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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #308877

      When I feel moments of connection with All Life through my heart and it is beautiful beyond words; and, at same time sense the opposite quality of my ego (disconnection, hatred) : then feel a desire (from an outside source) , for the Creator to change me so I may receive the ability to be grateful for everything as Good and Perfect and align with this quality – am I experiencing the Light of Reform? It is difficult to put it into words and fleeting, yet the feeling of interconnectedness in order to receive and give unconditional love simultaneously keeps pulling at me and sometimes pushing me… Perhaps I should just say thank you for the teachings! The words seems to get in the way! Is this cleaving to the Creator?  ❤️

      • #308907

        We have 1000s of names for the Light.  We call the Creator by many names all according to our changes.
        For example, someone calls you daughter and someone else calls you mom, another calls you friend, etc.   But you are you.
        In actuality, reality is just you and everything else is the Creator relating to you.
        The Creator’s attitude towards us is arranged in a very systematic  way so that we, the lower ones can climb from a lower to degree to a higher degree.
        We are advancing according to the surrounding light that is advancing us.
        When we will truly achieve the Torah, we will see that we take it above our egoistic calculation.  When we are immersed in the ego so much that we see how much we must have this light to reform us and without it we are unable to exit from this control of the ego.

    • #308853

      If our heart, not our words, is what the Creator listens to, then what do you mean when you advise students to “speak to Him a lot, talk to Him, ask Him to be with you, to help you, to guide you”?

      • #308855

        You wake up in the morning and you have some feeling in you and then your mind goes to work…how to deal with that feeling…so you think “c-o-f-f-e-e”.  Then “I’ll take a shower, then I’ll feel more awake.”
        We are desire.  And from there it rises to our thoughts and is clothed in words.
        So we can use this system and even prompt our desire.  Start formulating words, even mechanically.  Of course asking the Creator to help me be connected to the Him, to the friends, to the sources … it doesn’t change Him, but it slowly calibrates me to Him more and more, it starts directing my desire more and more.
        And when the desire does arise in me, in my heart as we say, as you wrote, so that itself is a prayer.  The desire of our heart is the prayer.  So speak to Him in your heart if it awakens and also use your mouth and your thoughts when you can as well.
        The main thing is we are working to calibrate ourselves to a bigger, integral reality, our spiritual nature, which we refer to as our second nature and to not stay all the time in our first, instinctual nature which is always focused on me, me & me.

        • #308860

          Thank you for your explanation. That brings clarity.  I really appreciate it!

    • #308442

      I’m not so sure if I understand this class clearly.

      Like in the case:

      1. if I want something with the intention “i receive it so the Light have the chance to share”, at the end I didn’t receive it, so
      2. to me, I feel bad, but
      3. immediatelyI ensure I trust the Light is all good, and
      4. It’s my shattered ego centric vessels having opposite nature so I can’t receive the Light
      5. So I should transform my desire of receiving to bestowing to the Creator, which is to receive so he can share…..

      So what’s the difference between the beginning (point 1) from the last (point 5)?

      Did I understand correctly? 🙇🙇🙇

      • #308449


        I can’t follow what you wrote.
        Starting with 1. The purpose of creation the Thought of Creation is to create a creature and fill it with eternal delight. So how can you not receive?

        So 2. you feel bad today because you don’t feel eternal delight. Why? Because in order to feel your existence at all, you were placed opposite the Creator. By this you can feel yourself and not just be a spark in the sun as it were who has no sense of self.

        Now slowly we realize who we are and where we are and what system we are in and how the forces operate in this system.
        While we must receive in order to fulfill the thought of creation, in order for us not to feel eternally separate from the Creator, we need to make our quality like His. So we continue to receive as He made us, but all of our work is in the intention, to make our intention to bestow as His intention is to bestow. Then we become similar to Him in quality.
        In spirituality, a place with no time and space (and place), closeness is measured by similarity of qualities.  In our material life closeness is measured by physical proximity.
        Now ask your question again, clearly  in 1-3 sentences followed by a “?” And I’ll do my best to answer.


        • #308463

          Thanks Seth for the patient reply.

          My question was based on experience on a situation that I want to achieve something but couldn’t. In previous classes we mentioned in order to receive we need to keep our intention to bestow to the Light, so I undergo a process in my mind while I was working in the situation:

          1. I ensure I do the physical work hopefully “the Light can share happily” VS “I receive success at that work”

          2. At the end things didn’t work out , which is OK, then as you say, it shows me I’m still opposite to the Light , not alike, and my shattered vessel (from Big Bang) not big enough to receive the Light , etc , so next time , I should concentrate even more on bestowal

          3. So in next situation, what should be my intention? Continue to wish my receiving give pleasure for the Light to share ? Or what else should I keep in mind so I am not repeating the past point 1 again?


