Before we dive in, introduce yourself and share your thoughts on the topic: Why does such a small fraction of the human family draws so much attention? Why do so many people have such a gut level reaction to “The Jews”?

New Home Forums Course Forums The World, the Jews and the Science of Human Survival INTRODUCTION Before we dive in, introduce yourself and share your thoughts on the topic: Why does such a small fraction of the human family draws so much attention? Why do so many people have such a gut level reaction to “The Jews”?

  • #30004

    Before we dive in, introduce yourself and share your thoughts on the topic: Why does such a small fraction of the human family draws so much attention? Why do so many people have such a gut level reaction to “The Jews”?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 60 total)
  • Author
    • #399004

      Hi I’m Ben from Pennsylvania. There is a spiritual root to it if I understand correctly.

    • #395431

      Hello friends, I’m Marina and I live in Egofornia. I think the Jewish people have the Torah, which is not a book but the Light. I’m so happy to be here.

    • #393055

      Hello, I am Paul from Thailand.

    • #392197
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Hi i am kebede Mamo Dessis , from Ethiopia / Oromiya

    • #385421

      Hi, I’m Robert from the Uk.

    • #381980

      Ronald from Amercia

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 60 total)
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