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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 135 total)
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    • #286400

      How will I know when I have achieved the state of Lishma? My personality and interests had already begun to change when I had a spiritual awakening 4 years ago, but now with my study of Kabbalah, I initially felt a great sense of joy and excitement that has now been replaced with an emptiness that I had never experienced before. Thank you for your insights into this.

      • #286629

        This does happen.  It is like you inherited a large farm or a large factory that makes you very wealthy.
        But then you wake up one day and realize how much work you have to do to maintain this farm that provides you with all of this wealth.
        It is a natural part of the process and you don’t need to be frightened, but only to identify what is happening, what you are feeling and how to use this bigger emptiness in order for there to be a bigger fulfillment.
        After all, all of reality is only filled with the upper light.  We only perceive it according to the size of our empty vessel, our kli.
        Baal HaSulam has an article about it.  It is more advanced, but there is light contained in the article.  Read it, not so much for intellectual understanding, but to feel what the author feels.
        Good luck,

    • #286025

      It’s a very clear lesson for me. I still have questions but not about this lesson.

    • #285660

      It makes sense to me exactly as it was presented. I never thought of being equivalent with the creator before, so that is a new and elevated aspiration. For the rest, I take it simply as it was presented and shall work with it. Thank you

    • #285542

      Hey Seth,

      Like many people, I had my spiritual awakening around 2 years ago. Since then I lost contact with my family and friends, because now we have nothing that resonates between us. Luckily my girlfriend supports me on my path, although she herself isn’t into spirituality.

      I know I can’t wake people up from a corporeal view, but can I influence it from a spiritual view? Does progressing on my path, change them too?

      • #285570

        We learned already many times and you need to review again that everything in reality develops according to the 4 degrees.  We learned in Kabbalah Revealed 1 about the 4 phases of direct light.  We also learned about Inanimate, Vegetative, Animate and Speaking.  And also within the speaking degree there are inanimate, vegetative, animate and speaking.  And everyone is required to come to this wonderous goal of uniting all of humanity as it says, They will all know me from the least to the greatest.  And also, My house will be a house of prayer for all nations, etc.
        It is normal that when we start to study something so deep and wonderful that other things in our lives loose interest.
        Nevertheless, we do not disregard the Inanimate, Vegetative and Animate degrees, not in the world and not in humanity.
        You didn’t stop going to the grocery store or the gas station since you started studying kabbalah, so be a healthy son, brother, uncle, father, etc.
        In the meantime, you are having a secret love affair with the Creator, you don’t need everyone around you to know all of your business.  You work, you cook, you hug, you speak, all normal things that people do.
        Don’t worry about fixing everyone else now.
        We are falling in a black hole of our own will to receive.  Let’s stabilize ourselves first.
        We’ll learn how everything else happens later and we’ll see how the Creator will arrange every next degree for us.
        Our work is in our correct attitude towards what he prepared for us.

    • #284527
      Yvon Decelles

      If the original Adam split into 600,000 part, what does that mean because obviously there’s more people than 600,000. What’s the symbolism? Where does that number come from?

    • #283457

      Puede el agradecimiento por cosas “buenas” que nos ocurren tambien ser expresado como una oración al creador?

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 135 total)
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