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    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #365566

      Thank you very much Albert for your answers and sharing a blog post.

    • #365427

      With regards to law of equivalence, there are 4 levels:





      Question 1

      The first 3 levels  instinctively keep the law of form except human, in what sense then are they lower than  human following that they keep the law of equivalence and also have been on earth before human?

      Question 2: Does inanimate in this context means absent of life force or inability to move from place to place?

      With regards to Bible writing in Genesis where the Creator created human male and female. Does this express the creators desire to institute marriage?  Is there any hidden/ deeper knowledge in Kabbalah to explain marriage and sexual union?

      Thank you.




      • #365555

        Hi Christian,

        1. Instinctively is the key word there. Meaning that the first three levels are simply carrying out their inner programming, like machines, without any free choice.

        Humans too follow their own inner egoistic programming. So in that regard, we are no different than animals. It’s only when we start to develop spiritually and begin to rise above our inner programming, become independent of it, only then do we truly rise above the animate degree into the human degree.

        What then is the use of the first three levels? They are there to support the human level. Baal HaSulam writes about it in the Introduction to the Book of Zohar, here’s an excerpt:

        We must not ponder the state of the rest of the beings in the world besides man, since man is the center of creation, as will be written below in Item 39. All other creatures do not have any value in themselves, but to the extent that they help man achieve his wholeness. Hence, they rise and fall with him without any consideration of themselves.

        2. It depends on the context, but in the corporeal world, inanimate refers to the still part of nature, like rocks, minerals, etc.

        3. Kabbalah does not look at the stories in the Torah as literal stories, but rather as a road map of our inner spiritual development. Male symbolizes the desire to give while female symbolizes the desire to receive. Essentially our entire work is to bring these two opposites together, in the sense that we’ll be able to receive all of the goodness that the Creator wants to give us, in order to bestow back to Him.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        If you’re interesting in learning how to properly decipher the stories in the Torah, check out the books: Disclosing a Portion or The Secrets of the Eternal Book.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #365216
      Michael Dunlap

      Do the laws of Kabbalah also apply/work upon those who do not study or in some case even believe in a Creator. For example I know a musician who is a very outspoken atheist, who does not study or practice any spiritual teachings or knowingly apply any processes as found in Kabbalah and many of the Eastern schools. They do make beautiful music almost effortlessly with one primary goal of bestowing that pleasure of listening to their songs on others. Is it possible for someone like this to move closer to the Creator without even knowing it, and simply be led by the point within the heart?

      • #365253

        Hi Michael,

        In the introduction to the book of Zohar, Baal HaSulam explains to us the three state model of Creation. From there we learn that the end goal is set, we have no choice there, every single one of us must reach it. The only difference is that there are those with awakened points in the heart, that are doing this consciously, and there are those whose point in the heart is still not ripe, so they are advancing on the path of suffering. But both are advancing towards Him and both will eventually reach Him.

        Check out these blog posts from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #365053

      I am going to be really open here and state that since studying Kabbalah, I have experienced states of depression but whilst reading some of the recommended reading, I managed to switch my intention from myself and onto other people’s needs and like a switch, the fog of depression seemed to lift. I have been reading Attaining The Worlds Beyond from the beginning as well as doing the course and it talks quite a lot about the ego getting into such states. Is this all part of the experience would you say?

    • #364949

      Just wanted to thank Tony for the “aha” moment I had after watching this week’s intro video. Finally hit me that everything that happens, everything we sense, every experience we have, is, in fact, the thought of the Creator. He bestows these experiences and sensations upon us – or shares His thoughts, as it were, that we might come to know and love Him. How amazing! How beautiful! How incredibly simple, elegant and yet profound. Thank you so much in helping me to attain this precious understanding.

    • #364416

      does that mean that everything that happens to us makes sense and happens according to clear rules

      • #364418

        Hi Milos,

        Yes, you can say that everything that happens to us stems from the purpose of creation. Every moment in life is arranged in the most optimal way to help us realize that purpose.

        Baal HaSulam writes about this in “The Teaching of the Kabbalah and Its Essence”, here’s an excerpt:

        “all the conducts of creation, in its every corner, inlet, and outlet, are completely prearranged for the purpose of nurturing the human species from within it, to improve its qualities until it can sense the Creator as one feels one’s friend. These ascensions are like rungs of a ladder, arranged degree by degree until it is completed and achieves its purpose.”

        Albert @ KabU

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