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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #318117

      But why are people not accepting the bestowal through other people!? They may be even not recognizing the bestowal! Are you sure people want to receive? I am experiencing my whole life that they are not receiving what I give to them as I have it received from the creator, but they take from me what they want to have from me (or mean to want). Or they receive and they don’t give it back like they received it, but holding it. And receiving is passive and it contains what is given, and I learn through Kabbalah that this is even natural, while ‘taking’ is active and it contains a certain image what they have about what they think they want to have without asking, and this has always felt unnatural to me. Not brotherly. I had a hard time on earth, because I refused to take without asking, and I had to receive their poverty they were giving to me. (Yes I know, ‘just take it as bestowal’ 🙄) So is it plausible, that people just can not or do not know how to receive properly!? I have no problems with the Creator, I do have problems with ego-mindsets and lack of awareness of people in this world, and I am becoming impatient, being 40 years long over my limits, that I even do not want to be present here in the world and in this body anymore! Because it makes no sense in this way, they don’t receive what give but just take out of my substance! Where is my blind spot!?

      • #318948

        HI Clara,   I think that, when you give & other people take, rather than receiving with grace, is the problem?  I agree, there are many times like that, and my feeling is that what I want is ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, a gratitude.  For them to recognise that I have given something to them.  So – this IS wanting something back, and therefore is egoic.

        It seems to me that this mechanism also works with the Creator, who wants us to recognise that all in our life has come from Him, returning gratitude & worship.  This feels as if it must be true, since if He didnt want our acknowledgement, then wouldn’t we just be able to receive  and feel delight? End of story, we stay in the Garden of Eden?  But if it is true, does that make the Creator also  like us, in wanting something back from all He gives & we receive?  If so, isnt He also egoic?

      • #318784

        Dear Cristina,

        Thank you so much for your kind and insightful comment.  It is only the Creator Acting out His Own Divine Play, as you, as me, as all of our wonderful Instructors and students, and of course the whole of the seeming Creation.  Nevertheless, here we are, in these classes, joining in these forums, playing the temporary part of a separate “person” on a journey to Completion and Adhesion in Him.  Thy Will BE Done!  There is no other Will.  It is all in Him.

        One of the most important Truths that the Creator put into the Awareness of this Aspect is that nothing happens, not in Truth.  And yet, in seeming contradiction – everything happens Now.  And when I capitalize “Now” it is to express Timelessness.  It is Awareness of Perfect Stillness, and Perfect Accomplishment of all possibilities, simultaneously,  Right Here, Right Now.

        In this Awareness there is absolutely no concern at all for anything that happens, either in the illusion of the outer world, or in the ebb and flow of thoughts, feeling, and desires inwardly.  Selfish ego desires, or Perfect, Altruistic desires, It’s all in Him.  I AM He.  Perfect Adhesion with Him is just part of the illusion, as He is the only One.

        But the show must go on, just as He wills, and so we play out our assigned parts.  What a joy it is to have a fellow “traveler” who has a similar hint of these Truths as a companion on the “Way”.  This is a great Blessing.

        Love really is all there IS.

      • #318212

        We have a lot of confusion about everything.
        There is even a phenomenon where a hostage starts to empathize with their captor who feeds them.  Everything in our world is mixed up.
        Sometimes we give to others but when we give, we are doing it because we receive honor or respect or self worth from that giving, so our act of giving is actually considered reception.
        There are other times when we don’t want to receive due to the feeling of shame associated with receiving, so we don’t receive in order to protect our ego.
        First things first, we have these courses here which help us understand who we are, what system we are in, what are the forces operating on us and how can we relate to them in order to come to a good life for everyone.
        Be patient and go over the materials again and again and you will advance naturally and comfortably.

    • #318025

      Giving of the gift and talents that God bestowed upon me is and has always been way of life. However, I never understood why this was an integral part of my life. Perhaps, asking “why”  I’m now  aware the “light” has guided me  at this moment in my life, is of little concern. I’m “Thankful”!!!

      Instead, I choose to remain an Open vessel receiving the light with Gratitude and Thanksgiving from my Creator-God; with the desire of continued  Spiritual Growth.

    • #317749


      It is said we don’t have to change anything in our everyday life. But how can we correct our desires this way? Is everything depends on our intentions? I’ve listened this lesson many times, but i’m still confused what to do.

      • #318034

        This material takes a little bit of time to work on us.
        It is not that we just hear an answer and then that’s the end of the story.
        The kabbalists are guiding us and it is up to us to work to fulfill what they are showing us.
        Maybe I give a gift to someone but in my heart I feel envy and hatred.
        Maybe I give a gift to someone and in my heart is overflowing love.
        Maybe I drive to work and I think only of myself.
        Maybe I drive to work and while I do I thinking and praying for the good of others.
        We will learn about this more in the future.

    • #316678

      Religion is the conditions, rules and rituals man has made in the Name of God while abuzing power consealing Him. Is based on receiving and thus on passion.

    • #315617

      I was at a Christian church this morning and the service was about prayer.  The service went over Jesus in Gethsemane and his prayer that not his will be done but the will of the creator. The whole service was about the creators will be done and not the creation.  It was exactly this message about changing egoism to altruism.  Arguably, the self sacrifice of Jesus brought billions into ‘religion’. And religion is how many start their relationship with the creator.  It did for me, until it wasn’t enough.  I dont feel many inconsistencies in my heart between the two teachings.  Where do the teachings diverge, not on a dogma level, but on a core heart level?

      • #315735

        I’m going to leave that up to you to decide and discover.
        I can write pages about the difference, but that won’t help you.
        Here you found a method, a practical, pragmatic, realistic method, a well worn path that the kabbalists traversed and wrote about so that we can follow after them.
        Here is a blog post by our teacher, the kabbalist Rav Laitman.
        Also at the bottom of the post you will find links to other posts and you can enjoy the process of discovery as you wish.
        Keep in mind, we are not trying to convince anyone at any church or anywhere about what we are studying, we only make the method available, but to a person who must have it, who desires it, who finds it and needs it.  There is no coercion in spirituality, only desire.
        Good luck!

    • #312465
      Lora Vatalaro

      Is there a typical path for progressing in the understanding of the Wisdom of Kabbalah?  I am very committed because the teachings are really answering a call within me.  Should I expect a couple of years of study before I feel I’m truly getting somewhere with the teachings?

      • #312809

        This depends on your preparation, your effort, on luck :), many things.
        The path is well defined and simple.
        And the material is learned very naturally.
        Participate in these courses and digest the material, this is like breast milk or mashed peas and apple sauce.  It is the very simple primary nutrients to progress to really chewing the material, digesting it, making it a part of you.
        Make a consistent framework that you can stick with in your life.
        Not more than you can comfortably commit to.
        Start with something that you can keep.
        You will build on that.
        You’ll look back in a month, a few months, you’ll see already how much you understand, how much you are developing, how you feel connected to some upper system.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 135 total)
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