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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #282682

      Hi Seth,

      The revelation of evil on my home continent Europe is kind of an overkill these days. Spirituality feels very distant, just like in the Tipp of the Week.

      I don’t want to talk politics to anyone, but just by not taking any side, I make people angry.

      How do we stay neutral in such situations?

      And I pray that all the Tens of Bnei Baruch suceed in their prayers for peace. Thank you for praying!



      • #282757

        There are certainly friends of ours from Russia and from Ukraine who each feel some alegiance or some valor towards their home country.  Even if they study and disseminate together, it is natural that there will be a person who feels loyalty to his nation and ideal.
        So these friends are not neutral.
        But our work is not to be neutral.
        Our work is to cover all the separations with love.
        It means to ask the Creator to cover all the separations with love.

    • #251622

      In the reading it states the Creator hears our prayer if it is a whole prayer without other things mixed in the middle of the prayer. Can you help me understand the meaning? Coming from years of religion where I learned the incorrect way to pray, I desire to pray in correct form as prayer is something that has become natural over the years. I pray inside while doing everyday tasks. I am feeling a need to make sure this time is devoted in correct focus/intention. Currently, my self judgement recognizes many uncorrected desires that take space from my true desire of growing the point in the heart. Many times in prayer I ask for correction of these desires which can be many. Is the text saying I should focus the prayer on one desire until the light enters and corrects then move to the next desire instead of praying for the correction of the many desires at once?

      • #280171

        You need to make fine tunings.
        When you pray, speak to the Creator like your closest friend and ask Him to help you to bestow upon others.  Your prayer will change.  It is not so important the words.  You need to find some contact with the wisdom of kabbalah so you feel what it is that you are looking for in your life, that it is not some abstract, blurry thing, but you start to feel where your soul will be developed.
        Don’t think you know what it means to bestow or that you are going to go out and do something with your hands and feet that you will consider that you are bestowing.
        No. It is not like that.  It is more like we are a little baby and we don’t even know how to speak in full sentences yet, but by being with our parents, with the upper ones and we develop correctly.
        And also read the materials again and again.  You will see how much the light in them helps you.

        • #280262

          Thank you Seth, I was in a space where everything was just neutral, feeling going through the motions, doubting the light was going to enter, after your reply I doubled down on the intention for the light to enter through the Kabbalah material to position point in heart towards learning bestowal in a group (my ego’s greatest current fear). I started the Kabbalah concepts with Eran, and even though I have heard many of these concepts before, this time there is a feeling of penetration in my being. Could it be the preparation intention cracked the door enough to allow some light in? I really desire to be in right space of desiring to bestow when entering group work.


        • #280377

          The most important is the preparation and especially above our thoughts and feelings.
          Not blindly like a religious fanatic, not at all.
          I have scrutinies in my thoughts and emotions.  I’m tired, I don’t feel anything, but I already prepared myself and established myself in the group of students, so I go above my reason, I go as if I have the mind and feelings of the sages not with my own mind and feelings, even though I do not erase my own mind and feelings, I keep them and also above them I have some new mind that I don’t yet understand, but I’m like a baby in the parents arms so I don’t need to understand, as long as I hold on, I am going with them.
          Stay connected to the sources from week to week as much as you have time for while maintaining your regular life too.
          Good luck,

    • #223271

      Hi Seth, as related to Niki’s question on the middle line, your response, and concept of prayer; would the left line be our self judgement? The right line our asking Creator to change our perception to better understand Him? The middle line the desire corrected as reforming light engages?

    • #223261
      Innocent Mushiya

      “Slowly, the person’s sensation changes, and the desire to receive personal satisfaction wanes.”

      What kind or type of personal satisfaction?

      • #223338

        Innocent Mushiya,
        We are animals, like all of the animals and we have desires for animal things like all animals.
        Additionally, humans have a desire to acquire at the expense of others.  Our entire human development is based around this and the more advanced a person is, the more developed this desire to use others is, the more cunning it is.

        We are in a field of endless light, however we are perceiving tiny sparks of fulfillment.
        We are standing before an ocean and we have only a thimble with which to take.
        The reason as we learned is that we are receiving into our corporeal vessels.
        By developing spiritual vessels, which connect us in an integral way to all of reality, each one bestows on the others and by that we feel satisfaction on a whole other level.

    • #223173

      How about the Siddur used in the Jewish tradition which Kabbalah refers or relates in its texts? How should we approach these type of books? I heard some saying these books contain very ancient tradition and Kabbalistic ideas and concepts. Is this so? What we can and should use? Are we going to explore this content in the future?

      Appreciate any comments about. Thanks.

      • #223337

        The prayers in the siddur were composed by kabbalists only.
        There are 1000s of books that a person could study and each one can open all of reality if one knows how to approach it.
        We are a special generation. If you came to a person who was alive 200 years ago, they would think you were some angel or mystic with your phone and your internet and your understanding of life and what you know of cells from microscopes and galaxies from telescopes…
        We perceive the world in a totally different way than the previous generations, due to the development of our desire and this greater desire is also much more coarse.
        The earlier souls were much more pure but received smaller lights, we are much more coarse and will receive much greater lights.  This is called the inverse relation between light and kli and we will study it together in the future.
        You can read any texts that suit you, as a person should study where his heart is.
        If you want to study the wisdom of kabbalah in a practical way, then work with the materials in this course.  By this you will develop your spiritual perception and you will be able to open even the bible and understand that it is all only talking about you and the Creator.

    • #189905
      Tiago Casellato

      It was clear to me that to reach Lishma state we have to change the desire to receive for ourselves, either spiritually or corporeally, in order to bestow. It seems that Lishma state will probably be attained at an old age, because it’s much harder for a young, middle-aged person to renounce  the corporeal desire to receive for oneself than an old person who already experienced “almost everything” in the physical world. Isn’t that right?

      • #189999

        You are right that it takes time, but not exactly as you said.
        We are not looking to renounce our corporeal desires.
        Kabbalah means to receive.  We want to understand, why do I always feel bad and empty?!
        We receive money, sex, family, honor, but we always return to emptiness.
        This wisdom guides us to live in this world as we must and to build a new perception, a new whole, eternal reality.
        You are correct that our body will not agree to this work.  That is true and that remains.  The body protests and it is correct.
        The body says, I was created in order to enjoy, so I must enjoy.
        And the body is correct.
        So we have been given the awakening of our point in the heart.
        And we know from nature that the small one gets pleasure from serving the big one.  Like we would be happy to carry the bag of a famous person.
        So, when the Creator becomes great in our eyes, it is a great pleasure to do everything for Him.
        So He bestows to the vessel and the vessel bestows to Him and the vessel is in eternal fulfillment and adhesion.


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