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  • #128071


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Viewing 6 posts - 457 through 462 (of 684 total)
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    • #329917

      Can we compare overcoming the 49 gates (and finally standing before the King) with overcoming the 125 degrees to  come  to adhesion with the Creator? Or are there differences there?

    • #329875

      Suffering and afflictons  ,what can we do about this? Can I make a real restriction? Because, It is all about the Creator,doing the work ? How to come to some sort of revalation?  Giving up on pride? Is that the final egoistic desire to surrender, to give up?

      • #329878

        In short, I need to ask the Creator for everything, while trying to make actions; the efforts are upon me, the actual spiritual actions are up to Him, as I can’t even imagine what they truly are.

    • #329536

      And it is deemed a correction, called “the left rejects and the right adducts,” meaning that which the left rejects is considered correction…..

      What does this mean, in simpler terms?

      what is the left rejecting? and how is it considered correction?

      what is the right adducting?

      I would like to understand this more. Thank you 🙂


      • #329547

        The Right we can say is the Point in the Heart that draws a person to connection because from that one can reach the Creator. Everything else is Left.

    • #328997

      Some questions are still accompanying me I couldn’t ask in the last Grad Class:

      Since there is no force that has the ability to do anything against Him, and since the will to receive was created from the Creator’s will to fill it with good, and since this is Creators will, the will to receive will remain forever the will to receive, so that Creators will is fulfilled. How can it make sure, that under the influence of equivalence of form it remains as will to receive and not identifying with the Creator? And what is equivalence of form if not an identification with the Creator? And how can it make sure that the form it feels is Creators form?

      • #329005

        The matter is simply that you’re imagining a state where you reveal some being outside the Kli. This will never happen. The Creator we reveal is only that which we know by becoming like the quality of bestowal and by this we say “this is Him”. But we never reveal Atzmuto (His Essence).

    • #328965

      Questions from a friend please: What to do when friends have a tendency to hit lows with anger and complete lack of taste for friends and path. They fight through it ie. Come to lessons. Meetings etc but blank with workshop questions and a heart of stone in prayer. They do try to pray n pray for the others to have all the things. I turn around n pray for the friend in low and the others with a broken heart.

      What are we missing?

      Why does this keep happening?

      What more can i do for these friends?


      Also. If one friends heart is stone but the friend praying with them can pray with their heart for the friend does that work?

      Thank You so much for all you are and All you Do ❤️

      • #328974

        “It is not that the friends must love me, but rather I must love the friends.” The friend has a heart of stone so that I can organize my correct prayer inside, and outside, see what we can do to help them. The outside part is an art, as “one whose friend does not like pickles cannot treat his friend to pickles.” This is the work, to organize me inner attitude, as well as see how I can open the heart of the friend. One friend gives me work like this, another gives me work like that. It’s all for my correction.

        • #329024

          Thank You! 🙏😍


    • #328919

      We want to connect about the retreat please 😁

      Can we have a telegram chat or something to help us raise our intentions and energy about this and help those that are still wanting to go but don’t know how yet or don’t want to go alone…

      Let’s join all our desires to connect together and make it happen and we can also post prayers in the chat so when we read them we all pray together please please please??

      Thank You so much for all you are and all You Do ❤️


      • #328920

        I appreciate your desire to connect everyone and help. Friends can write to the support email if they need help with the retreat. Our experience with students being in contact through non-mediated channels, without going through the Young Group has been that it’s not beneficial and actually subtracts.

        • #328964

          Thank You,

          Understood 🖐️😍

Viewing 6 posts - 457 through 462 (of 684 total)
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