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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 207 total)
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    • #395333
      Shadrak Kakumba

      We have studdied from religion that there is Satan who can’t oppose God but can oppose men. Does this lesson means there’s no Satan or he is less powerful than God ?

      Desire like smoking, getting drunked, prostitution are they normal human desire for most of the time once a person is deeply in them it’s become hard to go out if not impossible.

      • #395653


        In order to understand the worldview of kabbalah, you need to get very clear about how these forces operate.

        There is one, complete and integral force that operates all of reality. There are infinite number of forces that are responsible for each and every thing.

        For example if you want to successfully launch a rocket to space, you are dealing with hundreds of different parameter including the the gravity of earth, the gravity of other planets, resistance, force, etc. You can call gravity “Satan” since it pulls you down and you are trying to go up, but a smart, experienced scientist relates clearly to all these forces and parameters and learns to work with them.


        If you want to understand your desires, there is clear science about that and we will also study the root of it all much more in further lessons.

        First of all if you don’t want to do something, then hang out with people who also don’t want to do that and also don’t get in close proximity to the thing you don’t want.

        What we do on the spiritual path is raise the importance of spirituality and share that with each other so that that is more important than other desires and then you are not fighting other desires.

        No one has to tell you not to play with baby toys.  Why? Because other things are more important to you now.


    • #394964
      Enrique Rojas

      Por qué si el Creador es la única Fuerza que existe en el curso pasado estudiamos acerca de la línea de la izquierda y la línea de la derecha, una que acerca y otra que aleja? ¿Hay acaso dos bandos diferentes o enfrentados dentro del mismo Creador? ¿Cómo es posible que algunos eventos nos acerquen a Él y otros, en cambio, nos alejen? ¿Acaso estamos a merced de dos poderes distintos?

    • #394412
      Amy W

      This was a very powerful video for me. Even well understanding that there is none else besides H im, I have fallen into the trap of thinking that I am doing something wrong…but I understand now that this is part of the design. There really is NONE ELSE BESIDES HIM.

      • #394726

        And there is more to learn.
        From our perspective, it does seem that if I don’t feed myself, shower, brush my teeth, no hand is coming from the sky to floss for me and cook me dinner.
        So there is more to the story, that we are made in such a way that on the one side we come to feel that there is none else besides Him and on the other side, everything that is in our power to do, we must do.
        These two opposites will come into focus and there we will attain what we are looking for.

    • #394264

      I wouldn’t mind knowing more about the Big Bang theory that has been referenced in some of the teachings

    • #394263

      I don’t have a particular question but I am amazed at how the lesson touched on many things that addressed some things I had been thinking on.

    • #392974

      When you say Creator pushes us away, is that when we get troubles in our lives and in that case what should we do to over come them.

      • #394338


        Imagine you are sitting at home on the couch. You are comfortable, everything feels satisfactory and …you forget about the Creator. Maybe you forget for a few hours, maybe you forget for a week, or a month.
        Finally we will feel again that we are distant from Him. And this distance makes us yearn for Him again.
        And we wipe off the dust and begin again with new powers.


Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 207 total)
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