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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #335567

      How can I remember in a difficult situation that we were created only to receive pleasure

      • #335614

        When you invest a lot of time and energy into working, you want to get a reward.
        When you have a child at home, you go out and work to support him.
        When you fall in love for the first time, you think about the person a lot, because it is important to you, sometimes you cannot sleep.
        So you invest yourself in the books and the spiritual work so that you think about it a lot, so that you care about it a lot.

    • #335493

      Hello Seth,

      If I understood correctly, God is the bestowal force who created us to receive all delights, etc and our role is to develop this bestowal quality.

      My question is if God wants us to love Him back, I mean when we develop the bestowal quality it will become natural that we love God back. So does God’s expectation from us to love Him or love others back considered an intention “God’s intention” to receive as well? God will also receive pleasure from us being grateful and loving Him?

      In other words if we developed the bestowal quality we will normally love God and people and we want to see them happy, etc but we will also expect or will be hoping that God or people would love us back or appreciate our love. Will this be considered intention to receive “love”?





      • #335513

        Hi Mira,

        Let’s clarify.
        The thought of creation is to create a creature and fill it with endless delight and pleasure.
        The purpose of creation is to fill you with endless delight and pleasure…You.
        As you’ve been studying, you already understand that as soon as the stomach is full, it can’t enjoy anymore.  So we have a problem, we can’t receive endlessly and not only that, we are satisfied by a coffee, a hug, some money.  We don’t even understand what it would mean to have a relationship with the Creator and to be filled by him.  It’s like trying to explain to a 2 year old the benefits of the stock portfolio that you are giving him.
        So, loving others is the method to transform us into a creature who has the spiritual mechanics for the endless light to pass through us.  For when we truly love, there is nothing of our own that we can pass to the others, when we truly love, we are passing the light of the Creator through us to the others and on that there is no limitation.



    • #335234

      I heard in a few videos that studying in a group is preferable and I also heard that there is a local group that meets in San Francisco. Is it possible to get connected with the local group?

      • #335331

        After students go through the fundamentals courses, there will be opportunities to connect with the other students studying in your region.

    • #335215
      Zachary Hanlon

      In the materials, they mentioned that the Kabbalah does not correlate to any eastern teachings. In studying the Sephirot, they seem to correlate precisely to the chakra system, albeit with more nuance. Every tradition tends to say they are not correlative with any other, though with study, I see a great deal of synchronization between all of them. Why is it that this line in the sand in necessarily between profound wisdoms that seem to agree with one another?

      • #335330

        We are experts in the wisdom of kabbalah as we received it from our teacher.  In my 20s before I found kabbalah I learned meditation and yoga and studied some other methods, but in no way am I an expert in any of them.

        The kabbalists attained what they wrote, there is no hypothesis, or theories.
        I imagine that if there is another method that is genuine . then it is also based on attainment.
        We have no time to waste on theories.
        So if it turns out that different people in different parts of the world penetrated the veil of the normal material existence and discovered some natural laws, then why is it any surprise that they find similar things.
        However each method is very different, the wisdom of kabbalah is wholly different than the eastern methods in its approach to the work with the ego.  You’ll understand that if you continue to study and absorb what you are learning.
        I hope to see good things from you,

    • #335173

      If I understand correctly, when one reaches unity with The Creator, we understand the purpose of life, the past and the future.  At this point, can we see world history and the truth of how events occurred – in regard to the planet and to our own lives?  Do we become aware of events that have been hidden from us during our life times?
      Do we also become aware of other people/souls that we have known in this lifetime, or our lifetimes; and any animals/pets we may have c0nnected with?
      What do we do in eternity?

      Hope my question is not too outrageous.  Thanks, Sue

      • #335206


        Think about who your grandma was to you when you were 5 years old compared to when you were 20.

        It’s not that she changed but your perception changed.
        So when you reach a perception beyond time and space, you certainly will not related to any incarnation in the way that you think about them now.

        Hoe did Moses write about that Abraham said this and Abraham saw that?  It is very common in the books of the Kabbalists that they converse with other Kabbalists across centuries. How?

        When one reaches for example the spiritual degree called Abraham, he hears and sees what is on the degree called Abraham, and anyone who teaches that degree sees and feels what happens there.


    • #335084
      Alexis Flores

      Hello there Seth,

      It is very nice to e-meet you.

      Currently, there are no questions. However, there is one thing, that has been of great help as of late for hmmmm let’s say “my growth” which is the idea of the will to bestow. Ever since this concept was introduced to me, I have been applying it in such a way that in order for “me” to be able to bestow love, attention and care to all of those surrounding me, I am taking care of my self in a way that allows me to do so.

      For instance, good sleep, balance in multiple aspects like nutrition, fitness and professional development. However, I used to be very judgmental towards my performance, which led to more and more activity or push of the limits one could say, which led to undesirable feelings (tension) towards myself and the ones surrounding me. Things are the opposite now, more or less, for the better. And the idea that one’s well-being is good for the greater good of those around is what has aided me in that sense.

      All of these changes have now led to a sense of guilt and shame towards previous behaviour which has an effect on the progress of the current path or approach towards life/reality itself. So, I was wondering if you had a few suggestions or course materials on how to approach the current dilemma or crossroads I find myself in at the moment. Pretty confident that as the course advances, I will continue to discover new approaches and tools but given I have not so many questions at this stage, I thought I could share this.

      Looking forward to hearing from you.

      All the best,

      • #335205


        Its still not clear what is the intention to bestow, it is a concept that will become more clear as you study more.

        What’s becoming clear to you is that there are necessary desires of the body for health and preservation and that in and of itself is not spiritual, but is a foundation upon which spirituality will be built.

        Regarding materials to study, I very much recommend reviewing all of the course material from class to class. Reread the material, watch all the clips, take notes. The fundamentals contained here are invaluable and everything that will come be built on this foundation.

        Good luck!


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