Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 253 through 258 (of 388 total)
  • Author
    • #300297
      Geneva Fillips

      “feel as if we were suspended in air, without any
      support, since the Creator is concealed from our perception.
      Without seeing, feeling, hearing, or receiving some sensory
      input, we would be engaged in a one-way effort, screaming
      into empty space.”

      The above quotation from Attaining the Worlds Beyond summarizes my inner state quite well.

    • #300287
      Tracey N

      What is the nature of this new sense we are developing? Is it an emotional sense, an intellectual sense or something else?

    • #300274

      it was a great lesson my question is how do we start developing The Sixth Sense

    • #300246

      Thank You for this lesson.

    • #298503

      The language of Kabbalah is currently a stumbling block; however, when it is broken down, of course,  I understand it and in many cases, experienced it a good number of times over. (I’m not young). I’ve been seeking Truth for at least 30 years. It has taken me in and out of doors all my life. Even though I am not in a group of 10, (of which I strongly desire) I understand (in layman’s language) Kabbalah on a basic level. I suppose there is no other way other  than to study vocabulary words to understand  the  language  of  Kabbalah. It’s  interesting,  when I read the lesson, I understand it clearly.  When I am quizzed, eh, not so good. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can excel in my studies? My yearning is almost jumping out of my chest! Thank you for reading and for your concern.

      • #298544


        Make a glossary. I have at least two dozen or more notebooks from my time in Kabbalah.
        Start with one of you don’t have and make a glossary. Write there words that come up and their definitions. You can go back later and update the definitions if you understand things differently.

        After these fundamental

        courses you will have the opportunity to join a 10.

        Take each lesson each week and write a short article about it or film yourself doing a 2-5 minute talk about what you learned. Try to present the material in as simple a language as possible. It will help you digest the material a lot.


    • #298310
      Nikola Patafta

      Is it okay to call Kabbalah science?

      Knowledge we obtain through science, art and religion cannot satisfy us and then the Point in our Heart awakens.

      One definition of magic is that it is an art and science of making changes according to ones will. But magic is just a shift in perception. Can we then say that Kabbalah is Upper magic? Making corrections according to higher will that make changes in our perception that propell us up the ladder, step by step.

      Maybe I just desire that Kabbalah is not any of this etiquettes, that Kabbalah is Kabbalah.

      Thank you.

      Wholness and Balance

Viewing 6 posts - 253 through 258 (of 388 total)
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