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  • #28801

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #315565
      Peter Hjorth

      My questions are already answered in the earlier posts, about the numbers 600.000 and 613. It tickles the brain that the numbers can be so precise, and then when you read about their qualitative meanings, instead of quantative meaning, one starts to understand.

      • #315700

        Thank you Albert

    • #315410


      So, if a person corrects one desire, that desire will be corrected in all other points of a heart and reconnects them, right?

      1. So basically, max. 613 people can reconnect the whole Soul? Let’s say one person corrects one desire, which is then corrected in all other hearts, so 613 people would correct all?

      2. And when one desire is corrected, shouldn’t that be evident in the world somehow?

      3. Are there any desires corrected yet?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #315458

        Hi Zorica,

        We learn that all of humanity is part of one single system, like cells within a single body. So naturally what one experiences influences EVERYONE else. And if I reach a correction, this same correction influences everyone. But I don’t actually correct the other person, rather I correct MY PART that is found within everyone.

        It’s like a hologram where the big image is made up of identical smaller copies of that image. So if there is a flaw in one of the smaller images, that same flaw is found in every piece. And if you correct that flaw in the small piece, it’s reflected in the whole image.

        So if I correct myself, I correct my part of this general picture. That is called reaching one’s individual final correction. But each one will still need to correct their part of the general picture. And when everyone corrects their part, then we reach the final correction of the whole world.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #315682

          Thanks for asking this and thanks for the reply.  I was reading it wrong and now I understand.

    • #313012

      With new lessons and materials, a more complex question is forming in my mind.

      Is our reality like a procedurally generated game? As time in our world progresses we are moving to more and more complex connections
      with each other. All parameters change. For example, there are more people with greater corporeal desires. More technology to connect us or destroy everything, radio waves, atom bombs, internet of things, AI, brain-to-brain interface, and then we become a hive mind.
      The path of suffering will push technology to transhumanism realms. We can only finish the game earlier and exit the reincarnation cycle.

      Is my thinking correct?

      • #313073

        Hi Łukasz,

        Yes, you can say that. This is why Kabbalists call our corporeal world “the imaginary world”. Since once we correct ourselves, relative to that corrected state this life would appear as nothing more than a dream or a game. But keep in mind that until we correct ourselves, this game is very much so real and will continue to be our reality until we fully correct ourselves.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #312845
      Prashant Deshpande

      (1) Why in the initial stage, was there a separation? Why the CREATOR and CREATURE got separated? It is mentioned that it was intentional but what was the reason behind it?

      (2) Also, why are we talking only about Human beings here. Animals, plants, mountains, rivers, land, sea is also created. Why don’t we talk about other parts of creation?

      • #312990


      • #312850

        Hi Prashant,

        1. We were indeed created in the state of perfection (Baal HaSulam describes this in the article Introduction to the book of Zohar, but this was an unconscious state, like a baby in its mother’s womb. So we necessarily had to come to the complete opposite state, to lose that state of perfection, in order to once again reach it, but this time consciously.

        And the fact that we had to lose this state is not something bad, but it’s a necessary part of our development. It’s just like with kids. We don’t just give them a completed jigsaw puzzle. On the contrary we take it and break it down into many pieces. Then in the process of them putting it together, they grow and develop. Same with us, this process of losing that state is a necessary part of our further growth and development.

        This process also adds to us a certain level of freedom, without which, we would be no different than machines, or robots, that were programmed to act a certain way and they just carry out this inner script. Instead, we were programmed one way, and we rise above this inner programming, become independent of it, and then develop our own desire to advance towards this goal.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2. Other parts of creation are there to support the human level of creation. And as we correct and elevate the human level, the other parts rise together with it.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #312525

      The people of the world are many times more than 600000 so how are they gonna get corrected all?

      And with all kabbalists through the times didn’t they corrected any of these desires or reduced them at least?

      • #312622


        600,000 is less of a quantitative number and more of a qualitative number. It represents the strength of the spiritual desire after it’s been fully corrected. So essentially all of humanity is included in this number.

        Check out this blog post to see how this number is derived:

        How will all of humanity reach their correction? Gradually each one will receive an awakening, just like you and I did, and then they will start working on their spiritual correction. But receiving an awakening does not depend on them, but on us. This is because there is a certain order of corrections that need to take place in the system. It’s like building a large jigsaw puzzle. First you start with all the corner pieces, and only then do you gradually work your way to the center. So those that received awakened points in the hearts are like those corner pieces of the puzzle that need to start the whole process. Later on, due to their good work, they pave the way for the rest of the world to join this process.

        As for the past Kabbalists, they did perform their correction, but it does not take away from the work that we need to do. Just picture that all of humanity is part of a 8 billion piece jigsaw puzzle. Each person is responsible for his own piece. Meaning that I cannot place someone else’s piece, but if I find where my piece fits, it makes it easier for others to find where their piece fits.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #312463

      So every time when a desire moves from its corrupted “will to receive” to its perfected “will to bestow” form it connects us to eternity (Creator???).  This thought behind the entire process (eternity) not only does it for this one individual???? and this one particular desire but it becomes corrected in each one of the other desires (seeing the craziness in other desires)???? So it raises not only the person who does the connection but their entire world.  Can you explain this to me.  Thanks

      • #312620

        Hi Laurel,

        We learn that all of humanity is part of one single system, like cells within a single body. So naturally what one experiences influences EVERYONE else. And if I reach a correction, this same correction influences everyone. But I don’t actually correct the other person, rather I correct my part that is found within everyone.

        It’s like a hologram where the big image is made up of identical smaller copies of that image. So if there is a flaw in one of the smaller images, that same flaw is found in every piece. And if you correct that flaw in the small piece, it’s reflected in the whole image.

        So if I correct myself, I correct my part of this general picture. That is called reaching one’s individual final correction. But each one will still need to correct their part of the general picture. And when everyone corrects their part, then we reach the final correction of the whole world.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 341 total)
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