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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 127 through 132 (of 135 total)
  • Author
    • #184333
      Arabela Dias

      How can we pursue this goal of Lishma in our everyday life?

      • #184352

        I want to plant an orchard of peaches.
        I inherited a big field where I can plant.
        But before I can put the seed in the ground, I need to remove all of the rocks and the weeds from the field.
        After that I need to turn the soil and mix it.
        After that I can plant the seed and then water it and then the sun will shine….

        So we inherited a big field 🙂
        First we need to study what is this field, what are the things to do on this field.  That is what we are learning in these lessons.
        It is not so difficult to “be in lishma”, but it is also the most difficult for us to understand what it is, where it is, how to approach it, how to develop a need for it.
        We should see ourselves like little children who arrived to play.  We should try everything that we are studying about, just try and play and try and play with all of the things we are learning and by this you will come closer from week to week, month to month and year to year.

    • #127609
      Ali Nadalipour

      Was amazing this the way on top of those degrees u could choose to do something practically i mean can achieve a really freedom?

      • #127825

        All of reality is always filled with light.
        We feel life only according to our boundaries.
        The more we perceive the Creator, the more we perceive outside of our boundaries, called our ego.

    • #127603
      Ali Nadalipour

      Wonderful lesson it was.saw it 3 times and want to do that again.if u reach top of ladder what practically u can do?the things r just mental essius?

      • #127824

        At the top of the ladder, all of the malchut of ein sof has been corrected.

        We have nothing to say now about that.
        Let us begin to discover the ladder and then we will learn how to work with the left and the right and by that come to the middle line.

    • #63135

      Ok, i understand that religion as mentioned by Doctor Laitmans book infers to the Torah/ mizvot as clarify by Kabbalistic methodology. It does not refer to mundane religion practice as we know (christianity).


      • #63172

        The wisdom of kabbalah is a wisdom for all of reality, the study of the system of forces and love in reality.

        It is  not speaking of any religion, not Jewish, Christian, Muslim, …any.

    • #57992

      So good

    • #56172

      Wow, Seth, I really appreciate your response to Marion’s question. I can see how embracing your suggestion really ups the free choice ante. Time to open the books again! Thank you.

Viewing 6 posts - 127 through 132 (of 135 total)
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