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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #281905

      First, I am feeling so humble and blessed to have found this platform, Kabu.
      My 71 years of journey, I have sought out the purpose of life and certainly mine.
      I bought a book on Kabbalah many years ago and could not understand any of it.
      several months ago, I woke up and realized I needed to study Kabbalah.  I have listened to this video several times, and I now understand what I need to do to continue my journey to the spiritual ladder.

      • #281918

        It is inspiring to hear this short story.
        Glad you are here.

    • #281780

      Thank you, Tony. I always relate to the way you explain the concepts of Kabbalah. I am recently out of an abusive relationship and am reframing that experience as something the Creator gave to me in my life so that I could learn from it, grow more deeply connected to my Self and be a better resource and example to others including my three year old daughter. I had begun the Kabbalah Revealed course several years ago but hit a wall and then spent so much energy on what felt like minimum daily survival that I couldn’t study or even think much about it. As Tony mentions, this is all part of the development process.

      • #281867

        We are very happy to hear that you are in a safe place now.
        You came to some very good discernments.
        Good luck and wishing you much success on your spiritual journey.
        We’re here together,

    • #281734

      I am humbled by this. I’ve always thought that my actions will justify me. I have understood that it’s only that desire to be filled with the power of the Creator through prayer that keeps me empty. My actions doesn’t even matter. Whatever I feel as a limitation, pain or trial isn’t what it really means, it’s just a phenomenon to prove the worthy. I’m so grateful to God for this day. I had actually felt despair and abandoned. I thought there was something I wasn’t doing better. Now I understand  that my efforts doesn’t matter at all. May God help me!

      • #281866

        Well, we are in the wisdom of kabbalah.  Of course your efforts matter.  That is what matters.
        But, unlike this world, we are not looking for the results in the same place.
        In this world, if you work for an hour, you want an hour of pay.
        But in our spiritual work, the Creator wants our efforts.  He doesn’t need us to move rocks from here to there or for us to save a tree (it’s nice to plant a tree, but it’s not correcting our soul).  But through many efforts, we come to need Him.  Through many efforts of trying and trying we get to the bottom of our heart, where we gave all that we could give and then we have a true prayer from the bottom of our heart that only He can help us and we discover Him there.

    • #281704
      Richard Lively

      I  do not have a question.  I am simply sharing what I feel.


      The creator is all, so we simply perceive.  It is our arrogance from our Ego that puts power into our actions.  That power does not exist in us but is from the creator.  We grow farther apart from the creator because we perceive what is real.  We are not powerful.  When we let go of this “knowledge” we  become sad.  We realize we are alone because we relied on ourselves to make changes (which is impossible).  When we become truly alone the creator sees this as a genuine prayer of brokenness and despair.  At that moment the creator sends mercy in the form of the beginning of unification.  The creator sends some message in our life to seek true spirituality and stop relying on ourselves.  The creator never leaves us, we simply never thought he was there because we relied on ourselves and this is why our efforts failed.  Our perception changes and we perceive that all is the creator and we do nothing.  This is when the natural forces present themselves in a manner in which we can surrender and truly understand our roles as powerless creatures.  It only seems like abandonment because we abandon ourselves eventually (since we have no power).  But in reality the creator waited patiently until we experienced our purpose was for his  pleasure.  The creator finds pleasure in my accepting his gifts of bestowal.  I find nothing in rejection of this and eventually seek to receive the intended gift.  Nothing about the natural forces change, my desires become the creators because I understand I am the one changing and the creator is the one changing my perception out of mercy.  Mercy is given because upon this realization i can stop making myself miserable by relying on power I dont have and witness the true power of the creator who does.  When i stop focusing on myself, but accept my true nature of selfishness is also pleasurable to the creator, I take on behalf only that it is pleasurable for me to do so.  This allows me to think of the creator rather than myself and should lead to the understanding of my non broken screen.  But Malchut is a state of maladaptation, therefore when i receive some light  it will never be enough until i reach 100% and am one with the creator.  Again the creator is not pushing me away, my  perception and natural nature just feels like he is.

