Dive into inquiries regarding the week 3 lesson and materials, receiving elucidation from a proficient Kabbalah guide.

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  • #41572

    Dive into inquiries regarding the week 3 lesson and materials, receiving elucidation from a proficient Kabbalah guide.

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    • #427063
      Akosua Marie

      How does belonging to a Kabbalah group differ from belonging to a Catholic or protestant church? These are groups as well and they also have groups within the group where people work and learn together.

      • #427067

        Hi Akosua,

        You’ll have to see. It’s similar only in the most superficial and irrelevant ways, though I understand why for now those are precisely the reasons the comparison seems relevant. But if we made a Venn Diagram there would be nothing relevant in the center.

        The question is are you gathering to follow the path and method of Baal HaSulam, the ways by which to climb the spiritual degrees. And then we need to learn what are those degrees and why specifically in a group one has to work toward them if he wishes to reveal the Creator while he’s still alive in this world.

    • #426808

      why is it so agonizing how long it takes to get to group work?

      I feel like I’m a fire fighter and I’m standing in a burning building waiting for the water to turn on. Literally everyone I care about is in this building.

      I’m the last person I know who isn’t drowning in very serious problems. I feel a powerful urgency to help, but I’m somehow held away from everyone. So I am just here obsessively listening to these videos and reading these books that very VERY clearly describe a solution. And I feel like the solution is already working for me. But I can just barely share any of that relief with anyone else. It has to be because I don’t have a group yet.

      • #426824

        Good question. I understand, however it’s not that you need to wait to advance. This course is structured so because there is also a period of inner personal development with the books and lessons. Without that there’s really not much to do it a group. A group is where we practice, implement. But you can start. You want to be united in one heart with all the friends here on the spiritual path and inside that, turn the Creator with one request that includes the world in that same advancement. What everyone everywhere really needs is connection in which the Upper Light answers everything. The rest is to show us that all the troubles will not have a solution in the ways we think.

        • #426859

          It’s not that you guys haven’t done a fantastic job of making materials. I’m halfway through the Kabbalah Explained Simply playlist on YouTube, and almost finished with the Basic Concepts in Kabbalah one. I read Attaining the Worlds Beyond (twice,) Kabbalah Revealed, Kabbalah Science and the Meaning of Life, Unlocking the Zohar (several times,) and I’m on page 340 of the Zohar.

          Compared to 15 years ago y’all have done an incredible job of making enough content to be immersed as often as I like. And in the past I enjoyed the books and wished there was nothing else I had to do. It just seems like recently there is so much urgency to do more. I guess it finally sunk in.

    • #409717

      Based on the class reading it seems that there are 3 levels in the Human Vitality Levels (Still, Vegetative, Animate and Human)3 parts:

      Human level
      Human Level with the point in the Hearth that is not being developed
      Human Level with the Point in the Heart that is being consciously developed by the person (and this is the speaking level – that is the level we want to be on)

      Is that correct to look at the HUMAN level in that way?


      This week my faith in Kabbalah is being questioned in me like it was never before. My head has introduced reasonable doubts I have never thought of. The other truth is that I feel that any effort to leave Kabbalah would be futile. I feel deeply that the force pulling me forward is stronger and absolutely out of my control. That reminds me that I am in good hands and it is comforting. Yet part of me struggles with this truth, which I find makes no sense. Something in me does not want me to move forward. It must be my Ego because the reasons against Kabbalah are going through my head and are reasons. Facts based in this world not in the Upper World. The force pulling me forward has no reason to it, it just is. I dunno. Any advice on how to ease these periods of doubt? I begin asking the creator for courage and strength to stay on the path that he has for me.

      Thank you,


      • This reply was modified 3 months ago by Peter.
      • #426826

        Sorry we missed this Peter. I can only say keep going. The more you’re in contact with the light from the study of Kabbalah the more all the “insurmountable” obstacles with be burned in the fire of your spiritual yearning. You have to work on only this, igniting that fire. But more importantly, keeping it going. It’s like a campfire in a windy campground. You have to add and add to it or it goes out. Otherwise, we’d have no free choice here. And as the whole reality was designed just to provide this choice – and not for anything else we’re up to – the Creator makes no concessions here. You have to decide that this awakening that He gave, you’re going to continue yourself. He gave books, teachers, and others on this path, to be your partners in this.

    • #397322

      How do we go about finding a teacher and a group?

      • #397324

        In the Graduate Program, you’ll have both. For now, you have instructors and a group but asynchronously.

    • #397012

      Why were we specifically chosen to be awakened at this time? Nothing is random or coincidence. There must be a reason?

      • #397014

        Because we’re in a big interconnected system, and each of us is built differently on the inside, so at this time my unique desire is needed for the whole system, to perform a certain function. My awakening depends on that; to what extent I realize the awakening depends on my free choice.

    • #391082

      I  am impressed how important that spiritual lab is and the connection with other points in the heart. It makes total sense to me . However, if that spiritual lab part was like the icing of a cupcake, and the egoistic nature the mere cake  below… you still have to have both, right? (I remember I once made a cake with „just icing“ for my son exactly for that reason that it is the special part … but that is not the actual life, right. ?) How to not get that sensations mixed up … the spiritual and corporeal ones? And how to deal with that continuous process of connection and disconnection? It feels like every “return” to daily life makes that status of separation feel even more lonely… is that how the vessels expand?

      • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by Verena.
      • #391608

        Right now it seems as two different works because they’re opposite but later they will compliment one another; we won’t see them as contradictory.

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