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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 389 total)
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    • #406973

      What is the best way to activate your sixth sense?

    • #406965

      Should respect have been a part of the 5 sets of desires? Could respect fall under the definition bestow?

      • #409799

        Food, sex, family, money, honor, knowledge, power…you can add “respect” with honor.
        These are all desires that are given to us by nature.  The first ones in the list belong to all animals, the later ones in the list belong to the higher animals, like us who are on our way to spirituality.
        We need to use these desires to propel us forward.
        For example in an uncorrected society we honor whoever has the most money or power, we envy them and want to be like them.
        In a corrected society we honor those who are advancing spiritually and have attained spiritual degrees and we want to be like them and this advances us.

    • #406961

      I am still  confused about my role. If i want to be near the Creator, but all my desires are egoistic in nature. It is my egoistic desire enough to bring or transform it?

    • #406946

      So, there are some exercises to start developing the 6th sense, even though it is impossible for us in this reality to bestow? I guess we get to that in a later stage of this course?

      At this point I feel that developing a 6th sense would be like becoming a Super Hero, which comes from the will to receive (egoism).

      • #409798

        You’re right, you’re right, you’re right.
        Now how would we be able to feel something that has no boundary, not limited by time, space, motion?
        Only from its opposite.
        The process goes like this, we arrive at the wisdom of kabbalah after the point in our heart awakens, we are filled with passion.
        We start to learn the fundamentals of who we are, what forces are operating in me, in the world around me, etc….what am I actually and who is everyone else….
        By studying from the sources in a kabbalistic group, we draw upon us an influence from above.  It’s not something mystical, you can imagine at the World Cup when a few billion people are watching a game, the energy is very high and in the stadium and for the players, they absorb some of that energy.
        We are talking about something spiritual in kabbalah, but you can get an idea from that example.
        When that Upper Light shines on us, it reveals our nature, how we were created, as a will to receive.
        This is called the recognition of evil and it happens in degrees.
        From this recognition, we are able to develop what is called raising MA”N (lower waters), in other words a prayer erupts from our heart to escape from the limitations that we discovered.
        And like this step by step we will advance.
        Good luck,

    • #406939

      I woukd like to know if the pourpose for us to descend from the upper world is known? If the reason of the creator of creating the creatures was for us to feel unbounded pleasure so we are here to remember where we came from?

      • #408204

        Imagine that you wake up in the morning and you can live your day like a normal day, or somehow that path to merge in infinite bliss with the Creator appeared before you and you can choose that.
        So of course, we would all choose infinite bliss.  So there is our first problem.  If that was the case, we would have no free will, in an instant we would be absorbed in that ball of light and fulfillment and we would never choose anything else.
        So what to do in order for us to appreciate the Creator and to choose Him, not just to fill our belly and escape suffering, but to choose Him out of Love?
        So a concealment is made upon us where we don’t feel Him and from here, we can now develop to be equal with Him and feel everything and be with Him together, not as a small creature running from pain, but as an equal who knows and understands everything and feels everything He does.

    • #406916

      It seems very similar to the message of the New Testament ??

      • #408201

        You’ll discover that all of the major religions of the world are rooted in the wisdom of kabbalah.
        The spreading of the wisdom and the adaptation to all cultures helps people advance and prepares humanity for the right connection, for the revelation of the Creator to all the created beings.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 389 total)
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