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  • #37709

    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 92 total)
  • Author
    • #330905

      I began to cry with the first smile

      • #336268
        maria santos

        I as well got goose bumps and emotional. It makes me wonder why we don’t smile more at one another, it feels so good and like we are connected? Instead we yell and curse at each other, or ignore each other which does not make us feel good and nor a part of something bigger than us?

    • #329574

      It was beautiful video ( especially ending , people are smiling ) and lessen.

      Thank you very much.


    • #329568
      Jarrett Twaddle

      Short of doing something vile (G-d forbid), how may I illicit such a response in you, my dear friends, that I have no choice but to correct myself?
      Thank you for your existence.

      • #329580

        We only add to the side of good.
        From this you will discover your true intentions and then you will reach a true need.
        That is all you need.
        There is no light without a vessel.
        Good luck,

    • #321967
      M H

      I am very excited.  The reason I joined Kab U was to learn how to actually achieve this one commandment.  I have been taught my whole life that loving thy neighbor as thyself is second only to loving God with all my heart. I knew I was not accomplishing this, and that I was not being taught how to accomplish it. I would say I don’t know how I found Kab U; accept through your lessons its clear you were placed in my path by the Creator.  I ask the Creator for discernment and ears with understanding that I may become more like Him


    • #320053

      Thank you all for your Presence Here.

      Love is all there IS.

      • #326736

        Agreed! So excited to see this movement growing

    • #319781

      I was living like that, putting the other’s interests before mine, and I tremendously got out of balance, because some of the members haven’t followed the same rule. I even couldn’t develop methods how to succed in getting my needs met. Only in the few last years I learn to open up for myself. I’m kind of ‘another way around’. ‘Love your brother as yourself’ is a very wanted door by the ego, which will abuse it. I’m struggling getting ‘normal egoistic’ in some parts of me, I don’t have a method, do you have one?

      • #319783


        The wisdom of kabbalah is a method.

        I very much recommend that you do not try to apply anything yet.

        Just play with the ideas, read them, listen to them, and let it wash over you.  Just taste and explore the material.  Don’t read something and then go try to apply it.

        You entered a magical journey but it requires preparation.

        Don’t start giving your possessions away.   All of the movement will start in our hearts and extend from there.  And it takes time to develop these inner sensations.


        • #319909

          💓 thank you Seth. If I do not get more egoistic I will remain unemployed and alone. And every day in this situation is a day to long, because it goes for years, and the times are rough. I don’t know how to say it, but I definetly need to be in group. I feel like I am dying for years, and it is definetly about connection – which should not cease to exist! – in one heart and in one spirit. If I can’t experience this soon, I will die. Now this is very egoistic, to express needs making pressure expressing. But I am like dying.

        • #325349

          It is time to live.
          Every day, without missing any days, you must take one small step in the right direction.
          You will look back in a few months and you won’t recognize how far you have advanced.
          Good luck, it will happen.

        • #326737

          Thank you for sharing this about yourself. It was a feeling I have too but didn’t put into words. Very helpful to hear!

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 92 total)
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