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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 375 total)
  • Author
    • #316776

      The desire of spirituality is great,although.I also want to hold on my desire of spirituality,to develop “the sixth sense”.But egoism is so strong that sometimes I will forget to hold on my desire of spirituality,even to give up studying kabbalah.Other five desires are also charming and I can’t resist them.How can I overcom this situation?

      • #317516

        Our salvation is in planting ourselves in an environment that always increases the importance of spirituality above all of our other desires.

    • #316738
      Enrique Luis

      ¿De qué manera puedo desarrollar mi sexto sentido, para acceder a una percepción no limitada de la Gran Realidad, más allá de mi percepción habitual, limitada o egoísta?

      • #317517

        Enrique Luis,
        It is a long process made up of many many thousands and thousands of actions in the mind and the heart to always separate between, where is my will to receive and where is my intention that I can do something for the sake of the Creator, to become bestowing like the Creator.

    • #316439

      Thank you Tony.

      amazing awakening you giving to us

    • #315877
      Sober Crimson

      What is practical Kabbalah?

      • #317518

        Now we are starting to learn about the system we are in, what are the laws in it and where is our free choice.
        Later when we will work between the friends in heart and mind, this is called practical kabbalah.

    • #315819
      Julie in Cornwall

      I wonder about the child who is constantly rejected and one who is constantly supported

      It seems that the rejected child may become spiritual by trying beyond reason to please the parents – and develop a box that is technically altruistic………. because not getting the reward for efforts is the norm

      Such a child as an adult may have low self esteem, lack of desire and simply serve the needs of others

      Where is the child’s EGOISM ?


      • #317520

        Kabbalah defines the Creator as integral force of endless besotwal.
        And opposite to that bestowal is creation which is 100% endless reception.
        So certainly any person’s actions are motivated by the ego, whether a small undeveloped ego or a more developed and nuanced ego, all nonetheless are ruled by their ego.
        The child that you write about develops a behavior based on how to best survive in crisis.

        Bestowal is a developed relationship with the Giver, to know who He is, how to relate to Him.

    • #315439

      How is it possible to develop the sixth sense organ? Is it necessary to read Kabbalah books such as the Book of Zoar?

      • #317521

        Follow our classes from week to week and keep a journal of your progress.
        Soon we will study different articles of the kabbalists that contain lights in them like you are inquiring about.
        First work on the fundamentals and prepare a place where the light can dwell in you.

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 375 total)
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