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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 466 total)
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    • #338266

      Returning to the source, climbing the 125 steps is probably not possible in one biological lifetime.  How can a person be reunited with the source and others in one soul, if human life expectancy is about 75-80 years?

      • #338274

        Hi Nuria,

        We learn that “there is no time in spirituality”. Reaching it does not depend on time, but only on the right desire. If we build the right desire, within it, we will right away reveal spirituality. If not, then even if a few thousand more years were to pass by, we would still not reveal anything. It all depends on us, on our efforts to build that desire.

        And it is possible to perform this correction within our lifetime. This is precisely why life expectancy went up so much in recent years, from 30-40 years like it was a few hundred years ago, to our days of 70-100 years. So if we use our time correctly, there is plenty of time to reach our full correction in this lifetime.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #337370

      If Kabbalah is over 5000 years old and we are learning the Original Kabbalah here, how, when and why did it become associated with things like Tarot, Illuminati, Freemasonry, New World Order? I am assuming the knowledge we get here predates these things and as you said, has nothing to do with the (Satanic) mysticism that some of these things include. Thank you.

      • #337384

        Hi Sheila, great question!

        Authentic Kabbalah has indeed been around for about 5800 years, but it’s been concealed for the past 2,000 years, so people don’t really know what it’s all about. Just picture a 2,000 year old game of telephone and all the distortions that would spring up as a result.

        So naturally, due to the concealment, many different methods sprang up that are seemingly “Kabbalah”. Some try to associate themselves with Kabbalah as a way to validate themselves, while others borrowed some principles from Kabbalah and created something else, which is how philosophy emerged and later on turned into science. Or it’s also possible that these methods sprang up as a result of the concealment of Kabbalah, this is how the modern religions emerged. But ultimately, authentic Kabbalah has nothing to do with any other method and for the most part precedes all of the modern religions, sciences, and philosophies.

        Authentic Kabbalah is the method by which we correct our egoistic nature and as a result we become similar to and reveal in practice the Creator, the general force of love and bestowal.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #337392

          Thank you Albert. Not too many people these days understand that and if I say I am studying kabbalah they assume the worst! I have been exposed to a bit of the ‘other’ types of kabbalah, demons and spells, meditations with the alphabet, tarot cards. Now I am thankful to have been led here, actually through a book on how to read the bible, with it’s coding, that mentioned another book by Rav Leitman which I purchased. That path has led me here. I must say the tarot cards referencing kabbalah were really most interesting! I will read the article and continue here. Thank you again.

    • #337102
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      Question 1

      It has been established that Kaballah is not mysticism but rather a measurable science, a science hidden from our five senses.  Does this mean that developing a sixth sense or sensitivity to one’s higher self / holy spirit / third eye / divine consciousness is the point of Kaballah?

      Question 2

      Were most/all of the founding Kabbalist’s Zionists?  if yes, please clarify the term Zionist.

      Question 3

      Is it a coincidence that two words sacred to Muslims are contained in the word Kaballah, namely, Kaba and Allah?

      • #337142

        Hi Leyah, great questions!

        1. The point of Kabbalah is to correct our egoistic nature. As a result of this correction we become similar to the Creator, to the general force of love and bestowal. As a result of becoming similar to Him, we reveal Him in practice, in our lives. All of this follows the law of equivalence of form.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2. There is no such term as founding Kabbalists. The first Kabbalist was Adam, almost 6000 years ago. He was the first one to actualize this method. His name gives us a hint at this since Adam comes from the Hebrew word “Dome”, meaning “similar to”. He was not the first one alive, but rather the first one to reveal the Creator by becoming similar to this quality of bestowal.

        3. Kabbalah is not referring to Kaba or Allah. Kabbalah is Hebrew for reception. Our nature is founded on the desire to receive. But this nature by itself is flawed. The more we receive, the more we cancel our desire, and the less pleasure we actually feel.

        It’s like the example with eating: I’m hungry so I eat. I eat a little, I feel a lot of pleasure. The more I eat, the more I cancel my hunger and feel less and less pleasure from eating, until I reach a point that not only do I stop receiving pleasure from eating, but if I continue, I would even feel pain and start throwing up.

        It’s similar with all of our desires. Kabbalah helps us to correct our desires to receive, so through them we can receive higher forms of pleasures, those that come from being similar to the Creator. This is why it’s called Kabbalah (reception), it’s the science of reception.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #336900
      Zachary Jones

      When I watch this teaching with total relaxed focus and confidence that the words are true, my mind seems to lift and I know in my heart that this information is total truth. It feels like the truest words ever spoken being carved into my psyche. I feel deep peace and clarity of mind and am feeling more engaged at my work as a therapist. What is happening to me when this occurs?

    • #336863
      Om Agni

      I now it is not relevant to the wisdom itself but I understood that kabbalah was introduced by Melkitzedek whom teaches Abraham. I want to know you opinion. thanks

    • #336822


Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 466 total)
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