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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 295 through 300 (of 466 total)
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    • #296372

      Transcending time and space is my dream for this lifetime.  That is the only thing I want.

    • #296339

      Hi all. I am looking forward to learning more about transcending space and time in the coming weeks. Thanks. Great first video!

    • #296333

      Why are more people not interested in spirituality?

      • #296444

        Hi Robert, great question!

        It’s because all of humanity is part of a single system, like cells within a single body. In this body, there is a certain order of development that needs to take place. Just like when a corporeal body is developing in the mother’s womb, first one set of organs develop, then another, and another set, etc. Likewise with us. If we received an awakened point in the heart, it means that it’s our turn to develop in this system. And once we develop to a certain point, it will allow for others to be awakened and start their development.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #296484

          So in simple terms, we must first develop the desire, then the desire will lead to action (studying Kabbalah), & studying will enact inner change, which in turn will allow us to help others grow their P.I.T.H?

          I didn’t completely understand your response so this is to help my understanding.

        • #296781

          Hi Hensy,

          Yes, we first need to develop the desire. We do that by studying Kabbalah and trying to connect with our fellow students, with their points in the heart. This in turn grows our desire and causes inner changes to take place, until we begin to feel that these are not just fellow students, but rather parts of my soul. And this development in turn causes positive changes in the world, allowing others to start growing their points in the heart. We’ll learn about this in the more advanced lessons.

          Albert @ KabU

    • #295247
      Sara Medcalf

      I enjoy feeling and recognizing the forces around me. I’ve been developing my spiritual sense for a few years. Id go as far to say that the upper force has been making itself known to me after some time, lol. It’s fun. Strange. Kind. Has given me a lot of understanding at time. Also confusion. I’m thankful. I’m thankful I can help some others along the way too.

    • #295015

      Thank you for creating this platform for enlightening the souls of humans!

    • #294534

      We are pieces of the soul Adam HaRishon.

      Does the creator exist appart from the creatures ?

      What is the origin of the creator ?

      • #294604

        Hi Amani, great questions!

        Kabbalah is a science based on the research of the Kabbalists. As a science, there are clear limits to what we can and cannot research. One such limit is that we’re unable to research what happened before the thought of Creation, before Creation. This is because our current research tools are incapable of grasping such things, so we’re unable to research them.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Another limitation is in how we research the Creator. Kabbalah divides our research of the Creator into two parts.

        The first is His essence (atzmuto in Hebrew). This is He Himself, His point of view, the Creator as an entity separate from the Created beings. We’re incapable of researching this part of the Creator again because our research tools are not built in such a way that we can grasp such things. Perhaps after we finish the process of correction, we’ll discover additional research tools through which we’ll be able to research these things, but until then we limit ourselves and don’t talk about this part of the Creator because we cannot properly research it.

        The other part of the Creator is called Bo-Re (Hebrew for Come (Bo) and See (Re)). This is the part of the Creator that we can research and reveal. How do we research this? Through the desire. When we take a part of our desire to receive and correct it in the direction of bestowal, in that corrected desire, we reveal a certain phenomenon, we call this phenomenon the Creator. This is why there are many names for the Creator (in Hebrew), since every time we correct a different part of the desire, we reveal a different aspect of this thing called the Creator.

        So all of our understanding of this thing called the Creator (and any spiritual phenomena) is based on what we reveal within the corrected desire. But whatever exists outside of the corrected desire, whatever we don’t grasp, perceive or attain within the desire, whatever is beyond our tools of research, we don’t talk about. We need to keep these limits in mind in order to stay within the realm of science and not venture off into religion or philosophy.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 295 through 300 (of 466 total)
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