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- This topic has 494 replies, 183 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago by
Seth – KabU Instructor.
- January 21, 2021 at 3:45 pm EST #37684
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- January 11, 2022 at 12:43 pm EST #222126
Maria B. W12
ParticipantHello Seth,
“Revelation is the degree to which we perceive the goodness and unconditional love of the Creator. This is our true level of connection with the Creator.”
“If we can feel the sorrow that our detachment causes to the collective soul and the joy that our connection causes, we are in a state called Lishma.”
“When we give joy to the collective soul, even though each feels the joy and the closeness individually, this reception becomes bestowal.”
“When we use our will to receive in order to give joy to the Creator, we have attained the quality of bestowal.”
I understand that these statements relate to spiritual states/attainments. Do I understand correctly that those states can be only felt in a vessel, which I, as a mere desire with a point in the heart, am only being prepared to gain? By studying Kabbalah, reading the Zohar, Shamati and Baal HaSulam texts and course text books, listening to the guidance of Dr. Laitman and the fantastic instructors, graduating from the carefully designed set of KabU courses, hopefully getting assigned to a 10 of fellow students, work with them on our intention and only then can I get a true feeling of these states through connecting my point/seed in the heart with those of my 10? Or can these be felt individually, too, while still being in the preparation stage?
Thank you.
- January 22, 2022 at 5:15 pm EST #223166
ParticipantBTW Seth, are you the Teacher of the Youtube course: Enter the Zohar full course?
I simply love it!.
- January 23, 2022 at 11:25 pm EST #223335
Seth – KabU Instructor
Very happy to hear 🙂
- January 22, 2022 at 5:06 pm EST #223164
ParticipantHi dear Seth.
Thanks a lot. Your words are rather warm.
All of this just fits in me. I’m not scared, disappointed or frustrated. As a matter of fact, your answer is rather a language I have been understanding ever since I was little.
I don’t mind being a Puppet to be honest. I actually believe that it is such an act of humbleness to accept it with joy as well as awareness. And I think I do it.
In today’s class, the Rav said, that those whose drawing themselves close to this Science (even more the ones already in a Tent) will slowly experience coneccruon with the real spirituality upon the material world.
This advances, or tries for connection, will make to one to enter in spiritual stages that are beyond the reason’s comprehension, but that at all costs, we got to always remember, that there’s nothing beside Him.
This answers to beyond boddy experiences that my father and I have been experiencing (he lives in México, and I in Sweden) lately. Sensations of not been alone in a room, and kind of quite unique dreams.
For either way, we share our experiences and feedback each other with saying, there’s nothing to be afraid of, as There’s nothing beside Him. So we in order to not got nuts and trying to rationalise these experiences, we are just trying to not fear them. Have yourselef Seth experience things in all these years of your studies in Kabbalah, thins that you simply cannot describe with words? Sensations, thoughts or dreams? But that you know that it is the result of the process of you spiritual work?
In the other hand. I do agree entierly dear Seth in regards of saying: There’s nothing else beside Him, it shouldn’t be used to excuse oneself from the responsibility of his acts!
I am already in week 2, and Deeping into the texts and getting ready for week three.
Kind regards,
Yours Pedro.
- January 23, 2022 at 11:33 pm EST #223336
Seth – KabU Instructor
Your desire is strong but you have some confusions that need to be clarified.
The best is if they are clarified from your own efforts and experiences that way they will be built and stabalized in your perception.
Read and re-read the texts each week and make notes. Do NOT philosophize or extrapolate on what is written, your work is to simply identify and clarify the main points. Write out the main points, not with all kinds of dressings and commentary, but just clarify what the main points of each text are.
You will save yourself a lot of time and confusion by making these efforts now.
- January 22, 2022 at 5:06 pm EST #223163
ParticipantHi dear Seth.
Thanks a lot. Your words are rather warm.
All of this just fits in me. I’m not scared, disappointed or frustrated. As a matter of fact, your answer is rather a language I have been understanding ever since I was little.
I don’t mind being a Puppet to be honest. I actually believe that it is such an act of humbleness to accept it with joy as well as awareness. And I think I do it.
In today’s class, the Rav said, that those whose drawing themselves close to this Science (even more the ones already in a Tent) will slowly experience coneccruon with the real spirituality upon the material world.
This advances, or tries for connection, will make to one to enter in spiritual stages that are beyond the reason’s comprehension, but that at all costs, we got to always remember, that there’s nothing beside Him.
