Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

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    • #43465

      Yes. I agree that there is no objective reality. Everything in my realm is a product of the beliefs I made based on what I perceive through my senses, and project out onto a screen that I watch. They are all electrical signals firing in my neural network, so now I understand when Wayne Dyer said, “You’ll see it when you believe it.” And if I, the observer, affects what is being observed, then I can choose to adjust my perception to witness what I envision! The next step for me then is to be willing to be responsible for what I create. 🙂

    • #43377
      Ometto Felice

      i do, i find really interesting finding this kind of concepts that seems really modern in such a old knowledge

    • #43296

      I have had many clues that this is so, specially when my humour changes according to my thoughts.

    • #43264

      I do feel that way often. I also feel I have (inadvertently) discovered a “work around” to this concept of just giving really doesn’t work because there is really no one to receive.
      Here is what I have found:
      I am never happier than when I’m helping someone. Particularly, when I’m helping in some way in their healing process.
      Since, I’m never happier than when I’m doing so this, the “giving” on my part is in reality (whatever that means) actually receiving! My “giving” as an act of receiving is so fulfilling to me that it is almost a selfish act!
      At any rate, it works of me and I hope it will help others.

    • #43263

      I do feel that way often. I also feel I have (inadvertently) discovered a “work around” to this concept of just giving really doesn’t work because there is really no one to receive.
      Here is what I have found:
      I am never happier than when I’m helping someone. Particularly, when I’m helping in some way in their healing process.
      Since, I’m never happier than when I’m doing so this, the “giving” on my part is in reality (whatever that means) actually receiving! My “giving” as an act of receiving is so fulfilling to me that it is almost a selfish act!
      At any rate, it works of me and I hope it will help others.

    • #43240
      Mariana Ferreira

      I had already vaguely heard about this concept, probably through Philosophy, but it is one of the things that only Kabbalah made me feel the concept, instead of just understanding it intellectually. This gives us some sense of how limited we are because of our selfishness.

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