          I guess my problem comes because I don’t really know how to bestow to the Creator 😅 so things doesn’t work


        • #308591

          I’m not sure what you want to achieve.
          For example I want to renovate my kitchen.  The fastest way to get money is to steal it so I pray to the Creator to give me success in my robbery and I only want to steal from the bank and receive the money for His sake so that my home can be warm and updated.
          It’s a joke, but I don’t understand what you mean that something didn’t work out.  How are you judging that?
          If you went to play the lottery and prayed the Creator would give you success and you have the “intention” that the Light can share in it and you don’t win the lottery, does that mean the Creator didn’t answer your prayer?

          Of course we want to have success in our work otherwise why get up in the morning, just to fail?
          We are confusing ourselves in the work to think that we are not trying to be efficient and successful in our lives.  The will to receive does not want to move unless she feels she will get some reward.  On the other hand, above the animate degree where these actions take place we are also building a relationship with the Creator, which is a spiritual connection which is above time and space.  Your prayer can travel across the world instantaneously and across time.  So when you don’t see some newtonian physics reaction to your prayer, this is not a surprise.  I pray for rain and it rains?  But what about the network of billions upon billions of forces that need to be accounted for?
          I can think of several fundamental points in kabbalah with your question and I want to answer what you’re asking, so help me understand what is the problem here.

        • #308699

          Hi again Seth,


          Thanks for your patience. In general I do face multiple challenges in life that me & my surrounding people do work our best efforts (with good intentions), yet things didn’t work out. So  when I heard in class about the concept of “receive for The Creators pleasure of sharing”,  it hits me and I think this could be what I haven’t do in past events. Thats why I asked such question and really want to clarify how do we actually “receive for His sake”.

          One exact example is, I just went through it today, I work in a company which I work my best, it’s not that I’m in a “waiting for lottery mode” , I do work until so tired daily. I love the company as it’s rare company that I saw people work together with no politics. Yet, today we found that with all our efforts , the company going into cashflow risk, which may not last long. While I understand this world is a world of effects and affected by many factors such as Karma, but I do believe we can do something for the future while it’s still not too late. We all want to do something but we already run out of solutions. So in this case as a example, I don’t understand,

          1. how can we further share if we already tried out best and run out of efforts

          2. How can we involve the Creator to come in to help/share , we do believe everyone’s desire/vessel for upper world’s help is strong






        • #308768

          Our work is called the work of the Creator.
          Really, it means that He is doing the work.
          This is something that you will have to get used to and it takes some time, maybe a few weeks or months.
          How will the Creator get you to feel that you need Him?
          If you feel that you are able to correct the world and make things better, then why do you need Him?
          But if you did everything you can do (not less than that, you must do everything that is in your hands to do) and after all of that, you did not see success, then you have to turn to Him.
          You need to ask Him to finish the job.
          But what job?  Are you asking for Him to make your company successful?  So that is one thing.
          Are you asking Him to be with you in everything, whether it is raining or sunny, up or down, in or out, no matter what I want to be with You.
          And then soon you will feel that the changes in the world are like you changing your shirt.  You stay connected to Him all the time and the world around you goes through many changes as it advances.
          The most important is to speak to Him a lot, talk to Him, ask Him to be with you, to help you, to guide you.
          And then you go through everything in life with confidence, if it looks sunny or if it looks dark, He is with you, next to you, your best friend.  And meanwhile He is taking care of developing the entire world towards love and the world will go through many transformations that seem very confusing to our eyes until all the world comes to love one another.

    • #307720

      How is teaching of Jesus related to Kabbalah? It seems very similar or it is the same?

      • #307811


        We received our method, our books from our teachers in an unbroken chain all the way back to Adam almost 6000 years ago.

        We did not receive any books from Jesus and we didn’t receive the Kabbalistic method from his disciples therefore we don’t study it at all.


    • #305997
      Adebiyi Dayspring

      Do the teachings in the bible play any role in understanding Kabbalah?

      • #307403

        Yes 100% everything comes from that book.
        We will learn together how to understand and apply it.

    • #303483

      beautiful explanation it overwhelmed my heart with great joy

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