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    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #319560

      Am I right in believing that whilst we are part of the whole/the soul of the creator, He deals with us as individuals as he draws us into unity with him? In other words, your experience will be different to mine,?

      • #319605

        Hi Stephen,

        Every single person has a completely different experience. But the experiences that each person will need to go through are determined by the root of their soul, by their place in that common system.

        For example, a heart cell will experience what the heart needs to experience while a brain cell will experience what the brain needs to experience, etc.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #319555
      Coyote Bones

      I’m enjoying trying to understand the authors, and artists full message. The intelligence it takes to craft layered works like these few is amazing. How do you feel about the AA sources? Is that considered outside Kabbalah learning

      • #319600

        What is AA?

        • #322048

          Alcoholics Anonymous, or generally any 12 step program that involves group participation.

        • #322056

          I’m not an expert in other methods, so I cannot comment on that.

          In general, in Kabbalah we use the group in order to extract the reforming light. This light then corrects our egoistic nature which makes us similar to the Creator. As a result of this correction, we reveal the Creator in practice, in our lives. This follows the law of equivalence of form.

          Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

          Albert @ KabU

    • #318813

      thank you!

    • #318249

      I have three questions regarding the reading assignment: “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar”,

      Quoting from that document:

      “And because of the great difficulty in the matter, our sages advised us: “Make for yourself a rav [2] and buy for yourself a friend.” This means that one should choose for oneself an important and renowned person to be one’s rav, from whom one will be able to come to engaging in Torah and Mitzvot in order to bring contentment to one’s Maker. This is so because there are two facilitations to one’s rav:

      Since he is an important person, the student can bestow contentment upon him, based on the sublimity of one’s rav, since bestowal becomes as reception for him. This is a natural fuel, so one can always increase one’s acts of bestowal. And once a person grows accustomed to engage in bestowal upon the rav, one can transfer it to engaging in Torah and Mitzvot Lishma towards the Creator, too, since habit becomes a second nature.
      Equivalence of form with the Creator does not help if it is not forever, that is, “until He who knows all mysteries will testify that he will not turn back to folly.” This is not so with equivalence of form with one’s rav. Since the rav is in this world, within time, equivalence of form with him helps even if it is only temporary and he later turns sour again.”

      And the following paragraphs say we should engage in coming to equivalence of form with our rav.

      My first question then is should we consider Dr. Michael Laitman our rav?  Or should we choose Baal HaSulam, the Rashbi, or the Ari? Or some other Kabbalist, perhaps even Tony Kosinec?  How to proceed?

      And my second question: if we do engage in this practice, how is this different from idol worship?

      And my third question:  there is also this issue:  From another Spiritual Path there is a kind of warning – pick your Teacher very carefully because you will not be able to rise any higher in your Spiritual development than he/she has achieved.  We are told that the Rashbi did ascend to all of the 125 degrees of attainment and came into perfect adhesion with the Creator. And we can assume that the Ari and Baal HaSulam also came into perfect adhesion with the Creator.  But is this a Fact?  How do we know?  And what of rav Laitman?  If I practice this program of aligning all of my inversion of desires, from receiving only for myself to receiving to give pleasure to my rav, and if my chosen rav has not attained the complete transformation, will this not be limitation, perhaps even a negative energy on my desire to come into perfect adhesion with the Creator?

      Blessings to all.

      • #318301

        Hi John,

        1. Tony, myself, and all the instructors here are students of Rav Laitman. When you finish the graduate courses on KabU, you’ll have a strong enough foundation to join his lessons as well, if that is what you want. Ideally the teacher we choose is still alive in this world. Like Baal HaSulam writes above “Since the rav is in this world, within time…”. But whether you will see Rav Laitman as your Rav or not, I cannot answer that for you. It’s up to you. Ultimately “there is no coercion in spirituality”.

        2. In practice, bestowing upon the Rav means sharing his goal to bring the world closer to the Creator. So it’s not like we’re idolizing the person, but rather we are working on disseminating the wisdom of Kabbalah to the world.

        3. I cannot comment on what they teach in other spiritual paths. You can see from this very question that there is something incomplete in their explanation. After all, how did Rashbi, Ari, or Baal HaSulam reach all 125 degrees of attainment if their teachers did not?

        In general, if we want to succeed in Kabbalah (or in any spiritual practice really) we should practice it without mixing other things into it. Otherwise it’s like following two different GPS systems. One leads you to the goal through the west highway, while the other through the east highway. If you follow both, you’ll just wind up going in circles.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #317736

      Thank you

      • #318337

        Thank you Albert for your kind reply.

        Blessings to all.

    • #316667

      Can you show me how teva = 86? Thanks. . .

      • #316668

        Hi Janika,

        Baal HaSulam writes about this in the article The Peace:

        “To avoid having to use both tongues from now on—nature and a supervisor—between which, as I have shown, there is no difference regarding the following of the laws, it is best for us to meet halfway and accept the words of the Kabbalists that HaTeva (the nature) has the same numerical value (in Hebrew) as Elokim (God)—eighty-six. Then, I will be able to call the laws of God “nature’s commandments,” or vice-versa, for they are one and the same.”

        Here’s a breakdown of the numerical value of the letters

        the nature = הטבע

        ה = 5

        ט = 9

        ב = 2

        ע = 70


        God = אלהים

        א = 1

        ל = 30

        ה = 5

        י = 10

        ם = 40

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #319596

          did I understand correctly that suffering is a desire without forces

        • #319601

          Hi Meine,

          Can you link me to where you heard that so I can comment on it?

          Albert @ KabU

        • #319688

          Hello Albert,  in the video with this law–the Law of Equivalence of Form. 10:39 min.

          613 laws and desire

        • #319715

          Hi Meine,

          Suffering means that the desire is not in balance, not equivalence of form with the forces acting upon it. It’s like swimming upstream as opposed to going with the flow.

          Albert @ KabU

        • #320065

          Thanks Albert, enlightening.

        • #316683


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