This answers to beyond boddy experiences that my father and I have been experiencing (he lives in México, and I in Sweden) lately. Sensations of not been alone in a room, and kind of quite unique dreams.
For either way, we share our experiences and feedback each other with saying, there’s nothing to be afraid of, as There’s nothing beside Him. So we in order to not got nuts and trying to rationalise these experiences, we are just trying to not fear them. Have yourselef Seth experience things in all these years of your studies in Kabbalah, thins that you simply cannot describe with words? Sensations, thoughts or dreams? But that you know that it is the result of the process of you spiritual work?
In the other hand. I do agree entierly dear Seth in regards of saying: There’s nothing else beside Him, it shouldn’t be used to excuse oneself from the responsibility of his acts!
I am already in week 2, and Deeping into the texts and getting ready for week three.
Kind regards,
Yours Pedro.
- January 19, 2022 at 10:08 pm EST #222879
Seth – KabU Instructor
We are going through all of the processes that happen in spirituality, but in an unconscious way, like a mother lowers the child and raises him up to nurse and lowers him back to the ground and raises him up to nurse and she performs the ascents and descents for him until such time as he grows enough that he can move on his own.
In relation to spirituality we were not even born yet, so we are even before the embryo. Nevertheless, we are going through all of these processes in a passive way.
To feel something in spirituality is only felt in a common vessel. You can feel something individually, but only according to your inner integration and connection with the others.
- January 10, 2022 at 6:48 pm EST #222053
ParticipantHi Seth!
I have to say that the video in Part 1 ABSOLUTELY describes how I felt life before discovering the Kabbalah. Which gets me to my question. In your comment #57237 you mention 5 steps of ascent & descent.
At the current moment despite the constant confusion and knowing I am utterly distant from the final goal, the feeling of this journey is of an utmost pleasure. I feel as if I have a cause, a True reason to wake up everyday. At the same time I feel as if more distant from the physical world – my own interior self cannot understand much of anything anymore. It is strange.
However the pleasure stays. Considering the 5 steps you have mentioned, is this the wrong feeling? Am I being misguided by the ego?
- January 19, 2022 at 10:03 pm EST #222878
Seth – KabU Instructor
When the sun is shining is the time that you buy insurance.
When the rain is pouring down and the flood waters are filling the house, that is not the time for buying insurance, that is the time to hold on through the storm and after, everything will be cleaned and even better.
While you are illuminated and feel all of this power and inspiration, make a framework for yourself. Start small. Maybe you make 20 minutes everyday to read your favorite kabbalah article or to study our lesson material for the week. But this 20 minutes happens every day, if you feel good or if you feel bad, this becomes part of your spiritual framework, above your animal emotions. It is not important the quantity of hours now. What is important is that you will be able to increase as you grow. Better to start with 20 minutes for example M-F at 10am and Sat & Sun at 4pm.
You do something that works for your life, maybe it is 4 times per week.
But what is important is that now you are on fire. Use it!
Don’t disregard what you have been given.
Write about it in your notebook.
- January 10, 2022 at 10:57 am EST #222018
ParticipantMy question is in context of correct attitude related to a corporeal situation. Situation is significant strained work relationship with another that does not hold same work ethics. Trying to fix using corporeal methods ie. conflict resolution etc. does not change the illusion! So would changing my attitude towards the situation by placing emphasis on the light be a correction for my desires in this situation. Would my desire to experience what the light is offering for the sake of the light and movement towards adhesion be correct desire, attitude, emphasis? Current egoistic desire is to change the other and not myself and this never works!
- January 19, 2022 at 9:56 pm EST #222875
Seth – KabU Instructor
There are many things to consider here and you will do and learn and there is none as wise as the experienced.
In short, if you can figure out a better way to work according to the customs of work where you live, do it.
Don’t apply your spiritual education to something at work – not now. It will only confuse you and prolong your development.
Actually the correct approach is to seperate the two things so it becomes very clear where is spirituality.
It takes time, it could take years to find where the spiritual action is. We are very confused and make a lot of actions that do not progress us. Of course we are always progressing, but it is unconscious and through many blows.
Figure out how to make a good working environment. If you are police officer and you are shooting at bad guys, so that is a job you shouldn’t expect that a job of chasing criminals will be peaceful. If you have a different kind of work and it’s possible to learn best practices for working together, try. And maybe it’s not possible and you have to change your work situation. You have to try and try and learn. Later you will feel how everything was preparations for spirituality.
