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  • This topic has 181 replies, 56 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks ago by Mike.
Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 65 total)
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    • #394299

      How many roots are there and how many branches from each root? I imagine Lichtenberg figures when I think of this. Do the roots have names?

      • #394357

        In the natural world, each thing has a root in the Upper World in a one-to-one relationship. When humans start making all kinds of things, not everything has a clear root. Like a computer doesn’t, for example, but a book does. Typically the root is called by the name we have for the branch in our world.

    • #389646

      I am wondering if the law that the creator reveals himself in the connection with others accounts for conscious connection with the ten in terms of studying Kabbalah only, or if itś a natural law that applies to any connection that follows the intention to bestow / altruism. In other words, if in daily life we ask for correction in our daily encounters, in order to act following the laws of nature and to draw the light, and get more awareness of or intention to bestow to another person, will that have any effect (e.g. if the other person is maybe not following Kabbalah but open for this sort of connection)?

      • #390092

        There’s an order here, like in all systems. A person needs  to first reach corrected connection with others with a Point in the Heart. Later, there’s a different work that isn’t exactly like what’s being taught presently. In short, we can’t exercise Kabbalistic principles on those who do not aim at the same goal.

    • #387705
      Deborah Joplin

      Hi Julian,

      It looks like humanity still has a long way to go before every soul fragment makes the final correction. I know that those of us who will do diligent work with the intention to ascend perform Mitzvot that contribute to the Collective Soul– and I am eager to do all I can in this generation. It is still hard for me to wrap my head around many more generations/lives. I do find peace in fact that soul fragments get the time they need to return. Altruism is complicated… I need to be aware of the Spiritual world within. May our Creator work out all of our intentions to ascend.

    • #387698
      Deborah Joplin

      Greeting Kabbalah Instructors!

      Thank you for your diligence in bestowing this knowledge to us! It amazes me that the wisdom has been available to the world at large since 1995, and this is all the progress we have made. It seems the Creator has a lot of patience with His consistently and deliberately ignorant vessels. There are still so many individuals who have not burning point in the heart — still fully engaged in making progress in this corporeal world without the slightest interest in the Creator or the spiritual worlds.

      My Point in the Heart has been awake since childhood, and now I feel like I can make progress through Kabbalah. The focus has always been on learning to “Love your neighbor.” I am finally learning new ways to do that by understanding the concept of the collective soul. I will continue to study and draw down the Reforming Light. I still have much work to do.

    • #376511

      Thank you!


    • #376387

      Hi again. You partly answered my question relating to the soul in your response to Christian. However, I still need to clear my understanding of the spirit in relation to the soul. Religion teaches that one is a spirit with a soul.

      Am I a spirit with a soul?

      Thank you in advance.

      • #376485

        You have a spiritual root that is unique, and you have to open it up while you’re in this world. Then, in it, you’ll feel an eternal world that is above this fleeting existence.

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