    • #281666

      Hi Seth (or Tony),

      In the Tip of the Week for this week, we are advised to try and see that “There is none else besides Him” in our daily lives. But we still don’t have any screen or attainment, and I have a very vivid  imagination and tend to see all kinds of connections.

      Is there a trick (a crack) for us, who don’t have the screen yet,  to discern what stems from animal imagination and what not? Or do we just observe, without any judgement and trust?

      Thank you for your answers! And for “The Great Transition” – I love it!



      • #281864

        Hi! 🙂
        Also you animal imaginations come from the Creator.
        First things first is to attribute it all to Him.
        It’s not a reckless, religious fanatic principal.
        We’ve been studying, we are examining ourselves, we can observe the will to receive working in us, we can start to understand that we are observing nature in four developing degrees of inanimate, vegetative, animate and speaking.  We can see how the wind affects the water and together they affect the weather and the moon affects the tides and the birds and bees and in short, we’re in a closed system that functions on laws of nature.  So that I don’t see all of the connections with my eyes doesn’t bother me and even if I had hawk eyes, I couldn’t yet see how every planet and star and galaxy are also connected in the same system.
        So from now, I’m going to start to attribute everything to this system that we call the Creator.
        Good luck,

      • #281863

        Hi! 🙂
        Also you animal imaginations come from the Creator.
        First things first is to attribute it all to Him.
        It’s not a reckless, religious fanatic principal.
        We’ve been studying, we are examining ourselves, we can observe the will to receive working in us, we can start to understand that we are observing nature in four developing degrees of inanimate, vegetative, animate and speaking.  We can see how the wind affects the water and together they affect the weather and the moon affects the tides and the birds and bees and in short, we’re in a closed system that functions on laws of nature.  So that I don’t see all of the connections with my eyes doesn’t bother me and even if I had hawk eyes, I couldn’t yet see how every planet and star and galaxy are also connected in the same system.
        So from now, I’m going to start to attribute everything to this system that we call the Creator.
        Good luck,

    • #222180

      As understood: ANYTHING, ANYTHING COMES FROME HIM. Ok, would this mean that my present moment/shape (physical/mental/and such) is the result of the desires that throughout the years I’ve strived to fulfill along my life without stop, until have arrived/achieved to this point here I’ve sicken of something badly, and thus by realising that my past nonstop placer full-filler gives me no more placer, or at least has gotten outta hand, cause my desires has grown to great that this Earth’s/life’s placer it ain’t enough no more. And now after following my father’s footsteps and advice, I am back to Kabbalah as my Hedonistic self can not longer be fulfilled anymore.


      It might sounds rough, but this is me.


      Has all of this process of mine, been exactly planned and structured by HIM all the time, in order to get me back on the path of the studies of his Science?

      Does every inch of pain achieved by years of nonstop placer obtainment , and today manifested in me in physical disorders, are been his Will and plan? Meaning that unconsciously I’ve been forced by my untaming need to obtained placer to walk on the path of pain (left side) many years, to now start SLOWLY not even to walk on the right side, but rather start studying it, in order and hopefully to one day walk ok it aiming to to do the work within a Ten, to thereby finally amd truly grace him and connect to him?





      • #222880

        Yes, but calm down.
        The whole thing is all the Creator operating you.
        You are like a puppet, His hand is inside of you controlling you.
        The purpose of all of these experienced that you wrote about is in order to develop your emotions.
        The emotions become like our fuel.
        We cannot disregard anything that happened.
        And we are not permitted to say, “It’s all Him and I don’t need to take responsibility for anything”
        At the beginning of each state we need to approach it as if I need to do my best to advice.
        And at the end of each state we need to say, He was the one who did everything.
        This is our approach.
        It is not philosophy or mysticism.
        We are working with different forces, malchut and bina.
        Review the weekly lesson material multiple times, wash yourself in these materials it will help you a lot.

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