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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 271 through 276 (of 360 total)
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    • #282722

      The Kaballah teaches us to release the ego and see creation as beautiful “I am walking down a street and I see trash on the streets, broken furniture on the sidewalk, and weeds growing”, our belief system begins to judge what our perception of a neighborhood should look like, then we are perceiving through our belief system that is base on Self/Ego. However, if you walk down the street thinking what a beautiful street then you are perceiving reality for what it is a beautiful creation.

      • #282756

        It’s an interesting distinction here.
        The wisdom of kabbalah is telling us that everything that we see is the Creator depicting Himself to us in layers of garments called concealments.
        But behind the concealment, everything is one, together with Him.
        So when we engage in our spiritual work, we aim towards a connection with the Creator and from that connection where I attain wholeness, then I actually perceive a reality that is whole without flaws.

    • #282564

      This isn’t about lesson 2 but I read somewhere on the internet that the Kabbalah shouldn’t be studied for its secrets until you turn 42 because before then you like the life experience necessary to understand it and not misinterpret what you read. Where did that idea come from?

      • #282755

        There are things like that.  It’s all very interesting and Baal HaSulam writes about it and we will study it later.
        We are in a unique period called the last generation.  We are the first generation to advance together as a global humanity.
        So first things first, we want to give a simple and clear explanation for what is the wisdom of kabbalah, that it starts to explain to me who I am, where I am, what are the forces acting on me.
        Later we will learn a bit more about how this wisdom got passed through the generations as the generations developed.

    • #282221

      There lessons are incredible showing or expressing my ability to expand or change my desire to the will to bestow. Thank you Tony, this video really resonated in my internal box.

    • #280212

      Thanks for your answers, they really help!

    • #251654

      What are the steps that one has to take to start on the path applying the Law of Equivalence?  Thank you for your attention. Where/How to start the path?

      • #280170

        The most important thing now is to understand, who am I.  What are the forces action on me, what is this system of forces that I am in.  What can I do about it.
        Really, before we “do” anything we need to feel where we are.
        If we were outside and there was a giant fire on one side and a beautiful beach to the right, we could rely on our senses to guide us to the right, away from the extreme heat and danger.
        However, we want to proceed towards spirituality, but can’t feel anything spiritual.  We only have our egoistic, material senses so 100% of our calculations are based on the ego and not on love and spirituality.
        Therefore, review all of the lessons.  Read the materials when you have free time.
        You will see how by studying the system, the light in the wisdom of kabbalah begins to format a person towards it.

    • #223361

      First: thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful and touching lesson.
      Second: I have a question about the sixth sense, can it be strong or innate in some, does its training differ from person to another ? .
      And if so, is it possible that the previous life influenced sixth sense in our present life?

      • #280168

        Our efforts accumulate from generation to generation.
        The same generation that was at the flood was also in Babylon and also today.  Only the form changes as the desire develops.
        There is a tiny spark that shines inside of the desire that did not awaken in plants or in any other animal but that point in our heart starts to awaken in certain individuals as the generations progress.
        Between the points they build a soul and in this soul a person can feel the upper light, that is called the sixth sense.

Viewing 6 posts - 271 through 276 (of 360 total)
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