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    • #335611

      Shalom! I hope everyone is well.

      My question, Are there any authentic Kabbalah texts translated and with vowel points for us to read and learn from? Similar to the interlinear Bible or Torah classics library format?  Also how important is it in Kabbalah to know/learn Hebrew? This would be crucial I imagine? Example, some words are feminine and masculine ending, we know in Kabbalah masculine is bestowal and feminine receiving etc.

      Thank you

      • #335618

        No, the texts of Kabbalah don’t typically have what are called Tagin and Nekodot. They’re not important because one who attains the letters attains them with these additions and therefore doesn’t need them to be written. Similarly, one who attains spirituality attains it in the forms of the Hebrew letters. So, he doesn’t necessarily need to already know Hebrew. Theoretically, one could attain the letters, words, sentences the way these letters emerged to begin with, which is by Kabbalists attaining the spiritual worlds and discovering it was possible specifically through these forms. Not through the external appearances of the letters, of course, but there are inner movements that we are not familiar with that these letters represent.

        Of course, you’re welcome to learn Hebrew, but no, it’s not even in the top ten things a person must do first in order to attain spirituality.

        • #335936

          Thank you.

    • #335490

      In many of the Kabbalah lessons from this school, there is a recurring emphasis on refraining from creating visual representations of God. My interpretation of this teaching is rooted in the belief that such depictions stimulate our intellect/ego but do not necessarily contribute to real spiritual growth. Interestingly, I’ve observed that this school frequently employs schematics, diagrams, and illustrations as teaching tools for spirituality. Personally, I find myself deeply drawn to this method of instruction because it resonates with me on a profound level.

      Rather than viewing these diagrams as mere intellectual stimulants, I see them as symbolic arrows pointing us towards a deeper feeling of the Creator. I’ve even had dreams of transforming these diagrams into sculptures. However, this apparent contradiction between the teachings against graven images and the use of visual aids in our spiritual journey raises some questions for me.

      When is it acceptable to create visual representations in the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, and when does it cross the line into forbidden territory?

      • #335491

        There are explanations. But what’s safest, especially if you don’t totally agree, is to follow the Kabbalists. They do draw diagrams as you can see in Baal HaSulam’s HaIlan (The Tree) in Kabbalah for the Student. They don’t turn the forces mentioned in the Torah and so on, into people drawings, and prohibit it.

    • #335317

      Hello, I hope all is well with everyone. I’ve been in the grad section a few months, attended some lessons etc. What are the next steps in KabU?

      • #335318

        Are you in a young group yet? That’s the next step. If not, you’ll get one in some weeks when the next cycle begins. That’ll be one additional live lesson per week with an instructor and a cohort among which will be formed groups of ten. Let us know if this didn’t answer your question.

        • #335324

          No not in a young group yet. I just wait to receive an invite via email? How frequent are the cycles? Thank you

        • #335332

          One recently started, so it’s a couple of months till the next one. So, for now, you have the three other weekly live grad level classes – as well as the optional shows,  Kabbalah Explained Simply and The Great Transition.

        • #335430

          Excellent. Just trying to make sure the next opportunity is not missed. Thank you

    • #335189

      I am sorry if I got the wrong channel to ask, but please write the date, instead of This Saturday, on the banners, as it seams that is not correct, Julian’s workshop is not today (at least the zoom link provided doesn’t work for me). Thanks!

      • #335193

        Ok, it works 🙂 but still the date would be helpful! Thanks!

    • #335177
      Adelina Santos


      What is poor in spirituality?

      Thank you


      • #335178

        It’s a good state. It’s one who feels he is lacking a higher state, revelation of the Creator.

    • #335085

      Preparing to Attack at the Congress – Selected Excerpts from the Sources


      1. RABASH, Letter 24


      You must always stand guard, all day and all night, when you feel a state of day or feel a state of night.


      We say to the Creator, “Yours is the day, and Yours is also the night.” Thus, the night, too, the darkness of night, comes from the Creator to man’s favor, too, as it is written, “Day to day utters speech, and night to night expresses knowledge” […].


      It follows that you must awaken the heart of the friends until the flame rises by itself, […] By that, you will be rewarded with awakening the love of the Creator upon us.


      Q : if one feels awakened by the Friends, and, in fact that now the “flame rises by itself”; is this an appropriate time to “build” a prayer which demands of the Creator awakening of His Heart- that this reward to be given to the Friends-?

      And the structure of the prayer would be:

      A) praising the Creator for the Light that Reforms and the Gift of Desire

      B)a demand for the Friends to be “rewarded” with the awakening of His Heart

      C) gratitude that this is so and in fact for the perfect plan that Creator put in motion- all that went into awakening one person’s heart to the Purpose of Creation.

      Is this appropriate? There is such a strong desire present here to Praise, Demand and be Grateful to the Creator because what has been written has come to pass.. is this a good way and time to “demand of” the Creator in prayer?

      Thank you very much

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