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    • #314686
      Lora Vatalaro

      I get more excited by what I’m learning with each new video, reading, etc.  It quenches a thirst I didn’t know I had.  But, I sure don’t understand everything that I’m learning.  After four viewings I’m just starting to grasp Julian’s teaching about the Partzuf building block.  But, the exposure still brings the Reforming Light into my Kli, right?  And, that’s the most important thing at this stage as a student?

      • #314687

        Yes, a person needs to go through billions of inner changes that a person isn’t aware of, let alone being able to make the changes independently. The Light has to do it, and so the exposure to the authentic Kabbalah materials as much as possible, is essential.

    • #311543

      So we work with the Kli by connection with Friends? And reveal the Creator this way through our connected corrected desire?

    • #311459

      It blows my mind that the creature is responsible for building the worlds and environments in order to conceal the Creator and descend into so that it (we) can evolve to attain equivalence of form with the Creator by an act of it’s (our) will. It’s amazing to think that I am experiencing exactly what I planned in an earlier stage of development. Am I understanding this correctly?

      • #311464

        There’s something to what you’re saying, Scott. But it wasn’t the me I associate with now. That’s electrical signals generated by a protein body, and when it dies so do all its memories and feelings just like when a donkey dies. All that remains is a Reshimo, a kind of embryonic point that then gets affiliated with another protein body and develops further. This point, when it connects to all the other points in reality is the Malchut of Eyn Sof. You can say that that Malchut “decided”.

        • #312004

          Thank you for the answer.

    • #311335

      Is there advice you can give me please on connecting with the Friends? Even in these early stages of study, I desire very much to connect with Creator through Love of Friends ❤️

      Thank you so much for all you are and all you do!

      • #311346

        Hi Rae,

        I like the eagerness. Well, we’ll have more focused exercises later in the Young Group, but it’s enough even without faces to tune into the other desires here who want the same thing you do, and now, to want it for them, that they will reach adhesion with the Creator, because that’s what He wants. You want to love Him? Then give him what He wants. Think about it from morning until night alongside whatever you’re doing.

        • #312881

          Thank you so much, again for this advice! What a beautiful life! 💖

        • #311439

          Thank you ❤️

    • #311190
      Roger Fry

      Hi, my question is that if there are 6000 souls but our global population is in the billions. My thoughts on this are that one of these souls is human and that splits again. How does kabbalah explain this? Thank you.

      • #311222

        Hi Roger,

        600,000 souls is an intensity, of the connection between all the broken parts. And it doesn’t matter how we divide it; we can make smaller or bigger divisions.

    • #310423

      Hi, I was particularly struck by the statement that after 1995 the way in which people correct changed. I have learned from past lessons that our individual “discovery” of Kabbalah is not happenstance. As we learn more about Kabbalah, and begin putting the learning into practice, does this create a situation where increasing numbers of other people also “discover” Kabbalah? Best, Tom

      • #311255
        Roger Fry

        Hi Gianni, thanks that has cleared it up for me.

      • #310702

        Exactly right. There is an order of correction, and heavier souls depend on the correction of lighter ones.

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