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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 375 total)
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    • #318891

      I am a retired Christian priest who lost faith in any organised religion because the leadership seemed to desire power and to protect the religion in any way they could at the expense of the individual who they have wounded. I believed that in each of us is a God-shaped space and a me-shaped space in God. One of the early Christian fathers said ‘He became man so man could become god” I have always desired union with the divine not to win heaven or to avoid hell but because I love god.

      Since beginning to study Kabbalah it seems to provide a system to achieve the unity I seek. I am constantly asking for that union. and desire to give in whatever way I can. Am I so egotistical/mistaken that the creator cannot or will not respond? At 74 am I too old/stupid?  What more can I do?  Or am I destined to continue to call out to that deep and dazzling darkness,

      • #318944

        It sounds like you meet all of the preconditions for the awakening of the point in the heart, the desire to be adhered to the Creator.
        You are very lucky, you found an authentic method passed from kabbalist to disciple back to Adam.
        Be patient and pour over the material again and again.
        You will see in short time how you are advancing,

    • #318715

      thank you, it is so powerful understanding

    • #318370
      Ricardo Alves

      Beautiful lesson!

    • #318125

      He says we must have a need to move. Will we be taught to enter a state of need? In Kabbalah, is there a perception that I can obtain to progress in life outside of a place of lack?


      To brainstorm my own question: Need is an instinctual feeling we are already gifted when entering this world. Opportunities come with a recipe of ingredients that is up to us to figure out and obtain before creating and becoming the experience. If all the tools and knowledge appeared instantly as one (the sparked desire), there would be no reason to move, and there would be no other opportunities. Need doesn’t have to mean lack, it can be a signal of expansion.

      • #318213

        We learn that all of reality is filled with endless light.
        But we don’t feel it.
        What do we need in order to feel it?
        A need for it.  A yearning and craving for it.
        Some desires grow in us naturally like the desire for food and sex.  We are just like all of the other animals and these desires arise at their natural time according to many factors.
        Spirituality on the other hand does not develop in the same way.  The original point does awaken in its time but after that, in order to reach the need for the endless fulfillment that we are going to learn about, so what to do?
        We need to develop this need.  This is done by the spiritual society that awakens this desire in us.
        We will learn about this soon.

        • #319365

          Looking fwd to this. Thanks. And great q!

    • #317974

      The clarity that is shared about perception from the 5 senses and the need to develop an additional sense is very helpful.

    • #317691
      M Kirby

      How do Kabalists know -what-they-know ?
      It is all so detailed and numeric (125 steps, etc) ……..
      How did this information get discovered ?
      Please help me understand this !!
      Thanks so much, I love the material !!!

      – MK

      • #317710

        What distinguishes the wisdom of kabbalah that we study from other books is that we only study books from sages who attained the spiritual degrees.
        How did they discover it, what led them to discover it?  Some of this we can start to understand and other parts, when we discover it on ourselves we will understand because it is the same ladder of degrees.  When we reach the degree called Abraham, we will see what “Abraham” saw, we will see and feel what is on the degree called Abraham, etc.
        To attain means to actually perceive as if holding it in one’s hand.  So this is what we are engaged in.  So a person should not blindly believe when he comes here, but also he needs to invest, so if one feels that there is something here worthwhile to engage in, then a person needs to follow what the books tell us above our own feelings and we will start to reach what the authors write to us.
        It is like an amateur pilot who flies alongside a pro pilot.  As long as the pro tells the amateur what buttons to push, what levers to pull, the plane will fly.

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 375 total)
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