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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #422720

      I’m in a bad way right now and it’s not improving. How do I see there is none else besides him when I see no solutions to my problems?

      • #423299

        If you’re cold and wet, then go inside and stand by the fire.
        If you’re overweight and sick, then watch some videos of people who were in your state and got healthy.
        That’s the first thing.  You can read the Zohar, but if you stick your hand in a fire, it will burn, so understand the reality that we are living in
        Now in addition to all of that understand why it is all happening.  These feelings of emptiness propel us to the next degree and for that, you can even say Thank You to the Creator for waking you up to that.
        An animal does not evolve from lifetime to lifetime.
        You however have desires in you that don’t let you calm down and rest, you feel empty and need additional fulfillment this is a good sign of development.
        Now there is no mitzvah that a person has to suffer.
        I recommend opening up a notebook, take some pens and write down everything that is bothering you now.  And then after you write it all down, go to the next page and pour your heart out to the Creator.  He won’t change, He is everything all the time, always bestowing, but this prayer calibrates us to Him instead of being calibrated towards the back side of the problem.
        Pour your heart out.
        After that read whatever kabbalistic source materials that you have from our site, read it as if it is a prayer.
        We are wishing the best for you and look forward to you passing these stages in the most comfortable way and advancing to your next degrees.

    • #422507

      No question comes in my mind…

    • #418908

      I’m having trouble understanding the receive in order to bestow concept. To me that sounds like two opposing terms. Can you clarify for me; I know how important it is to understand this!

      • #422671


        The purpose of creation is for the creation to receive abundance from the Creator, so the creation must receive.
        However by receiving the creation becomes 100% opposite from the Creator who is 100% to bestow.
        So what is done?
        The correction of creation called receive in order to bestow.
        For example your small child gives you a gift.  Actually, it’s worth nothing, it is a small rock and it will just take up space on your desk, but of course you won’t reject the small gift from the child, so in this case, receiving from the child is actually giving to the child, you allow the child to be the giver and you the appreciative receiver, so your hands are receiving but your intention is to bring delight to the child.

    • #417346

      What’s life outside of the creator? Why man should study the 613 Law of the creator?

      • #417391

        Actually, there is nothing outside of the Creator, He is everything, but from our perception, we say that creation, the will to receive is outside of Him, meaning He is 100% to bestow and all of creation, everything you can imagine and think of is creation and it is all 100% outside of Him…100% will to receive, which is opposite from Him.
        We will learn what are the 613 Mitzvot and how to use them, they are not simply what is thought of as acts with our hands and feet, but the kabbalists are referring to corrections of the soul to bring that 100% will to receive slowly slowly, 1% , then 2% , etc many corrections until it is 100% to bestow like the Creator.

    • #414746
      Gates Samaniego

      What is a demon according to Kabbalah?

      • #422716

        is mankind would be the same again Where he and The creator are one again base on 613 law?

      • #417390

        Inside of us we have host various positive and negative forces that have different names.
        A demon is the inner forces of a person that act to our detriment.

        Our work is to hold ourselves in balance: to direct ourselves toward the meaning of life by developing relations of love among each other in order to match the absolute love that exists in nature. If we place ourselves in environments that support our calibration to achieve such balance, then we will avoid being thrown from side to side. Instead, we will become stronger in our ability to rise above their influence.

    • #414672

      When I read about the concept of “the left rejects” it makes me wonder if a material consequence of this function in the spiritual world is what causes all my sensitivities and allergies. My whole life seems to be composed of trying things that work fine for everyone else, and discovering that I can’t use them. There are very few foods I can eat without problems. I’m sensitive to a lot of drugs. I am a “sensory defensive,” meaning I can’t function in most environments. I can’t tolerate most people’s entertainment… it gives me tics and nightmares. And I adore people, but they have little use for me since I can’t partake in most of what they do in life. So I mostly take a role of observe and emotional support from a distance, instead of having active relationships.

      It’s like I am backed into a tiny corner of reality. I like my corner a lot. But it’s minuscule compared to what most people seem able to experience and consume.

      Is this a side effect of “the left rejects?”

      • #417389

        We are each given a unique life in order that through it we will turn to the Creator.
        He gets each of our attention in different ways.
        Turn to Him, speak to Him, request from Him that you want to be connected.
        Regarding the left rejects, I don’t know if these things are pushing you away from the meaning of life or bringing you closer to the meaning of life, so I can’t say.
        Regarding your sensory situation, it may be something in your corporeal life that is out of balance and treating it separate from your spiritual life could also be an approach, as if a person had a broken arm, they can pray but they also need to receive propoer medical treatment.

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