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    • #337381

      I have been wondering about something.

      I hear often about that we need to think about the friend.

      – According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, what does it mean to think? 

      1- Are there any method to think about the friend?
      2- What are we thinking about them? And Why are we thinking about them?
      3- How do we think about them

      Thank you

      • #337558

        1. It’s according to YOUR definition of thinking, directing your thoughts.

        2. How they’re special, chosen by the Creator, perfect, at the end of correction in a perfectly connected state, how I envy their spiritually inclined qualities with which they are rich, how much I love or want to love them. I should keep asking myself too, “What else can I do to help the friends, given how they appear to me, reach the spiritual goal today?”

        3. There’s always a decision point where I can either go in the direction of thinking of the friends or thinking about myself. If I choose the friends, I’ll be thrown out of there quickly. But if I choose myself I can disappear from spiritual thoughts for the rest of the day or even the rest of my life. But if I choose the friends, even though I’m thrown out, I’ll get the choice again later. My chances will be according to my decisions which are carefully looked at from Above.

        • #337701

          Thank you,

          You make a very interesting point that I need to take hold of it. What do you mean by, if I think of my friends, I will be thrown out?

        • #337708

          If you correct a piece of the Shattering, you’ll be given another piece, until all is corrected.

        • #337667

          Thanks a lot, Gianni.

    • #337375

      I need to be clarify with this question

      I have been hearing and hearing the importance and greatness of the Creator. It disturbs me a lot because I can’t really figure out what that is. Can’t take hold of it. Would you please clarify this for us?

      What is the greatness and importance of the Creator and how can we increase the importance of the Creator in the 10. What does increase the importance mean?

      Thank you.

      • #337557

        Hi Kima,

        First, the Creator hides Himself so we’ll have to do this because then our efforts will not be because the Creator already showed us how attractive He is. Everyone in the world would be dropping everything and running toward only Him. But what is the Creator? He is the quality of Bestowal. I hope you’re not disappointed 😉 He is the force of Bestowal that encompasses, holds together, and operates the whole of reality. In the ten, we need to demonstrate the importance of Bestowing so that it will become important, since for now, the Creator made it unimportant, diametrically opposite our nature. Then we’ll be able to reach it. We have to learn how to do this.

    • #337364

      Dear KabU,

      Re Toady’s afternoon Lesson

      “Baal HaSulam. Shamati, 184. The Difference between Faith and Intellect”

      I wanted to ask Rav.

      1.        In terms of spirituality, is the mind the mechanical mundane aspect while faith is the vivified and alive aspect within us?

      2.        Are faith and intellect opposite sides of the same coin?

      Thanks so much.  Lyndon S.

      • #337556

        1) is not clear because we don’t have terms like mundane/vivified in Kabbalah. Meaning they’re English words that I don’t know how to render in scientific language. So, you’d need to clarify what you mean (and it’s good you asked me now, but when you figure it out you should ask Rav…you’re welcome to ask here too, of course.)

        2) If you’re talking about the corporeal mind and intellect, that is what I need to rise above and in that sense it is the opposite side of the coin where the other side is Faith Above Reason/intellect/the mind.

    • #337113

      What exactly is the young group? I am still new to the GE. Is that like practice with the ten? I have participated in the live group GE courses and some times there are questions regarding the persons ten . I guess also what I am asking is where do we participate with the ten?

      • #337114

        Yes, Kristin. It’s an addition to the Grad Environment classes, which includes an additional live class in a relatively small group, in which each student gets their own personal ten, and guidance in the protocols to implement there. This addition depends on when a person joined. You’ll get an email invitation when the time comes.

        • #337135

          Thank you so much .

    • #336803

      Hi Gianni,


      some existential questions in my mind, why are we here? we did not choose to be here, we did not agree to this game the Creator is playing, so why are we forced to play it?  Couldn’t we have all remained at the level of Ein Sof, why was it necessary to create the lower worlds? what is the purpose of all this?

      • #336807

        Why is there no opt-out? My son hates that I don’t let him opt out of his first-grade math. What’s the point? Just to suffer? But he’s destined to win the Nobel prize in math. He hates it now; later he’ll enjoy thinking about nothing else. What can I do? I can’t let him opt out.

    • #336695

      From Dr Laitman’s  blog post of June 26, 2011, Title ” What is the Creator”  he says the following;

      “That is why the Creator is always within a human being, and not somewhere in the sky. The same applies to the upper degree: Only those who attain it and are in contact with it can talk about it. That is, the upper degree is also in me, only I consider it higher degree for me.”


      If the Creator is within me, whom then do i pray to? whose greatness do i see? to whom do i direct my praise? and if He is within me, yet concealed, how do i reveal him?


      Thank you.

      • #336700

        Hi Zeinab,

        That’s just to let us know that the Creator can only be attained by Equivalence of Form. He doesn’t already exist for me somewhere else. Only when I become like Him, in my new qualities of bestowal and love, I can say “by your actions I know You.”

        • #336705

          Thank you Gianni, Appreciated.

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