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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 542 total)
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    • #308991

      How does studying Kabbalah impact one’s practice of Judaism? It’s not necessary to be a Jew to study Kabbalah, but is there an advantage?

      • #310128

        Hi Avi, good questions!

        Studying Kabbalah can help you understand how modern Judaism appeared and how to actualize the role of the Jewish people in our days. Let’s put a few things into perspective to understand this:

        Kabbalah is the method of correcting our egoistic nature and thereby revealing the Creator, the general force of love and bestowal. The first one to actualize this was Adam. His name gives us a hint at this since Adam comes from the Hebrew word “Dome”, meaning “similar to”. He was not the first one alive, but rather the first one to reveal the Creator by becoming similar to this quality of bestowal.

        This wisdom gets passed onward from Adam until Abraham who adapted it to the people of his generation and made the wisdom more practical. Abraham put together a large group of Babylonians who were interested in actualizing this method. These people later on became the Israeli nation. The word Israel comes from the Hebrew words “Yashar” “El” meaning straight to God. These are the people who had an active point in the heart in those days and were interested in revealing the Creator.

        These people greatly succeeded in this method. The peak of their success was symbolized in the building of the first and second temple, which reflected the level of unity and bestowal they were able to reach. At a certain point, they lost the spiritual connection between them (the destruction of the 2nd temple) and what remained was just these external symbols of their connection.

        At this point the wisdom of Kabbalah became concealed. People still had the holy books, Torah and etc, but they did not know how to use them. Since the Torah is written in the language of roots and branches. Meaning it uses words of our world to describe spiritual phenomena. But if a person does not have this spiritual connection through which he can see this, then he thinks this book is talking about this world, history, morals, commandments, etc. From this emerges the Jewish religion.

        From all the above we see that Kabbalah itself is not connected to any religion and that the modern religions came out due to the concealment of Kabbalah. At the same time, Kabbalah is not against religions. In fact we have millions of students worldwide, from many different backgrounds and religions. Many of them do choose to maintain their religion or to perform certain religious customs while studying Kabbalah and there is nothing wrong with that. Just like with any other science, a person can be religious and also be a chemist or physicist. Likewise a person can be religious and also study the science of Kabbalah. Baal HaSulam writes that even after the full spiritual correction people can still keep their religions.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #308974


      1. In this article you gave to Gabor it says ” ‘short’ relationship with my Creator.”. what does it mean by short?

      2. In the book of “Attaining the world beyond” it says Nature is Creator. can we take this statement literally? If we took it literally is our relationship with the Creator or Nature is temporary?

      • #310127

        Hi Barnabas,

        1. Short meaning direct.

        2. Nature meaning not just trees and animals, but the all encompassing system that we’re in. So our relationship with the Creator is our relationship with the all encompassing system of nature. This system includes all of our thoughts, desires, all of the life events we go through, everything. Through all these things we begin to build a relationship with the Creator and to understand Him.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #308439
      Enrique Luis

      ¿Por qué la sabiduría de la Cabalá considera que no es necesario abstenerse de satisfacer los deseos corporales? ¿No es acaso imprescindible cierta condición del cuerpo para acceder al deseo de conocer el sentido de la vida y adherirse al Creador?

      • #308456

        google translation of Luis’s question:

        Why does the wisdom of Kabbalah consider that it is not necessary to refrain from satisfying bodily desires? Is not a certain condition of the body essential to access the desire to know the meaning of life and adhere to the Creator?

        Hi Luis, great question!

        The Kabbalistic method is not about suppressing or killing our ego, rather it’s about rising above it. In fact the more we advance, the more our egoistic desires grow. They turn into a type of mountain that we climb over. The bigger the desires, the higher we can climb, and the higher the spiritual degree that we can attain. On the other hand, if we were to eliminate our egoistic desires, then accordingly, we would only be able to attain a tiny degree of spiritual attainment.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        By the way, if you prefer to study Kabbalah in a different language, we have courses available in many different languages. Check out this portal site for details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #308292
      Lora Vatalaro

      So, the heart-wrenching desire to move beyond the created world and to touch the spiritual world is a valuable desire to have, according to Kabbalah?  It’s wild to think that this desire is something to value, versus something to be suspicious of.

      • #308455

        Hi Lora,

        Yes, that desire is truly priceless. Each person that was given such a desire was as if hand picked by the Creator. They are the pioneers that will pave the way towards spirituality for the whole world. We’ll learn more about this in the future lessons.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #308281

      So if I understand this Kabalah is the science of the 6th sence, or the spiritual preception of the realms beyond earth.

      • #308454

        Hi Holly,

        Yes, you can say that. I would add that Kabbalah is a practical method by which we can correct our egoistic nature. Why do we need to correct our egoistic nature? Because developing spiritual perception depends on the law of equivalence of form. Meaning that in order to reveal spirituality, we need to become similar to it. Spirituality operates on the qualities of love and bestowal, while our nature operates on the complete opposite quality: pure egoism. This is why I would define Kabbalah as a practical method by which we can correct our egoistic nature in order to develop our spiritual perception of reality.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #308083

      Basics of Kabbalah help me clarifying my vision of world perspective. Intentions, Bestowal, Reception, Ego, Fullfilment…

      It was lack element in my life. Something which i desired, something which is compatible whit my knolage, experience and intuition…

      Kabbalah helped me to find adeqat words to describe these forces and explain me simply my spiritual feelings.

      How can I improve my perception of reality?









      • #308086

        Hi Martin, good question!

        In the upcoming lesson on the perception of reality, we’ll learn that we are not actually perceiving reality the way it truly is, but rather we perceive it through the lens of our egoistic nature. So in order to change the outer reality, we need to correct our egoistic nature.

        It’s like we have these dirty glasses through which we see the whole world as dirty. The moment we clean our own glasses, we’ll look at the same world but it’ll appear clean and perfect. So improving our perception of reality depends on us correcting our egoistic nature.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #308269

          Thank you for wise answer with great comparison to glasses…


          From intentions, in order to receive, to intension in order to give.

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 542 total)
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