Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

Viewing 6 posts - 145 through 150 (of 207 total)
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    • #51497
      Bio Dhya

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Accept that mind sometimes makes committ mystakes</p>

    • #50884

      Yes I am feeling that more and more as my understanding and resonation with the truth grows. Things seem to be making alot of sense and I am question things less and less becoming more accepting to results and outcomes with less frustration and stress to control

    • #50546
      Mark Pangaloan

      Reality in fact is the product of “my” own perception since i found myself as the small part of HaShem (I Am that I Am or I Will Be that I Will Be or The Dynamical Becoming). Hmmm let me quote this, “The only thing i do know is that i know nothing.” I am to enjoy all reality inside, around… nicer to know you,all

    • #50306
      Sifiso Mpongose

      No, I feel reality is the perception of our five senses.

    • #50048

      Yes, I understand that it is and there have been moments when I can detach and see myself living the reality created through my perception; like a lucid dream.

    • #49128

      This is such a deep contemplation

      yes – i experience shifts when my perceptions shift yet what Is realty? Is it only from my POV – are there not both one and billions of realties happening all at once???

      I don’t know!


      But yes i have felt shifts

Viewing 6 posts - 145 through 150 (of 207 total)
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