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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 388 total)
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    • #424671
      Rex Jebamoney

      As a life long Christian, my original search was to find the authentic teachings of Jesus. Since he was a Jew, I suspected that his teachings wouldn’t be what is interpreted by the writings of the New Testament, but teachings of religious leaders of his time (Torah). What drew me to his teachings were the two great commandments he gave to his followers. I hold these commandments as my personal source of spiritual wisdom. By enrolling in this study I hope to finally begin to love my neighbours more than myself. I am looking forward to achieving this with your help.

      From this lesson it seems, that achieving the goal is referred to as the 6th sense. I am hoping that I am thinking on the correct lines …

      • #424693

        Hi Rex,
        Loving the other as ourselves is the method, adhesion with the Creator is the goal.
        Through accustoming ourselves to cover our ego with love every time, and by studying correctly from the books of the kabbalists we draw upon ourselves a reforming light that gives us a new perception of reality, a perception that “I” do not end at my skin, but the new illumination (6th sense as you call it) depicts for me a reality where I am one with everyone.

    • #419073

      From the related video with Gil Shir, I don’t understand when he says we will become equal with the Creator… I understand becoming like Him, but how can something that is created become actually equal with its Creator?

      • #419919

        In the material world we can move two objects close to each other, we can then melt them together or smash them together to get them to as if become one. In spirituality there is no time and space or motion.

        An object is closer or farther from another based on its qualities. The more similar the qualities, the closer the two spiritual objects and the more different the qualities, the more distant the two spiritual objects.

        If we correct desire to be on order to bestow and He is bestowing then we become one.

    • #419056
      Mathieu DANHO

      Dear Moderator,

      How can we develop the sixth sens needed to see that reality surrounding us ?

      • #419917


        We read the books from the Kabbalists who write from those degrees that we want to reach. They planted light in those books.  But that is not enough.
        Just like giving a million dollars to a bird, it will have no use for it, we need to develop a need for this light, a value and appreciation for it and that comes by planting ourselves in a spiritual environment that increases the importance of these lights.
        We will do all of this together,


    • #418034

      -The Screen (Masach): An inner mechanism that allows us to receive or reject spiritual light based on our intention, facilitating the transformation from self-centered reception to altruistic giving.
      -Reshimot (Spiritual Records): Impressions imprinted in our soul from previous spiritual states, guiding our progression toward higher levels of perception.
      -Five Senses and Beyond: Understanding the limitations of our physical senses and learning how to develop spiritual senses to perceive the broader reality.


      Is there a way to get “in contact with the previous spiritual states”?

      • #419916


        What do you mean?

        For example in this life you want to get in touch with your 5 year old self?
        In your spiritual life, what are you asking and what would be the purpose? So I can understand your question.

    • #414979

      In the “Preface to the Book of Zohar,” Baal HaSulam explains that what we perceive as the outside world is actually a mental projection created within our minds. He compares the brain to a photographic machine that inverts the images we see, making us perceive them outside of us, even though they are actually inside our consciousness.

      Given this idea, I’d like to ask: How can understanding that our perception of reality is a projection of our inner state help us in our spiritual work? Specifically, how does this concept influence our ability to transform ourselves and our experience of the world around us?

      Also for example, if we are all in the same room, with five people seeing the same object (like a chair, table, building across the street that can be seen through the window, etc.), how does Rav Yehuda’s comment apply here? If the “outside” world is an illusion created within our minds, why do we perceive the same object similarly, and how does this align with the idea that changing our inner world can influence the way we experience the world around us?

      Does this mean that the path to changing our external reality starts purely with changing our internal perception, and if so, what practices in Kabbalah can help us align the two?

      • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by jul.
      • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by jul.
      • #417394

        There is no problem that 5 people all perceive a chair.  We are made of the same matter and have gone through similar development and are in the same scene together.

        On the one hand you can say that certainly the key to changing reality is changing our inner perception.  However that doesn’t just happen by wishing for it, there are many exercises and discernments that a person does over long periods of time that calibrate and acclimate a person to these changes.  We will learn about all of this.

      • #417146

        I watched this video at ~9min Dr Laitman’s answer provided a clarification on my question, Thanks for all your answers, and any additional information will be appreciated.

        • #417258

          Here is video link I was referring to

    • #414939
      Gregory Lehtimaki

      Perception of reality… I think everyone has a different perception, i.e., some people live in, I think a false world of “happiness”; no one is happy all the time… they may perceive such, but their behavior suggest otherwise.   It is my opinion, as far as I live my life, the sixth sense is my connection to haShem, through my faith, religion (Judaism).  To get outside of the “box” of my five senses, into that “sixth sense”, I pray, I try to live my life (behavior and thought process) in the spiritual through mitzvot, chesed, etc.  I can choose my reality… I can to my best to avoid negative people, and circumstances that affect my physical life via my senses.  I believe the Hebrew Scriptures outline how to live a spiritual life. it gives us the direct knowledge; it gives us beliefs, but those beliefs are your spiritual connection to G-d – to another perception of reality… THE SPIRITUAL.  To get out of the “box”, I feel we MUST have a relationship to the G-d of Israel.

      Now I am sure I am off the mark in my understanding in regard to this lesson… yet that is what my take-away is with perception – Physical or Spiritual.

      • #415089

        Each person needs to find a path that is suitable for his soul.
        There are thousands of religions and beliefs in the world.
        We study the books of the sages of Israel passed to us from sage to disciple in an unbroken chain.
        Happy to have you here and looking forward to our studies together.

        • #417925

          I agree. in addition, it was Torah and Hashem, also books as path of the just, Derek Hashem, Duties of the heart ect… and teachings from the sages that laid the foundation for me to finally enter into kabbalah. and to truly be able to love Hashem with all my  heart  soul and might and love others. these things, i believe will enrich us and carry us along in our new journey.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 388 total)
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