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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 121 through 126 (of 135 total)
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    • #189546

      our goal is ultimately adhesion with the Creator. does this mean that adjusting the masach is getting less of the desire for reception of the pleasure for ourselves and making it into bestowal? bestowal to the Creator? how about bestowal to our friends ? i still receive pleasure when i do this as i feel good.

      • #189991

        The masach means that the vessel only permits as much light to enter as it can use in order to bestow.
        You can bestow while eating lunch or when doing something for the friends.

    • #188427

      kabbalistic praying is asking for the Creator to change our perception. For example someone you love dies, does this mean that everything is still goodness from above? how can we change our perspective on death? that it is actually rebirth? or its because of cause and effect on the part of the person who died?

      • #189993

        When someone close to us passes, it is very emotional.
        If we were 500 years old, we would still feel emotions, but we would have seen that everyone we knows that is born also dies and we would understand this progression of time.
        As we study the wisdom of kabbalah we start to hear about a different reality that exists above time and space.
        There, life is eternal.
        When that high root extends down to its corporeal branch in this world, here it turns through incarnations as it ripens.
        In spirituality, there is singularity.  In the material world, that unity is stretched out over a timeline.
        You can say that spirituality is round, everything is there all at once.  Corporeality is like a line, one thing after the next.

    • #188424

      regarding “unfortunate” events, natural disasters, epidemics etc how then can we stop this?  does this mean that praying for the Creator to hep stop what is happening will not help? meaning it is man who needs to change what he is doing in order to alter the course of nature?

      • #189997

        Let’s look at the question from a different angle.
        Imagine that every time I eat a certain food, my body breaks out in hives.
        Now imagine that a doctor gives me a cream to make the hives go down.
        So my body is still reacting to the food, but I’m suppressing it’s reaction.
        It’s not a perfect example, but we need to see that the world we see is a material profection of the inner state of humanity.
        We are in the early stages of our study so it is not clear how do deal with the world outside of me if the cause of everythign I see outside of me is inside of me.  So we learn that we live in this world as usual, we buy insurance, stay healthy, all the conducts of this world.
        And also we are not here studying about the system of nature, by that we bring ourselves into harmony with system and then the system we see outside of us, inanimate, vegetative and animate degrees also come into harmony with us as we ascend.

    • #188410
      Felix Hernandez

      I think I understand the distinctions between Kabbalah and religion as explained in the video.

      I have one possibly unrelated question,  can we understand Torah as a Kabbalistic text?



      • #189990

        The Torah is 100% a kabbalistic text.
        Can we understand it as a kabbalistic text?  That takes time.
        For our generation, we do have a way to access that book through the Sulam commentary on the ladder and all of the writings that we received from Baal HaSulam and Rabash, however it is very very far from us and is not useful and efficient for our goal now which is to correct our nature to be in order to bestow.  When we have just a small amount of spiritual attainment, we begin to understand what is written in those books.
        I can tell you about London for hours, but if you walk down the street for a minute, you will know the sounds, the smells, the feeling in the air.

    • #188248
      Etienne Fourie

      Also found this lesson to be amazing.  Still not sure we must always pray, and always in connection with the creator.  Is this a feeling?  For instance I am feeling that I bestow rather than trying to receive.

      • #188397

        There are many feelings that become more powerful and more intense.
        Feeling connected and feeling disconnected.  Many entries and exits.
        We work and make efforts to always be connected to the Creator through all of the states.
        It means to tie everything that is happening to one force and it is all guiding us to the good.

    • #188186

      Can you please elaborate on what is called the “middle line”.

      Thank you

      • #188396

        The system is built on three lines, right, left and middle.
        Without the left, the absence, the lack, we would not be able to feel the Creator.
        If we are 100% fulfilled all the time, we are like a spark in the sun, there is no sense of self.
        The more we grow, our left line grows, our lack, our desire, our force of minus.
        Then we add our part which is called building the right line.  Through our efforts we draw lights that rise us to the next degree, that is called middle.
        Repeat 🙂

Viewing 6 posts - 121 through 126 (of 135 total)
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