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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #409788

      Is a part of this about letting go of control, so to speak. Trying to understand that everything in reality is God, even all of my own thoughts and actions. That the only ‘free will’ I have is to want my selfish nature of taking, to somehow flip polarity and become a nature of giving?

      • #409800

        You 100% got 50% of the message 🙂
        You’re right about our nature, about free will and that we need to flip the polarity.
        Regarding, ‘letting go of control’, it’s the right idea, but we can’t actually.  What we can do is trade one reward for another reward.
        And actually, that is a very good start.
        It’s a paradox that as a kabbalah student we get used to, on the one hand He is doing everything, on the other hand in order for me to realize that and participate with Him, He requires me to make a lot of effort and in that effort I come to the realizations.

        • #409832

          Thank you for replying. 100% of 50% is not bad 😄

    • #405146

      I get the message in this lesson, though have difficulty with leaving ŕesponsibility’. it might be because it is just in my system so much ? i am not sure.

      • #408176

        We are talking about two things.
        For example with a small child.  Of course we want them to pick up their toys when they finish playing.  On the other hand, the world will not change if they don’t pick up their toys.
        So we accustom ourselves to do correct actions.  In the end we discover that it is the Creator who does everything, but we will not come to that feeling and understanding until we do all of our correct actions (which actually change us into being a person who can sense the Creator).

      • #407834
        Katrina Leeks

        Ah, feeling you are responsible for your actions.

      • #405341

        I don’t understand your question.

    • #405023

      “There is none else beside Him.”


      “For Her name.”

      I am curious if there is a hidden meaning here between the 2 genders mentioned, as I believe both are about the Creator. If this is the case then please let me know this significance, why we did not just stick to “He” in reference to the Divine Creator. Thank you

      • #405342

        Good eye.
        The kabbalists don’t spare a word and every word is precise.  Like science, H3O is not water, only H2O.
        In this case, when the text says, for Her name, it is referring to the Torah.
        It is enough to know for now that all of the word are precise and to yearn to be close to them.
        Slowly, slowly everything will open for you.

    • #404660

      I am trying to understand that connection I have a question, based here between the 2 above quotes:

      “A person bears no responsibility for external or internal actions, including our doubts and descents.”


      “Ascents can be dangerous on the spiritual path because the satisfaction we experience can cause us to lose our ability to connect them to the Creator.”

      If we are not responsible for the internal actions, then why would they possibly lead us to lose our connection to the Creator? The Creator is guiding our actions to Him in these ascents, isn’t that correct?

      • #405345

        Welcome to planet Earth 🙂
        A 5 year old child playing in the yard.  Does he prepare his dinner, did he arrange the play date, did he dress himself?
        Of course not, his parent arrange everything and stand on the side making sure that he doesn’t get hurt while he plays.
        However if the child sat on the ground and did not move then the parents would be worried that he is not advancing, so nevertheless the child is given the feeling of freedom and he runs and climbs and laughs and plays together with his friends and this is how he develops correctly and understands the world and how to operate in it.

    • #404630

      So true prayer is a desire of the heart for the Creator.  Should we also say “formal” prayers as well?

    • #396637

      Thank you, I listened few times and then read myself since I have the paper book. It was what I needed this morning.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 226 total)
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