Before we dive in, introduce yourself and share your thoughts on the topic: Why does such a small fraction of the human family draws so much attention? Why do so many people have such a gut level reaction to “The Jews”?

New Home Forums Course Forums The World, the Jews and the Science of Human Survival INTRODUCTION Before we dive in, introduce yourself and share your thoughts on the topic: Why does such a small fraction of the human family draws so much attention? Why do so many people have such a gut level reaction to “The Jews”?

  • #30004

    Before we dive in, introduce yourself and share your thoughts on the topic: Why does such a small fraction of the human family draws so much attention? Why do so many people have such a gut level reaction to “The Jews”?

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 60 total)
  • Author
    • #365907
      Lu Lu

      Hi Everyone. My name is Lu Ann Henderson, and I’m here to learn why we are so separated when I know we are one with a point in the heart. I want to learn how I can do my part in connecting everyone with love.

    • #363673

      Hi, my name is Manuela, I’m from Milan, Italy. I started feeling something special about “The Jews” after a journey in Israel. I immediately felt there is something different there, a special force, a mystery. I came back with the awareness that that was the place where everything started and everything would end. It was not rational, just a feeling, some sort of awareness that Jewish people had or would have a special role for Humanity as a Whole. To me it’s a means of  responsability, but if the same was felt by other people as a special power that could be used not for the world’s sake, that could be a reason.

    • #359821

      I am Sheila from Nevada USA. Being involved in social media I am bombarded with anti-Semitic posts and conspiracy theories stemming from Jews in Khazakhstan, the Rothschilds and globalist takeovers by Zionist Jews controlling the world’s money, led by Klaus Schwab. There is a great fear of the Jewish people and they are all lumped into the modern Zionist theory of global takeover. And now there is a great separation of beliefs within the Jewish people themselves, many of whom do not seem to be Jews at all. A planned takeover by Erev Rav in all countries including Israel. I am interested in the Kabbalist perspective.

    • #357061
      Tammy Ardoin

      Hello from Texas, I am Tammy and I think within each of us there is a knowing that the Jewish people are very important to all of our continued survival on this world. At times, I believe there has been envy and they were mistreated because of that envy and jealousy. Just my  feeling

    • #338331

      David Dillon from Cape Cod MA

    • #337095

      Hello! Chava in Seattle. This will be a painful but necessary course in what is, with rapid motion, a pressing issue of survival and self-determination for the Jews.

      I come into this particular course somewhat sceptically. It seems to me basic historical materialism tells us why the Jews are hated, and these can all be found in perfectly plain and straightforward documentation of the Exile. I don’t really think “cosmic” explanations are needed or, really, valid. Nonetheless, I have enjoyed every course I’ve taken from KabU and, no doubt, will learn a great deal through these lessons. Thank you for providing them. Thank you for creating spaces where we all can speak together freely. Am Yisrael Chai!

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