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  • #128071


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    • #327563

      Hi, sorry for this question, But we have been informed the Creator is within us and /or he is our net level, why then does the Creator need to be needed so much, by His creations, such that His creations must beg and ask for help, all the time, why cant He just empower them? And why does He need praises?  like in the Psalms?

      • #327565

        Does He need praise? Rather it is we who need to develop the approach of praising a force that is Higher than us. It’s the same with prayer. There’s an Upper Force that doesn’t respond unless I develop toward it in the property beseeching, asking.

    • #327538

      At the point i am at is it good idea study all the versions of pticha bnei baruch has out there, such as from rav, seth, Eran and so on to increase my desire for spirituality?


      Could you give me a list of say the top 5 things to do to increase the desire for spirituality at the point I am at in order of importance?



      • #327564

        Be in the Young Group and all the graduate lessons, and then Dr. Laitman’s lessons when possible. Anything beyond that is optional. You’ll increase your desire most by engaging in what you’re most attracted to.

    • #327286

      Are there differences in the purpose of the morning vs the afternoon lesson?

      • #327292

        The morning lesson is the most important but the noon lesson is another opportunity to advance closer to correction. Even if it seems to be similar words, even the exact same words, there’s a hidden correction in each of Dr. Laitman’s lessons.

    • #327078
      Ahmed Tabella

      Hi, I want to ask about the use of terms in multiple ways. for example the word Torah, it means Light, and sometimes it means the Book of Moses. the word Light also means the creator? also the Sefirot is used in multiple ways, we read that in multiple text, for example Malchut sometimes called Faith, and sometimes Called Prayer, and the prayer sometimes called Shechina. ZA, sometimes called Moses, and other entities. why is that, can we understand that in a clear way? sorry for the challenging question.

      • #327093

        It’s impossible for me to take these names out of context, but the general answer is that they refer to a reality. So the terms are flexible. For example I can be called Gianni, dad, son, teacher, all of them respectful and correct names. Each is appropriate for a different situation. In spirituality, the name is according to the state of the one attaining. There aren’t so many things in spirituality. There’s ten Sefirot. But the Kli changes and so the reality is attained in many different ways, and called by many names.

    • #327013

      Thank you Gianni for the response on the Torah.  Another question, we read an article

      recently that referenced the 18 Blessings by Rabash, do you encourage us to say the 18 blessings in the morning and what is the spiritual logic behind these Blessings?



      Thank you

      • #327019

        The writer of that ancient prayer wrote it out of his feeling of the Upper World. It’s an example. That if the options are to live in this world with no way to attain spirituality myself, then it’s better to at least repeat what someone else wrote. At least I’ll think of higher things in that moment. But now that the wisdom of Kabbalah is revealed, I need to use it to come to a prayer that comes out of my heart – and not to repeat the words of others and fantasize that I’m close to such states. The Creator has an x-ray of my heart and I can’t lie. But for me to express what’s in it, corrects me when I turn to Him with it.

    • #326937

      “But when there is someone who is not from this society, no seriousness should be shown, but to equalize externally with the person who has just come in. In other words, avoid speaking of serious matters, but only of things that suit the one who has just entered, who is called “an uninvited guest.”” from purpose of society 2.       What does this mean?

      • #326968

        That you can’t force a person to engage in spiritual matters if they have no desire for spirituality. You need to meet them where they are.

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