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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 85 through 90 (of 125 total)
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    • #298746

      What about some kind of prayer made by christian kabbalah learners who replace the name of the creator by those of the sefirot ?

      • #298792


        If you are a friend you are called friend. If you are a child, you are a child, if you are a parent you are a parent. You can be all of those at once. You can have three names at once depending on the attitude of the creature towards you.

        The Light is always called according to the vessel, the light itself is only named according to how it is attained.

        We received our method of attaining the Creator from our teachers in an unbroken chain.  We are not learning anything of so called Christian kabbalists.


    • #298311
      Purity K

      There are people who have not met most of their basic natural needs such as having enough food to eat or even having a home to live in yet they have “a point in the heart”. Could their lack of these basic natural needs tamper with their spirituality?

      • #298325

        We are in a dynamic system.
        Everyone has a point in the heart, however in most people it is so subtle that they don’t feel it or the conditions or the education they receive in life cover it.

    • #298206
      Massimo Roselli

      If my goal is to reach equivalence of form with the Creator which essentially means receiving in order to bestow, and if prayer is a tool to help us transform our inner nature, how can I possibly apply this to a legal dispute I’m currently having with a neighbour who is playing a game to grab some money otherwise he would jeopardise my process of moving house? I feel anger and I really despise my neighbour (this is what’s happening inside of me). I know it’s a huge mistake to mix corporeal things with spiritual things but I would appreciate a kabbalistic view on this. Is what I’m emotionally experiencing an indication of my distance from the Creator? I have a huge desire to move house (it means many things to me which can be boiled down to pleasure).

      • #298323

        Don’t confuse yourself.
        At the beginning of the day a person must say if not for me than who?
        That is everything that is in your hands to do, do.
        At the end of the day a person must say, there is none else besides Him.
        That is, even if I sat here all day and did nothing the result would have been exactly the same.

        Every degree is called a day, first there was darkness, then light.  That is one day.

        Behave as is customary in the world.
        You asked this question already and I gave the same answer already.
        You are at the beginning of the beginning of the wisdom of kabbalah.
        You cannot take a slogan and go wage a spiritual battle in a corporeal war.

        Create a spiritual framework and study together with us on a regular basis and your internality will develop.  You will act on the outside like a person in this world and inside you will be connected to the Creator.

    • #297781

      The lesson of the difference between Kabbalah and Religion is staggering..

      So if i may ask, what is Kabbalah’s perspective on Tzedakah, Charity, NGOs like motherless babies home etc..?

      • #298342
        Massimo Roselli

        Thank you.

      • #297870

        This is pointed question that arises when we come to the wisdom of kabbalah.
        The secret to the answer is in understanding that the wisdom of kabbalah is bringing you to a totally new perception of reality.
        For example, and just as an example to try to illustrate this point.  Imagine that everything that you see in this world is happening in a mirror so you can move right and left and back and forth, but you are never actually “fixing” reality, everything you see is just a reflection of things that happened before.  This world is a world of results.  The causes happen before they reach this material world.
        So on the one hand by studying the wisdom of kabbalah, you will come in touch with roots of the forces that finally descend to this world.

        And also on the other hand, this world is like a sandbox for children.  In this world we get to develop our feelings and understanding so we must go through many exercises in this world.

        In short, the good future that the world needs will not come from an NGO, it will come from a transformation of our nature towards love and we will discuss this and learn about it much more later.

        In the meantime we must be engaged in this world and so if it is customary for you to give tzedakkah, do so.  If you work for an NGO, so that is your work.

        It is a little confusing because as you will discover, a kabbalist lives in two worlds, the spiritual world which is a different perception altogether and this world.

        • #297996

          Thank you so much for your response.

    • #295541
      Tove Jo

      Ho bisogno di sentire il video diverse volte per comprendere il significato….un po alla volta riesco stare concentrata e capisco di piu. Non e automatico la comprenzione  e la materia ha bisogno di essere “digerito” per dire. Grazie intanto per la spiegazione della materia!

    • #294722

      I apologize for the long response to the prompt but I want to make sure I am putting together what we’ve learned correctly. This week I learned about the goal I need to focus on and hold onto as much as possible to help me steer myself toward the Creator and help direct my desires toward Him, which is to reach a state equivalent to the Creator, a state of pure bestowal. Additionally, I must scrutinize my desires, meaning I must earnestly attempt to discern the intention behind the desire (the intention is either altruistic or egoic or some combination of two). In this quest, if done in earnest, I will receive the ability to make an accurate discernment. With the gift of discernment from the Creator, I will be able to feel how far away I am from my goal. This feeling of lack or suffering is the vessel which attracts the reforming light, a true need to be filled by pure light, the need to achieve the goal. Through this mechanism, the desire for the goal, grows stronger and stronger. In this way, successfully identifying that lack within the desire reveals to an individual an unfathomably powerful gift, which is the opportunity to exercise faith above reason that the feeling of suffering is actually pure love from the only force that exists, the Creator himself. The problem is the light bestowed to the creature is interpreted through the opposite force. The heartfelt experience of this emptiness acts as a genuine prayer for correction to which the Creator will always oblige, filling your kli (the sensation of suffering) with reforming light and correcting that desire.

      Am I on the right track? Thank you!

      • #294744

        Suffering is not pure love.  We are not masochists.
        We can transform from sufferings of pain to sufferings of love, yearning for the fulfillment.
        Would love to see this in a story with characters, in a way that you can explain this to many people in a very simple way.

Viewing 6 posts - 85 through 90 (of 125 total)
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