Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

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    • #43834

      Yes, I do. I am absolutely convinced, even though some times I know that the trials we, my family circle, are called to overcome perhaps are too big. And yet, when I think that nothing is sent to us within been first given strength to cross it, my perception ease, almost joy, serenity, and I can continue my life walk-battle with a smile.

    • #43833

      Yes, I do feel so.

    • #43832
      Uğur Kafadar

      There is no reality except our perception.

    • #43646

      Yes i seen it like my own reality but at the same time I perceived it as a mirror!!

    • #43643

      I remember certain instances where I shifted my perception and I could swear that my circumstances shifted as well. And once, after studying meditation and delving deeply into it, I suddenly understood the connectedness of all things and that everything was just an illusion, that there was no « bad ». It was such a joyous realization and it felt incredibly loving, but 24 hours later that centeredness and euphoria were gone and I only achieved that unusual sensation twice. I’m not sure what happened but it was hopefully what can be achieved on a more permanent basis at all times, even just a fraction of that sense of perception at all times would be wonderful!

    • #43520

      I remember one of the topics of philosophy for ancient Greeks: why is the perception through our senses so good? They opined endlessly about the human eye vs. fish and birds, etc. and they had lots of breakthroughs in cultural benchmarks like art, and architecture, dance and music etc. to discuss. Seems like the answer to their question from a Kabbalist might be “Because you imagined the perception through our senses to be so good.” The Kabbalist might then ask: “Why is this perception so limited/programmed, and why are the inputs to this program so partial and so limited?” To which the Kabbalist might answer: “Because the Creator screened Creation from perceiving the Creator directly, so each shattered piece ultimately consciously chooses the Path of the Wisdom of Kabbalah to rejoin as One.”
      I seldom feel like a solipsist, but I do have actual dreams with intricate plots and plot twists that surprise me in the dream. As the author of my own dreams, how am I surprised by the plot twists that I author? In waking hours I seem to agree on the nature and quality of reality in most daily activities with fellow humans/spiritual shards–although I recognize we don’t really experience the exact same taste, sensation, etc. I am thrown for a loop at the concept that my fellow humans/shards are really also projected by me outside of me and really not outside of me at all.

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