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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 283 through 288 (of 466 total)
  • Author
    • #299779
      Tracey N

      Although I’ve watched this presentation before, I definitely got more from it this time. Can’t wait to get into it all further


    • #299734

      i would like to know more about the language of branches, its very interesting

    • #298759
      Rahul Bhatia

      How the temple got destroyed ? What happened there that destruction of it resulted in fall of humanity? When will it be created again?

      • #298819

        Hi Rahul, great questions!

        1) The temple symbolized the level of love and connection that this group was able to achieve at that time. When a bigger level of egoism was revealed, they were unable to maintain that level of love and connection. As a result of that, the corporeal temple, the symbol of their love and connection, wound up getting destroyed.

        Baal HaSulam writes about this in “Letter 60”, here’s an excerpt:

        “this is what our sages meant when they asked about the ruin of the Second Temple, that there was no idolatry there and they were proficient in Torah, so why was it ruined? They said it was for unfounded hatred.”

        2) The general level of egoism grew. But this is not a bad thing, but rather a sign of progress. It’s like with exercise, when you master a 5 pound weight, in order to keep progressing, you need to add resistance by going up to a 10 pound weight, etc. Likewise the process of correction works according to the rule of “from light to heavy”. Meaning first the lighter, less egoistic souls reach their correction. They become as the pioneers that start this whole process. And only later on we focus on the heavier, coarser, more egoistic desires.

        The people in the days of Abraham were less egoistic and therefore started this whole process. After they corrected the egoism on their level, it opened the door for the rest of the world, the carriers of the heavier, more egoistic desires, to reach their correction.

        But the rest of the world was not yet ready for this correction. For this reason Kabbalah had to be temporarily concealed and the people who previously succeeded in this method needed to be scattered throughout the whole world. Then in the process of them integrating with the rest of the world, they sped up the development of the rest of the world to this final state of correction.

        So we can see from this whole process that it’s not that something bad happened, on the contrary, those pioneers that started this process finished the correction on their level and then received their next challenge.

        3) Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #298173
      Roza Morasha

      Questions have been answered.


    • #297293

      Hi. Do you have any course for learning Kabbalistic Hebrew?

    • #297007

      I have more than one please forgive me. You say kabbalist, what makes a person a kabbalist? You gave the example of Abraham teaching the men kabbalah. How do you know he was teaching that to them? Did they know they were kabbalists? Did they know that the words they were using were representations of something of another world? The 125 steps…where did the knowledge come from that it is that many? I should probably get those books lol

      • #297117

        Hi Blue,

        1) A Kabbalist is someone that has corrected his/her egoistic desire into the desire to bestow (at least to some extent). As a result of this correction, a Kabbalist reveals the Creator, the general force of love and bestowal, while they are alive in this world.

        2) Regarding Abraham, we know of his work through the writings of Rambam.

        3) If a person corrects himself, he attains spirituality, he feels it tangibly. It’s impossible not to know that one has spiritual attainment.

        4) Yes, the Kabbalists used the language of roots and branches on purpose in order to convey spiritual phenomena. For those that are in spiritual attainment, this is very clear. For those that are not, these writings seem to them like some kind of stories, history, morals, etc.

        5) The number 125 comes from the structure of the upper worlds. This structure is just a division of the spiritual desire that we need to correct into sefirot, partzufim, and worlds.

        The most basic division of the desire is 1 Sefira. 5 Sefirot compose 1 partzuf. 5 Partzufim compose 1 world. There are 5 worlds in total. So 5 worlds each with 5 partzufim each with 5 sefirot equals 125 (5x5x5) steps on the spiritual ladder, or in other words corrections that need to be performed on the desire.

        In the book Kabbalah for the Student, there’s an article called Foreword to the Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah ( which lists these 125 steps in the language of sefirot/partzufim/olamot(worlds). For now, these are just technical terms for us, but in the future lessons we’ll dive deeper into these things and learn how to feel and experience them.

        In simpler words, the 125 steps represents the difference between us and the Creator. The Creator is a desire to bestow and we are the desire to receive. Adapting our desire to receive to work in order to bestow takes 125 steps. So to the extent that we correct our nature, make it similar to the Creator’s nature, to that extent we’re “climbing” this ladder.

        In other words, ascending or descending this ladder is not a physical action, but rather depends on how much we’re similar to the Creator’s quality of bestowal (ascending) or less similar to it and more egoistic (descending).

        All of this operates according to the law of equivalence of form. Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 283 through 288 (of 466 total)
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