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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #430542

      How do you explain that “Adam wrote the first Kabbalah source, a short paragraph” It is hard not to think that it is an attempt to legitimize the wisdom. Adam wrote? If it is symbolic and metaphorical that is ok, but it doesn’t seem to

      fit with the presentation of why Kabbalah is reliable and verifiable.

      It was said that Hebrew is a Kabbalistic language. Are there others?

    • #430468

      Thank you.

    • #430340
      Tracey Young

      This is more a reflection than a question

      The Eiffel tower came to mind .

      the 1st image I drew was that our human heart that  has this spark of golden light,that pulls us into life an unknowable external force like gravity yet made of divine love .

      ladders have been in my creative journal  for the past few years along side trees..

      the real beauty is when i can leave an image alone and see and draw the inter space.

      blessed and thank you 🙂

      I have noticed stencils and patterns offer the easiest way to drop into that place .

    • #430273

      zoveel boeiende vragen  en deskundige uitleg  door de docent.  Ik heb  verder niets toe te voegen

    • #430208

      This is my response to the recommend reading of kabbalah reveled ch 5.. it says we should hate the will to receive and I am responding to that general passage on pg 115.. I’ve heard that the hating itself is still of the ego … what if we recognize evil as foolishness and error, or immaturity? We don’t need to hate it to see it for what it is and wish to mature from it and correct it.. how can you say that the creator hates to be a receiver? This seems arrogant to proclaim because how can you know ? How can the creator hate at all and how is hate defined here? This is basically saying we should hate the creation … why would we hate what the creator gave us? Why are they using the word hate? I am not understanding this, it doesn’t make sense or feel resonant to me.

      • #430251

        OK Lexi,
        If you really love someone, I mean really, really love someone with all of your heart and all of your soul and all of your might, then you would hate to lose them.
        Leave all of the other methods alone, we are studying the wisdom of kabbalah here, and each method has its own language, its own definitions, etc and you can’t mix and match, this is a precise science.
        I understand the aversion to the word hate, after all we live in a modern world and all these words lost their meaning.
        Do you remember when we used to go buy produce and there was a scale that had a spring in it, you’d put the produce on the hanging scale and then as the weight pulled the tray down, it pulled on the spring and made the needle move to read the weight.
        So call the tension on the spring “hate”.  It’s the measurement of resistance, it’s the opposite side of love.
        If there is true love, there is hate on the other side.
        It does not mean that you have road rage, kind of hate, it means that true love is not that I sit around with no thoughts, it means that I built something through my efforts and understandings and more efforts and care and I don’t want to lose it.  I prefer love, I want love, I need love and I guard it.

      • #430209

        With this being said I have noticed a natural hatred arise within me in response to egoistic people/behavior and my own self-centered qualities… but isn’t this hatred some form of aversion like the Buddhists would say? Doesn’t hatred bind you more to that thing you hate? What you resist persists…
        a nondual advaita teacher said that the hatred itself is from the ego , what is your take on all of this? I would appreciate some clarification and insight here. Thanks

    • #429976

      Hi does equivalence of form mean that we learn from the point of the heart how to ‘climb’ the ‘ladder’ to once again be one with the creator as we were before egoism took over and we forgot our spiritual states of being?

      • #430250

        The purpose of Godly nature being covered is so that we can feel our existence.  Otherwise we are as a drop of water in the ocean of love, we are completely one with everything but there is no us, nothing to feel the grandeur and wonder of what we are a part of.  By being separated, we can step by step climb the ladder and build this awareness and feeling.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 387 total)
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