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  • #37709

    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #365295

      As I study kabbalah I feel more and more excited about life and people. I want to spread this wisdom with everybody else in the world, in my city, in my neighborhood, first in my neighborhood, because it’s where I think I could optimize my field of love, my spark of love more, and more practically and where I could help so much. The question I ask is “how can I approach people here near to me?

      • #365601

        Thanks for your words

      • #365351

        This is wonderful to hear.
        There is a big difference between close to you in body and close to you in spirit.
        Someone can sit in a chair by your side, but may have no capacity (desire) for spiritual wisdom.
        However everyone wants a better life, that’s for sure.
        1.  As you continue your studies you will be arranged with other friends to practice this spiritual work and spread it between you to be a big force.
        2. Regarding the people around you physically, find books or videos on our website on youtube and spread those.  Our work is to spread the material, however we don’t push anything on anyone, if they receive it and want more, we can take the next step, but it is all according to each one’s desire.
        3.  At the end of the day, the whole world will need to know in what world we live, what are the forces operating on us and what can we do to make a good life for everyone, so we will need to take this wisdom and spread it in the most simple and meaningful way for each kind of person.

        Good luck,

    • #365254

      I’m a little bit confused. And this is good because it is not with my mind I can solve problems, I guess. If I have to find a point that confuses me is in the fact that I do not have to fix anything but just work hand in hand with Nature and, knowing the Plan of the Creator, participate in it consciously. I play the next degree I want to reach and the Creator will do the work through the Reforming Light. If I have understood the mechanism properly (that I feel is a key in some ways), then I cannot figure it out in concrete. I mean, in my everyday life. May you be so kind to give me an example? ThankU so much.

      • #365350

        A storm comes to the east coast of the united states, it reaches Florida at first and moves up until it gets to New York City.
        OK, so it’s a seasonal storm.  What’s the big deal.

        Did you know that hundreds of millions of tons of dust from the Saharan desert in Africa with containing minerals like iron and phosphorous get deposited in the US during these storms?

        So you go outside in New York in the spring and it’s a rain storm….in New York.
        But it originated in Africa and carries with it beneficial minerals.

        And you can go even deeper to see how the storm in Africa originated.
        Eventually you’ll discover that the whole world is one connected system, only I didn’t see it.  My whole life, I just felt a rain storm in the spring, I didn’t know that there was some big system happening all around me.

        And it’s like this about everything in our lives.  Our thoughts are this way too.  What path did this thought take until it appeared in my head?  What form did it take?  Let’s say I have a thought that I want to get some new shoes that I saw some cool person wear the other day when I was in town.
        So that person also was influenced by seeing someone and became envious of how good the shoes looked.  Then I saw them on a person and then I wanted to look and feel that good too and then a thought appeared that I need those shoes and how to get those shoes.  So even my thoughts aren’t mine.  I can trace that thought back through 100 people before it got to me.

        So if we are talking just about spirituality (and not examples from our world like I gave above), then we need to know that we are in a system, a closed system where all of the parts are connected in perfect harmony and while I live my life in my body, in my inner life, I want to enter that system as much as I can.

    • #365122

      “What’s yours is yours and what’s mine is yours.” I am understanding that this is internal, not external. I am not giving my property to my neighbor, nor my income necessarily unless I am donating for a reason, likely for my own ego to know that I helped him when he was in need.  I am giving my neighbor/friend the part of me that comes from the point in my heart. Love. My love, so that he too may grow in the ways of the Creator. Unless we are interacting on that level, such as in a group here with others on the same path, my neighbor/friend won’t really know that I am giving him a part of me unless the forces are strong and he perhaps feels something. I believe in this kind of communication so this could be possible even if he doesn’t really know where those feelings came from. Am I on the right track or maybe completely off course. I’ve only just started the week with Tony’s video. Thank you.

      • #365230

        You’re on track.  Keep your wallet in your pocket.
        We are learning about spiritual actions 🙂

    • #361559

      Hi.  My name is George and I’m from Melbourne, Australia.

      To love thy neighbor as thyself — does this mean to understand the intentions of my neighbor’s actions in an effort to provide my neighbor with the satisfaction he / she is looking for, even in situations where the satisfaction of my neighbor’s intentions may not be to my personal satisfaction?  If so, how is it possible to always understand what others want from us?


      • #365229

        Not exactly.  What exactly do we all want?  We want pleasure, satisfaction, comfort, delight.
        That spark of spiritual pleasure, just a tiny spark, clothes itself in garments of this world, in a coffee, in a football game, in all sorts of dresses by which we feel some moment of delight.
        We want to supply the other with endless delight, not just a spark, our goal is to connect to the light and become a pipeline of light to the others, thereby fulfilling their deepest desire, to feel one, love, connected, etc.
        This is not for now, but this is the way to think about it.

    • #361023
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      Perhaps the key to loving your neighbor is understanding what it means to love yourself. Self-indulgence is not self-love depending on the indulgence.

      If for instance, a woman stayed in a relationship with a husband that cheated on her would that be an indicator of self-love?  And if she doesn’t love herself … how could she possibly truly love her neighbor?

      • #361626

        There are many nuances to all of these things and there is no one size fits all answer.
        We should understand that everything that a person does is to satisfy the self.  This should become very clear to us, if it is not yet clear we should examine ourselves more seriously.
        At this part of our study, we are learning some foundational principals.  Later we will learn how to apply them to our lives.
        Good luck,

    • #338890

      At the time of this lesson, my husband is having an affair, it’s an emotional affair and they have been talking for over 2 years everyday and they also met once a month ago.  She lives in another country.  This is very difficult and I’m trying to love him and her as I would love myself but it’s really really difficult.  He still wants to stay married but is still talking to her and is not willing to stop at this time.  Are there any articles or any advice relevant to this topic that I could look at? Thank you.

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