjoy the labor of others. Then begin to emerge in them sparks of love of others, called ‘altruism,’ which is the general attribute of goodness.”

      While I understand that recognizing and rejecting our egoism is a necessary part of spiritual development, I find myself in a miserable state, loathing myself for these traits. I know there is no mitzvah in suffering, but I feel stuck and unable to see beyond this stage. How can I navigate this difficult phase of development and move towards a more positive and altruistic mindset? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

      • #381555

        We need to accept that after that, egoism 2.0 is wanting me to regret and suffer from my egoism instead of ascribing it all to the Creator. This is my work again and again each moment, locating where the Creator is shattered in my perception, into pieces that have their own volition. When I come to “There is None Besides Him” then I know that I have nothing to feel bad about and that only He can change this nature that He’s created.

    • #381386

      I want to seem like a burden to me…

      Do I want to connect with the friends or the Creator needs me to connect with the friends?

      • #381455

        The Creator doesn’t need anything. I need to connect with the friends because that’s the Vessel where the Creator is revealed.

        • #381601

          The Creator doesn’t need anything, though I don’t yet understand that concept for now. I accept it.

          Each time I hear of “the revelation of the Creator to His creatures” in this world, it takes the burden from me to Him. Meaning I am doing it for His sake and not me.

          The “His” changes my perception.

          1- Is that the right action or the right thinking?

          2- What is that burden that I feel? Why would He make His creature to feel that burden?

          • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Kimadigital7.
        • #381632

          Yes, this is how you help Him realize the goal of Creation. We feel it as a burden because our nature is to be concerned with ourselves. For that we have fuel. For taking care of the whole rest of Creation, we have no fuel. We need to feel this so we will see where our limit is and where we need His help.

        • #381635

          …”this is how you help Him realize the goal of Creation”… By helping Him, meaning to help the friends? If yes, how can I help the friends to realise the goal of creation?

          • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Kimadigital7.
        • #381642

          Like Rabash says, what each is missing, no matter who they are, is the mood, which can always be elevated.

        • #381471

          What is the condition for connection?


          Thank, you


        • #381599

          Thank you.

          • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Kimadigital7.
        • #381472

          – Importance of the goal, first of all – otherwise why connect?

          – your willingness to nullify before the friends

          – the response from the Upper Light, to connect you

        • #381475

          That question has make me to increase the importance of the goal. The more we yearn for connection the more we give the goal its importance.

          Thank you.

    • #381366

      According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, I heard that a person cannot achieve spirituality alone unless they are two or three etc. If they both agree and connect together then the Creator will be revealed between them

      1- I wish to ask, what does between mean?

      • #381375

        Hi Kima,

        Between means beyond one’s skin, everywhere except in my “I”, in the connection of the friends, the Creator is revealed.

        • #381473

          ‘I’ can only feel the between’ only when ‘I’ have achieved connection with the friends?

        • #381474

          What’s between you is the Creator, and He’s only felt when the relationships between you are similar to what should be between you and the Creator. So, you don’t feel Him until you’re correctly connected to the friends.

        • #381637

          Ah! Thank you


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