And, while you are organizing your corporeal life in a normal, customary, comfortable way, also you need to study kabbalah, study the materials and let the light work on you and format your inner world.
You are at the beginning of the beginning of the path.
Try and let us know how it’s going.
Good luck,
- December 12, 2021 at 12:33 am EST #219429
ParticipantDoes the shattering of the vessels resemble the Big Bang, or, strictly speaking, does the modern broadly accepted idea of Big Bang flow from Kabbalah, rather than the reverse? “The conclusions of science must agree with the design of the Creator.”
- December 14, 2021 at 8:48 am EST #219753
Seth – KabU Instructor
What we perceive as the Big Bang is what we refer to as the moment when out of absence there appeared something.
Later, after the first restriction and the building of the partzufim, sefirot, worlds then we will get to the shattering that you are referring to. It’s all ahead of us. All that we are learning now is all prior to the creation of matter, we are now learning the blueprint of creation, everything that happens in matter extends from this plan that we are learning now.
- December 6, 2021 at 12:54 pm EST #219090
Given that “there is none else besides Him,” I am curious about experiences we commonly refer to as “coincidence” and/or “synchronicity.” Do these two concepts fit in with the teaching of Kabbalah? Do the Creative Forces use coincidental or synchronistic events to get our attention or communicate in some way?
Thank you,
- December 14, 2021 at 8:35 am EST #219732
Seth – KabU Instructor
Here’s a blog post from Rav’s blog that addresses your question. Rav’s blog is a great resource.Question: Won’t humanity reach the recognition and the revelation as to how the world is arranged and how the different forces operating in it are arranged up until the very last moment of its evolution? Is it our eternal fate to live in such a mess, wars and outbursts of desires?
Answer: There is no mess and no coincidence. We are in a very accurate, rigid, and deterministic system. Everything is arranged in a clear and accurate manner without any defects or flaws.
There are no concepts such as “as if,” “suddenly,” or “approximately,” etc. The more we learn about nature according to different sciences, the more clearly the very accurate unchangeable laws are revealed to us. We divide and classify our knowledge in different fields, but, in fact, there are no different sciences like chemistry, physics, etc, in the world around us.
It is only the unknown areas that have not been explored and studied as yet by which we can attempt to clarify things, but it is merely our perception that stems from ignorance. We simply cannot perceive the whole general picture.
Still, if we delve deeper into this issue, we see that nothing in creation happens for no reason, suddenly, as if, or approximately. It is on our part that we see things that way as “one judges according to his own flaws.” If our mind could grasp and penetrate the depths of nature, we could see a magnificent system in which everything exists in perfection. We could actually see what Godliness is and that everything is related to everything on all levels from the top down. The natures of the still, vegetative, animate, and human beings are one in their spiritual and corporeal revelation, and by one movement of my arm, I can move and operate all the worlds. This is how it is all built. There is no event that can remain unfelt and not affect the whole system.
Seth@KabU- December 14, 2021 at 9:49 pm EST #219836
ParticipantThank you, Seth, for sharing Rav Laitman’s blog. I routinely encounter events that seem similar in pattern to other events, even relating to lessons taught through Kabbalah. It feels at times that these are “clues” or “confirmations” trying to communicate something. Sometimes I am concerned about klipot and/or becoming confused by the dark forces of ABYA. That was the reason for my question. I will look for more information around this topic through the resources provided.
Many thanks,
- December 17, 2021 at 10:18 am EST #220050
Seth – KabU Instructor
In addition to whatever else you are studying from the resources on the site, invest yourself in these fundamentals. Everything is built on what we are learning now. The taller the building, the deeper the foundation needs to be.
- December 5, 2021 at 10:32 am EST #219010
ParticipantHello Seth and Tony, my question is about the topic of my prayers.
I feel very strong desires in my heart that I pray for. How do I know which one of the desires were placed in my heart by the creator versus the corporeal world?
- December 14, 2021 at 8:32 am EST #219723
Seth – KabU Instructor
All of reality is only the Creator. Just as we learned about the 4 phases of direct light, the Creator is dressed in these 4 degrees in our world: Inanimate (still), Vegetative, Animate, Speaking (human).
We are asking the Creator to feel that everything comes from Him and we want first to feel that and how can we also come to be bestowing like He is.
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