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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 466 total)
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    • #334521

      What is the difference between Adam HaRishon and Adam Kadmon?


    • #334463

      I just wanted a little clarification on a few terms.  So Adam Harishon is the creature that the creator made, or the soul/vessel that was shattered into 600,000 pieces initially?    And then is Shechinah the collective soul as it exists in this world in it’s shattered form?

      • #334550

        Many thanks Albert. Much appreciated 🙏.

      • #334532

        Hi Inbar,

        Adam Harishon refers to the creature in the worlds of BYA. As it corrects itself, it rises to Malchut of the world of Atzilut to the state of Shechina, the state where the Creator dwells and is revealed inside of this corrected form.

        We’ll learn more about these things in the more advanced lessons that deal with the technical structure of the upper worlds.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #334345

      As time goes on are souls still shattering as they are born? Still splitting in two?

      • #334354

        Hi Kelly,

        Yes, this is reflected in the size of the human population. As the ego grows, the soul is fragmented accordingly so that our common egoism is divided between us, making the work of correcting the ego easier for all of us.

        Rav Laitman writes about it in one of his blog posts:

        “600,000 is the number of initial fragments, but after that they are fragmented again into whatever number is necessary for the optimal correction in each generation – so that each fragment will have as much egoism as it’s able to correct. Therefore, to the degree that egoism grows, the world’s population grows as well.”

        Albert @ KabU

        • #334355

          Thank you so much!!

    • #334303

      Is my understanding correct that according to Kaballah, the creator created the humans to be selfish and driven by ego but also gave us free will and choice to go against that nature to bestow the goodness and love on to others? And as long as we are not following this formula we suffer and feel empty in our lives?

      What does Kaballah say about our souls when we are back in between lives? Do souls experience the need to fill themselves or the vessel with fulfilled desires or the only desire it has is to be more like the creator?


      • #334353

        Hi Olga,

        1. Yes, you can say that. But keep in mind that we don’t have the strength to go against our egoistic nature. The best we can do is to try to rise above it. And by doing so, we evoke the light to help us to realize those efforts.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2. Kabbalah defines a soul as the corrected form of our nature: the desire to received with the intention to bestow. But since we are not yet corrected, we don’t have this thing called the soul. What we have is a soul in potential. This is our points in the hearts. As long as we have not yet fully corrected ourselves, this same point continues to reincarnate again and again until it gets fully realized.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #334274

      Hi Albert,

      I bought the books. Any recommended reading to be prepared for next week lesson?

      Also, I received an email with links for the Q&A and Zoom, but I didn’t see it on time.  Does it happen every Sunday at 1 pm Eastern or was it only this week!  So sad I missed it.

      Thank you,


      • #334352

        Hi Loyda,

        Each week has its own recommended reading materials. Here’s the link for week 1 recommended reading.

        It’s also recommended to just read through from beginning to end the books Kabbalah Revealed and then Attaining the Worlds Beyond.

        For the live Zoom, check out the live page link for details and recordings.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #334237

      Very nice. No questions. Everything is clear.

      thank you for the lesson

      • #334356


Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 466 total)
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